I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 666: Lin Xiaoyu's request

Zhuang Bifan groaned slightly and drank the wine in his hand.

"Okay! Let's go after dinner!"

Chen Mo said, "I may still have something to do."

"Well, three days. I will give you three days. I will first give you enough Pluto value for you to reach the sixth heaven. Three days later, I will wait for you at the Tongtian Pillar of the sixth heaven. This matter cannot be delayed, remember Live, the poison pill will take effect in one month. The poison pill will take effect in the whole world except for the eight kings. Only I can solve it. If you delay it, you will delay your life!"

Zhuang Bifan said.

Chen Mo nodded.

Then a black mist poured into Chen Mo's Underworld Chain.

"I will wait for you in Sixth Heaven!"

After that, Zhuang Bifan walked away, leaving Chen Mo and the others in the entire box.

The reason why Chen Mo stayed a little bit is actually very simple. Some accounts are to be calculated, even if it is not his!

In fact, Chen Mo did it for Lin Xiaoyu.

This girl is very kind and beautiful, but someone ruined her beauty, and since she was met by Chen Mo, she is now following herself again, what Chen Mo wants to do.

It was the royal family who killed her adoptive father, adoptive mother and younger brother, and it was in these four heavens! Chen Mo doesn't need to get rid of the Wang family, but at least let her see her enemy die! Have her revenge!

If this hatred is not reported, Lin Xiaoyu will definitely have a demon in Lin Xiaoyu's heart in the future! In other words, she may be stupid, but she will be stupid to take revenge if she is incapable! Although Chen Mo didn't know her, Chen Mo thought she was such a person! So Chen Mo wanted to do something.

When you meet, it is fate, just like Xiaoyuan and others, and...

Chen Mo looked at them. The three girls in Xiaoyuan liked her very much, and they would talk to her quietly. She was a big sister because she was much taller than them. She kept comparing them. Yuan Cai, Chen Mo was very pleased to see them getting along.

Anyway, Chen Mo thinks that the sisters these three girls like should be pretty good.


Lin Xiaoyu stood up and graciously filled Chen Mo with wine. Worried that he might not drink anymore, he poured him a cup of tea.

"Do you remember the way someone killed your family?" Chen Mo asked.


Lin Xiaoyu was stopped by the question Chen Mo suddenly asked.

It was not stunned, but he didn't expect him to ask this.


"Well, take a good rest after eating, go take a bath, and take me tomorrow."

"Master, really don't need..."

Lin Xiaoyu hurriedly shook her head, and then she whispered: "Master is able to take care of Xiaoyu in this way. Xiaoyu is really grateful to Master. If it were not for Master, Xiaoyu has been taken away by others. I am afraid that life will not be as good as death in the next day. Xiao Yu’s kindness of knowledge and encounters will never be forgotten by Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu only hopes to be with the young master and take care of the young master for the rest of his life.

Her eyes are sincere.

"If...if you can..."

Lin Xiaoyu then quickly knelt in front of Chen Mo.

"Xiao Yu hopes that Young Master can borrow Xiao Yu some of the gods."

"What are you doing?"

Lin Xiaoyu knelt in front of Chen Mo, lowered her head and whispered softly: "Xiao Yu's parents and brother's...remains...are...not yet buried. Xiao Yu wants to bury them... before leaving with the young master."

Hearing Lin Xiaoyu's words, Chen Mo nodded slightly.

This is human nature.

"Go after dinner."

"Thanks...Thank you Master, thank you Master!"

Lin Xiaoyu said with a trembling body.

"Get up and eat."


She gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and then sat back in position.

After eating, Lin Xiaoyu took Chen Mo and the others to the place where she lived.

The contrast between the slums and those high-rise buildings is really great, but it can't be said to be very dirty, just at a glance, you can see that here and the normal four-layered place are completely two worlds.

With the arrival of Chen Mo, those people in the slums looked over. They couldn't imagine that such beautiful girls would come to this place.

Lin Xiaoyu is well protected by her family. Even neighbors have not known her existence for many years. She can't say that she stays at home. She often walks around in the middle of the night and exercises, but she will smear herself as a beggar. Similarly, even if others see it, they don’t recognize it, thinking it’s just a child in a slum.

In fact, the slums are safer than other places. Everyone is equal. Those who are rich and powerful may never come to this place for the rest of their lives.

Lin Xiaoyu turned left and right, and came to the front of a small house.

This little house is the kind of very old earthen house. At the moment, the door of this house is rotten. After walking in, it is directly a very small yard. Usually Lin Xiaoyu locks the door and is basking in this small yard. Sun, knitting clothes, here are some words she planted herself, but now they have been trampled on.

After walking in, there was a faint smell in the air, apparently from the corpses in the room. Who would take the initiative to clean up this kind of thing?

Lin Xiaoyu covered her red lips and ran in with tears.


In the evening, they successfully cremated the three corpses and chose a relatively ordinary cemetery. The scenery here is very good. A monument was erected on the green hill. Lin Xiaoyu knelt there, and Chen Mo and three girls stood behind and watched. she was.

"Father...mother...little brother...I killed you...I'm sorry."

Lin Xiaoyu wiped her tears and sobbed.

What she felt most was self-blame. She, the culprit in the capital, did not die, but her closest family members were killed.

She wants to spend more time with them here, but she doesn't want to waste Chen Mo's time.

"Father, mother, Xiao Yu is very good, Xiao Yu met a very good young master, Dad...You like to drink, but you are not willing to buy it. This bottle of wine was bought by the young master, and Xiao Yu put it here."

"Father, mother, brother... Xiao Yu will definitely survive, I... I will try my best to avenge you, I'm sorry... I'm sorry... Xiao Yu will come to see you when I have time..."


About five minutes later~www.readwn.com~ Lin Xiaoyu walked back with red eyes.

"Thank you, Master..."

Lin Xiaoyu said gratefully.

"Yeah." Chen Mo nodded slightly.

"Xiao Yu will definitely work hard to make money and repay Master."

Chen Mo did not refuse.

"Let's go, it's too early, go back and rest."

Then they went to an inn.

On the way they came, Chen Mo vaguely felt that someone was following them. Chen Mo didn’t know who it was. It might be the old black wind ghost, but he was extremely cautious. He didn’t even do anything on this mountain. I feel confident that I dare to rob him, and I am not afraid of him, but Chen Mo believes that he will do it tonight!

(End of this chapter)

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