I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 688: Quest, Dance of the Valkyrie

To be honest, this Nangong Yu is not hypocritical at all!

Some people may be entangled. Our soldiers are fate, they are enemies, and they are fate, so no!

What's wrong with war? The Seventh Heaven is like that!

"But, how could this happen? The enemy camp has several powerful men with the same strength as mine. As long as they are there, even if we get together so close, we can only look at them, but in the same way, even if they are so close, they can only Watch it competently!"

"Since you have said so, in order to show my sincerity, the disappearance of millions of people should be regarded as a meeting gift for you." Chen Mo said lightly.

If it is someone close to Chen Mo, such as Xiao Ruhan, in fact, from Chen Mo's words, it can be completely discovered that he is no longer the previous Chen Mo!

The person is still that person, but he has changed too much!

Shura is gradually changing Chen Mo.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Nangong Yu looked at Chen Mo in confusion.


Chen Mo stretched his finger to the distant enemy camp, and Nangong Yu looked over, suddenly his pupils shrank suddenly.

In the dark night, a group of...no, to be precise, an unimaginable group of cohesive flames exploded! The whole ground was shaking, they stood on Mochizuki Valley, and the figures of the two people shook suddenly! The whole Mochizuki Valley did not know how many rubble fell down!

In the distance, a very large area, as if an atomic bomb hit there, disappeared in an instant.


A heat wave and shock wave hit her face, instantly blowing away Nangong Yu's hair, her hair flying, her figure staggered backward.

Nangong Yu has lived for these years. She has seen dozens of super-god-level powerhouses, and she has also participated in it. She has seen battlefields with a total of more than eight million people, but she has never seen almost a million people An instantaneous picture!

She is a super **** level strength, she knows very well that this is not a super **** level power that can burst!

Maybe some people have some unimaginable secret method, which is enough to do this at the cost of their own fall or unimaginable, but it is far from that simple, she is a super **** level, she is too clear, she can't do it! She can't even achieve such a scene when the opponent has two super god-level powerhouses and several god-huang-level powerhouses in charge!

She was shocked!

"You...what did you do!"

She looked dumbly at Chen Mo next to her.

Suddenly I realized that this man was a little scary.

If he has this ability, if he is released in Changfeng City, then...

Now she completely believes that Chen Mo is no longer the other party's person! Because if he wants to, he can completely destroy Changfeng City and the millions of defenders around Changfeng City in the same way! Since none of the strong people on the kamikaze empire had discovered or noticed, she could not have noticed it, either.

Who the **** is he! Why on earth is there such a power, and how does it do it?

"Fa...what happened?"

"Is it a super **** level battle? The general will not..."

"No, no, no, I have seen a super **** level battle. Although it is shocking, it shouldn't be like this! What's wrong!"


This trembling sound completely broke the silence, and all the defenders who were eating stood up in shock.

Whoosh whoosh——

Several figures rushed to their side.

"General, what happened..."

When Chen Shitian was speaking, he suddenly saw a scene in the distance. He couldn't help but swallowed, and was shocked that he couldn't continue.

"This...Did they have been punished by heaven?"

Xiong Tianba said in shock.

At this moment, several men in ragged clothes flew into the void and stood in front of them.

"Nangong Yu!"

The talking is a middle-aged man! Embarrassed and angry at the moment!

"What a Nangong Yu, he set up such an insidious trap here!"

Mo Weisheng gritted his teeth!

He really didn't expect such a scene to happen! There is not much left in the millions!

Never fought and suffered heavy losses! Back in the empire, he might be questioned.

Nangong Yu really didn't know what to say, facing her enemy, she obviously had a lot to say, but she couldn't say it anymore.

"This time, I remember Mo Weisheng! But don't be proud! Changfeng City, Linfeng Empire will soon suffer the enemy of the Six Nations, I want to see how long your Nangong Yu can guard! Let's go!"

After all, they flew away in embarrassment.

"This... General, what did you do? Why is there almost no one million army left? That force just now was..."

Chen Shitian looked at Nangong Yu in shock.

Nangongyu's beautiful eyes looked at Chen Mo.

I have to say that this is indeed a surprise.

The battle strength of the Kamikaze Empire and Linfeng Empire is about the same, it is 50-50. As the defender, the Linfeng Empire has the advantage. Normally, even without her Nangong Yu, you can casually get a normal general, the power of the Kamikaze Empire. It is absolutely difficult to shake the Linfeng Empire, but there are threats from several other empires, that's different!

And now, the loss of one million in an instant has made the Kamikaze Empire almost lost the qualification to threaten the Linfeng Empire! The key to Linfeng Empire has not lost a single person!

Although it was just a solution to the urgent need, there are still several common threats from the empires, but this scene is even more exaggerated!

"It's Chenmo."

Nangong Yu said.


They looked at Chen Mo next to him.

"It's nothing, I'm going to rest first." Chen Mo finished speaking and walked away.

"Ding...You have triggered the quest [Dance of the Valkyrie], the content of the task: Please help the Valkyrie to fulfill her wish. Mission period: January, Quest reward: Permanently open a certain big trick that has been stolen and unknown Reward, task penalty: the level has been reduced by twenty, and it has been compulsorily taken."

Chen Mo: "..."

Chen Mo, who had just taken a step, suddenly had a system prompt in his mind.

Coming to this underworld in such a short time has triggered two missions! This……

However, Chen Mo liked this task very much, and gave him a firm reason! He also wanted to help ~www.readwn.com~ Now he has this reason, just right.

"General, what happened just now?"

Chen Shitian asked.

Nangong Yu also wanted to know.

"It's okay, go back and rest first."

After Nangong Yu said this, he walked back.


Since Nangong Yu didn't say anything, naturally they couldn't continue to inquire. They just looked at the pit that shocked them and couldn't help being shocked.

The words that Mo Wei Sheng said before leaving made Nangong Yu feel the crisis.

Will the six empires come to attack Changfeng City? It was said when he was angry. The credibility is not easy to say, it may be more credible!

(End of this chapter)

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