I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 678: Valkyrie

God has given you a chance to go to the Kamikaze Empire and the Northern Empire to do this, then it makes sense!

For example, if Chen Mo doesn't buy the black bone, can he get the bone of Shura?

Just like Chen Mo doesn't choose to come here, can he get it?

It's like Chen Mo didn't go to Weiyang Palace at that time, but went to Lingjian Pavilion. Will it be like this?

So if you take this step, there will be countless causes and effects that are caused by you taking this step.

Chen Mo felt that doing this thing in the future might bring about very important results.

After a while, Chen Mo put Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou away, and then went to the Seventh Heaven!

Entering the Seventh Heaven, there is a relatively empty place in front of you, not many people, there is a city in front of you, after releasing Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou, he took them into the city!

The city is very prosperous and there are many people. This place should be one of the cities in the Central Empire that Zhuang Bifan said.

Of course, you can also choose to live in the Central Empire, but according to Zhuang Bifan, in the seventh heaven, killing is no longer such a simple thing!

In the Seventh Heaven, only in the Central Empire can you kill people as unscrupulously as those in the previous places. If you enter a certain other empire, in the empire, if you are powerless, then you kill people. To assume certain responsibilities, the empire will manage this matter!

To put it simply, in the Seventh Heaven, as long as you are not in the Central Empire, you will be legally responsible for killing people, just like Tianlin Continent, you must not kill people unscrupulously!

But, you have the strength, you have the right, you can still do whatever you want! Just as Chen Mo had just arrived in Tianlin, Linfeng City that he entered, wouldn't the young masters in Linfeng City also be able to kill people wantonly?

It's just that it's not the casually visible murders on the roads of the underworld before, and no one will care!

But the Central Empire can!

Therefore, the people who stay in the Central Empire must be the kind of people who are stronger and want to kill people and quickly gain the **** of the sky! Those who go to other empires hope for a relatively plain life!

Each has its own pros and cons, and various choices are given. Although the empires are struggling with war, most of the wars affected are on the border!

"Yo, this young man, just came from the sixth heaven, right?"

At this time, an old man in his fifties came to Chen Mo and smiled openly.

His gaze saw the girls around Chen Mo. They were amazing. To be honest, no matter where they were in the heaven, they were all very, very beautiful women, but they might not be seen at all before the seventh heaven was no longer. To!

Chen Mo nodded slightly.

He should be the kind of person Zhuang Bifan said, who invited people who had just entered the seventh heaven to go to a certain empire.

"Since the young man came to the Seventh Heaven for the first time, he certainly doesn't know much about the Seventh Heaven. Would you like to take you to find out?

"Which empire are you from?"

Chen Mo asked.

The old man was stunned.

This young man just came here and understood this?

Could it be that you already knew something about someone in Sixth Heaven?

"So I know, my fellow Zhang Degui is from the Fire Cloud Empire. If you want to, you can follow him to settle in the Fire Cloud Empire. You don’t need to worry about where you live. I can contact the young man and promise you to go. You can have a place to live instead of simply staying in an inn, what do you think?"

Zhang Degui said with a smile.

"Forget it, I'm going to the Kamikaze Empire."

"The kamikaze empire? Why did the young knight go to the kamikaze empire? The kamikaze empire borders my Huoyun Empire. If the young knight goes, it means that he is an enemy of my Huoyun Empire."

Hearing Chen Mo's words, the old man's attitude suddenly changed.

It’s not hostile, or it’s just that someone just came from the Sixth Heaven and looks very extraordinary. After all, there are several beautiful girls around to go to the enemy country, although it is more likely to just settle down and not become an enemy country. One of the members of the war, but naturally it is not too happy.

"I'm going to settle down without going to war, so how can I talk about being an enemy?"

"Since you are settled, you can choose any empire. It is also great to come to my Huoyun Empire. Why do you have to go to the Kamikaze Empire? And the Kamikaze Empire..."

"What happened to the Kamikaze Empire?"

Zhang Degui smiled and said: "The Kamikaze Empire is divided into two. To be precise, it is no longer a Kamikaze Empire, but the Kamikaze Empire and the Linfeng Empire. The level of national power is naturally divided into two. The wind empire or the Linfeng empire has become the sweet bun in the eyes of the nearby empires. The national power is divided into two, and the combat power is also divided into two. Next, whether it is my Huoyun Empire or the spearheads of other nearby empires Above the Kamikaze Empire and Linfeng Empire."

Zhang Degui paused, and then continued: "Let’s tell you briefly, within a year, the Kamikaze Empire is bound to be annexed. After the Kamikaze Empire is annexed, the Linfeng Empire will be annexed within three...five years, so you go to one What is the picture of an empire that is bound to be annexed and may even be very dangerous? Then why not go to an empire that has more prosperous national strength? Do you think what I said makes sense?"

But Chen Mo didn't care about this, he cared about another point.

"Oh? The Kamikaze Empire and Linfeng Empire were originally an empire, and now they are divided into two. Then why is it enough to annex the Kamikaze Empire for one year, but the Linfeng Empire takes five years?"

"Hahaha~www.readwn.com~ Shaoxia knows something, there is a Valkyrie in the Linfeng Empire who is famous in my seven heavens. It is a general that any empire wants to have and wants to have. This He is proficient in every aspect of the humanities and military strategy, leading soldiers to fight, and has defeated the opponent several times with less victory and more crushing, and even created a legend of 200,000 troops crushing and winning 1.8 million troops! Leading troops in her During this period, the battle is invincible, and it is not a defeat. Such a leader is rare in the world. Therefore, facing the Linfeng Empire, it can only be regarded as a complete Kamikaze Empire, and national power cannot be treated with common sense. "

Chen Mo was secretly speechless.

This woman is so amazing!

"But, after all, the national power is limited. My Huoyun Empire is the closest to the Kamikaze Empire. After the Kamikaze Empire is annexed, we will gather all our power to attack the Linfeng Empire. Even if there is a Valkyrie, it will definitely not be able to compete! And it is not necessarily the case! , And even Linfeng Empire may be annexed first. There are no less than five empires around. Now the spearheads are all above Linfeng Empire. As long as one party moves first, the other four parties absolutely do it at the same time! At that time, she alone could not resist the five-nation dispute! "

(End of this chapter)


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