I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 650: Goodbye Fengshen Sect

Chen Mo saw that Lin Kexin went offline and he went offline.

Lin Kexin just got out of the room and saw Chen Mo also come out.

"Brother Chen Mo, wait, Ke Xin will prepare dinner now."

Lin Kexin said quickly.

"It's okay, and you're not hungry, why did you go offline so late today?"

Chen Mo was helped on the sofa by Lin Kexin.

Under normal circumstances, Lin Kexin's work and rest are very regular, when she goes offline, when she goes online, and when she does what, she is more planned.

"Um... Kexin triggered a task. Just doing the task, suddenly realized that it seemed to be late, so she quickly went offline."

Lin Kexin spit out her tongue in embarrassment.

"Well, go for a walk after eating, exercise."

"Okay, okay! Kexin has gained two pounds during this time."

Lin Kexin naturally agreed with joy, and then murmured.

"You're only less than ninety catties after you have gained two catties."

Lin Kexin is not too short, but she is really thin!

Chen Mo couldn't see clearly, but Chen Mo felt that she was thinner in the game! Last time I deliberately asked about her weight, which was only over 80 catties.

One meter, sixty-eight, eighty-seven catties, how thin this is!

This is definitely not slim, but thin!

"It's better to be fat."

Chen Mo said.

"Hehe...but you can't be too fat. Too fat is ugly."

"Not ugly."

Lin Kexin's pretty face turned red when she heard Chen Mo's words.

"Go, I will help you!"

Chen Mo said.

Lin Kexin's thinness was purely due to physical reasons. Chen Mo might not know it. He thought it might be that Lin Kexin ate less, because he thought Lin Kexin was all right, but in fact she had never been cured!

The heart is not good, the body is not good, and it’s not too thin.

As for why I have gained two catties during this period, it has something to do with virtual online games. There is less exercise...

Simply put, it is a lot of house.

But even if she gained two pounds, she was still very thin and thin!

It’s one meter six or eight, less than ninety catties. Normally, girls who are a little more than 1.5 meters away are only eighty catties when they are thinner.

But these Lin Kexin never told Chen Mo.

After eating, the two of them went for a walk and exercised. Then Chen Mo was anxious to play the game, because Xiaoyuan and the others were still in the underworld.

As for Lin Kexin, they went out to play with Zhao Yingmeng.

Of course they also invited Chen Mo, but Chen Mo refused, and it was impossible to refuse.

Chen Mo felt that it was really nice to meet Zhao Yingmeng and the others. At least Lin Kexin had good friends, so it would not be too monotonous or boring! But Chen Mo got used to it, and his eyes hadn't recovered in reality. It was actually quite cumbersome to go out to play.

"Ding...Welcome to Tianlin."

When I came to Tianlin, the sky outside was already dark, but it was only just getting dark. Before the night, there were a lot of pedestrians on the road.

The three girls lay by the window, enjoying the scenery outside and chatting.

"Big brother!"

Seeing that Chen Mo was back, they ran over and hugged Chen Mo happily.

"Are you full?"


They touched their belly!

Today, I ate delicious food for a day, so I am very satisfied.

"Well, take a break and take you to have fun tomorrow."

Chen Mo said.

"Okay, can big brother play games with us?"

Xiaoyuan asked expectantly.

"it is good."

Chen Mo nodded.

Time slowly passed, and the night arrived.

The three girls were tired of playing, hugged each other, and fell asleep on the bed.

This scene is particularly loving.

Chen Mo then took out the empty magic stone!

He wants to test whether the empty magic stone can leave the underworld and go to the Fengshen sect. If so, then Chen Mo will ask Flower Saint about Fengya. Even if it consumes some empty magic stone, it is worth it! Because the Flower Saint is the object of Chen Mo's gratitude and respect, the empty fantasy stone is something outside of his body, and Chen Mo is a person who knows gratitude! Even if it runs out, he is willing!

I looked at the time, looked at the pedestrians outside the window, this time should be still early, if it is the casino, it should be later.

Moreover, Chen Mo gave Shui Shui the puppet talisman Linglong gave him. The most terrifying part of this puppet talisman is that it can control the strong. No matter how strong it is, they can control it. So with this, they are safe!

Then Chen Mo released the power of the empty magic stone, and his figure disappeared in place!

In the next instant, Chen Mo appeared in Fengshen Sect again.

"This empty magic stone is really terrifying. It can even be used across planes. No wonder it is called the first crystal."

Chen Mo couldn't help but exclaimed.

It's just that the empty magic stone in the hand is directly reduced by a third, which consumes a lot of money, but it doesn't matter!

Then Chen Mo walked in!

"Cut, it's still across the plane. There is no the most beautiful and cute Linglong to open the plane for you. You can only get a ghost if you can go out. If it wasn't for you to bring delicious food to Linglong, Linglong wouldn't care about you."

At the moment, Linglong in front of the gate was shaking her little feet, eating a lollipop, looking at the mirror image of Chen Mo in front of her and muttered.

Actually think about it, no matter how powerful Shenjing wants to do this, it is a bit of a fantasy.

It's already a bit deep now, the Fengshen Sect is not very crowded, and everyone basically goes to rest.

"Brother Chenmo!"

In the square, Ye Yu saw Chen Mo and ran over happily.

"Little feather? Why don't you rest?"

Ye Yu wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then said: "Practice."

"Practicing at so late?"

Ye Yu then said: "Xiao Yu was already a long time later than his peers who practiced. If he didn't work hard, it would be impossible to catch up with them. In the future, Xiao Yu will protect her two sisters, everyone, and Brother Chenmo. Feng Shenzong, Xiao Yu must work hard to become stronger!"

With such determination and action, Ye Yu must have a very bright future in the future.

Chen Mo patted him on the shoulder and said, "But you must do what you can."

"Well, Xiaoyu knows, Brother Chenmo, what's the matter with you here?"

"Where is Senior Flower now?"

"Um... the master was here just now, as if walking towards the cliff over there."

Ye Yu pointed in one direction and said.

"Okay, you practice hard!"

Chen Mo walked over after speaking.

At this moment, the Flower Saint is sitting on the edge of the cliff ~www.readwn.com~ drinking wine, looking at the night sky and darkness in the distance.

No, there is one next to him, Xiao Ruhan!

The two of them often talk about some things, because Xiao Ruhan admires him and sympathizes with him, and Hua Sheng knows her identity, and they will also talk about other things.

"I don't know where Xiao Momo is now and what he is doing."

Xiao Ruhan also likes to drink, so the two of them are drinking buddies.

She took a sip of wine and said.

"Chen Mo should go to find the rules." Hua Sheng said.

"It may be, after all, he doesn't have a scroll of parchment hiding the law in his hand." Xiao Ruhan said slightly.

(End of this chapter)


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