I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 636: Pluto value?

The light flashed by, dazzling, making Chen Mo and the others unable to open their eyes, but then they felt a slight chill, followed by the feeling of being down-to-earth, and the messy sound in the ears. Chen Mo then slowly Opened his eyes.

The scene before him made Chen Mo feel a bit weird.

High-rise buildings, dazzling!

Although there are no real cars or the like on the streets, the whole world gives Chen Mo a sense of shock...

Very modern!

Yes, this is a very modern world, it may not be so modern, but there are tall buildings, glass, and even the clothes worn by pedestrians on the road. Half of them are more modern clothes. Although not so fancy, but compassionate. There are all of them, and there are also a lot of clothes that are similar to ancient times. Anyway, they are messy and messy! It can almost be regarded as an era where ancient and modern times are mixed!

Chen Mo felt as if he had passed away, somehow he had entered a place that might be relatively modern.

This TM is the underworld?

Maybe before coming, Chen Mo's impression of the underworld was gloomy and dark, but now I look at it...

High-rise buildings, this TM is more developed than Tianlin, and Tianlin cannot build such a high building because materials are not allowed. Although you can go against science, you can only use certain power to stand tall all the year round. Expends power, but this is not!

"It's so tall."

Next to him, Xiao Yuan opened his mouth slightly, looking up at the tall buildings in the distance.

The building is not so beautiful, but tall, so it must be less than one-thousandth of the sky blue star, but it is already very powerful.

"Yes, I was surprised too." Chen Mo exclaimed.

The people who appeared around one after another were surprised to see this scene!

What's next for them?


It appears here inexplicably, and there is no cultivation base, no matter how good you were before, now the cultivation base is zero, so you have to survive!


Then Chen Mo pulled them into the city.

There are so many people in the city, all kinds of people, there are hawkers selling food on the roadside, there are also various facades, inns, taverns, etc., this is another heaven! It is more developed than Tianlin.

But this is a very unequal world! Even if Chen Mo didn't know, he could tell at a glance!

Some people wear luxurious clothes, some people wear ordinary clothes, and many people wear rags and ragged clothes. Living together with these three classes of people will give people a strange feeling.

"Help, help!"

Suddenly a scream came, and then Chen Mo saw a ragged, scrawny old man running out of a nearby street, staggering a few steps and then falling to the ground.

"Run? You run again? Run less for Ben, right?"

At this moment, three figures walked out from behind, talking to a young man in luxurious clothes! He walked over and stepped directly on the old man's body.

"I not only played with your wife, but I also kill you! What kind of thing are you? You dare to beat Ben Shao?"


In the next instant, the man pulled out the saber around his waist and cut the old man's Hou Longgang with a single sword. The old man fell down there with wide-eyed eyes and turned into a corpse.

Chen Mo frowned slightly.

The people around here saw this scene very calmly, unusually calm! As if it was the kind of normal thing.

"How could this be?"

Chen Mo frowned slightly.

No matter how you say this is in the city, why does this happen? And the people around are very calm and commonplace. It's not the kind of scene where a group of people screamed and ran away when they saw this scene!

"Is this underworld a place where killing is allowed?"

Chen Mo pondered slightly.

He must find a person in the underworld to understand everything here and what he wants to ask.

"Bad guy!"

Xiaoyuan next to Chen Mo saw this scene, and then pointed to the milky voice over there and shouted milkily.

Yes, she felt very bad, so poor grandfather, and these bad guys killed him, they were bad guys.

Hearing the sound, the eyes of the few people came over.


Then the three people walked over, looking up and down Xiao Yuan, Shui Shui, and Long Xiaorou.

"Master, it's so beautiful, we are in a big world, I have never seen such a beautiful girl!"

The population next to it is about to flow out.

"Yeah, what a pretty little girl, she seems to have just come here."


Xu Zisheng wiped his saliva.

Although there are many beauties in their first heaven, to be honest, after all, there are not many beautiful girls in regional issues, but these girls are really beautiful to be like elves, which is really rare! This can be noticed even if it is placed on Jiuzhongtian?

"Bad guy? Little sister, uncle isn’t a bad guy, you just came to the underworld, right? It’s a pity that you just died soon, so beautiful, but it’s okay, follow the uncle, uncle has fun with you ."

Saying that Xu Zisheng stretched out his hand to Xiao Yuan's skirt.

He just likes this one!


In the next instant, Jian Ying's cold light flashed, and the hand that had reached out had fallen to the ground.


Then Xu Zisheng staggered and screamed.

The people around couldn't help being shocked when they saw this scene!

So cruel.

But aren't they people who just died from the outside world? How can there be strength? How can there be a spiritual weapon?

This kind of person, Chen Mo would die without regret.

"you you!"

Xu Zisheng pointed at Chen Mo angrily with his other hand, his face was extremely ugly!

The other two directly drew their swords and pointed at Chen Mo vigilantly.

"Although I don't quite understand some things in this world, I should also respect strength!"

Chen Mo murmured to himself.

Xiaoyuan and the others are Chen Mo's Ni Lin, and they dare to be malicious against them, so these people have no need to live.

Chen Mo's Shura killed the pupil and checked.

Twenty-level gold level strength!

What kind of strength is this in the underworld? Chen Mo didn't understand, what did he mean by "One Heaven and Nine Heaven?" Chen Mo didn't know either.

"Kill him for me! Kill him!"

Xu Zisheng said angrily!

"Yes Yes!"

The two then rushed towards Chen Mo.


The cold light of the sword flashed again ~www.readwn.com~ The two people were sealed by two swords and fell into a pool of blood.

Since they can kill people unscrupulously in front of everyone, should they be able to do that too?

"Ding...Your experience value +10000."

"Ding...Pluto value +3000."

Two black lights emerged from their bodies, and then poured into Chen Mo's palms. Chen Mo frowned. What is this?

What is the Pluto value?

I took it, and the account was frozen for another seven days, and the writer’s assistant hasn’t dropped yet. I’m afraid I’ll have to trouble editing again, hey, scolding

(End of this chapter)


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