I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 696: Is he a god?

Chen Mo secretly took out Tianyu.

"What weather do you want to be now?"

Chen Mo asked.


Nangong Yu felt that he was playing like Chen Mo, but he was very confident.

"It's cloudy."

Five seconds later... the breeze was slow, and the sky was covered by dark clouds.

Nangong Yu: "..."

"Why suddenly the weather is overcast? This overcast is too fast? Is it going to be a storm?"

"Attention, everyone, there may be a storm. The main thing is to pack things."



"Believe it?"

The corner of Chen Mo's mouth asked.

"This... what's going on?"

Nangong Yu was really stunned!

Is this too exaggerated? It was still sunny just now, but now it is suddenly overcast

"It will rain soon," Chen Mo said.

Then the sky started to rain.

"It will be clear soon."

Then the weather cleared.

The soldiers were stunned looking at this scene one by one.

After living for so many years, when have you seen the weather like this? In a short period of time, it was sunny and cloudy, and then it rained, and it was sunny again just two drops.

Nangong Yu watched this scene in shock!

This person has the ability to call the wind and call the rain and change the weather at will! Is he a god?

Before, she doubted what Chen Mo said. Many of the things she said were not valid and too harsh. What happened to the downpour of two days and two nights, when the wind came at a critical time, etc., now she believes it!

Sorry, she is ignorant!

How can you have such an ability!

But she was too lucky, no, Linfeng Empire was too lucky to meet such a person.

If this is the case, then what he said can be achieved. Then the Six Nations Attack on Linfeng Empire, if it goes smoothly, the two countries can be directly reduced, and the Four Kingdoms attack is still very difficult, but it is no longer impossible to defend! It is possible!

Nangongyu didn't ask how Chen Mo did it, because it didn't make sense.

"Are you really willing to help us?"

Chen Mo nodded, "Of course, I also said the reason."

"But I always think your reason is too hasty."

"Yes? Didn't you also fight for so many years because you wanted the people of the Linfeng Empire to live and work in peace and contentment and not be tempted by tyrants?"

Chen Mo said.

"This... also."

Nangong Yu felt that Chen Mo's words were not too inexplicable.

"That's it. Give me strength. I will first build a dam on the road the Great Smoky Empire must pass. You can do the things on the Northern Qin Empire."

"It can be, but the North Qin Empire is on the river, even if we can shoot arrows in the wind, we have nowhere to hide at 500 meters. What should we do?"

Nangong Yu continued: "Should it be necessary to temporarily dig a trench that can hold 200,000 people on the bank about a hundred meters away for Tibetans? That is absolutely not feasible, and a spy will come by and be discovered by passing there. Mr. Chenmo, it’s better on your side, because the terrain is high and deserted, it’s not easy to be found, and the distance is theoretically feasible, but the fleet of one million people is too large, and the distance of five hundred meters is not enough. The fleet, they can return in time."

"Relax, since I can change the weather, how difficult is it for me to change the terrain casually?"

Nangong Yu: "..."

"I will be there then, look."

Chen Mo then stretched out his hand, and the flat ground in front of the entire city gate suddenly rose, rising for tens of meters!

Nangong Yu: "..."

"At that time, the ground suddenly rises like this. Will the 200,000 army be able to unscrupulously release rockets to attack?"

Nangong Yu: "..."

No, is this man really a god? Rewrite the weather with one thought, and rewrite the landscape with one thought.

Chen Mo also found out. Sometimes I really feel that this Heaven and Earth Liangyi Jade seems useless, but now I look at it, fog grass! It seems really abnormal.


Nangong Yu was ecstatic!

"Then now..."

"I will send you troops immediately."


Two days later, the embankment and diversion channel where Chen Mo was to defend against the Yunhai Empire had been successfully completed!

These soldiers were also very difficult. They built these in the heavy rain, and even they were all confused because they didn't know what to do. This was Nangong Yu's order, and they naturally obeyed!

At this moment, Chen Mo and Nangong Yu were standing next to the constructed artificial lake, and the other soldiers had already gone back under heavy rain.

Nangong Yu looked at the huge lake in shock, such a large amount of water is enough.

The diversion channel has also been destroyed. When people arrive, they only need to use their force to blast off the dam. The overwhelming turbulent flood will instantly inundate the entire valley, rush out of the valley, and then most of them will be drowned if they cannot break free. It is estimated that there is no combat effectiveness.

Unexpectedly, this was achieved.

Nangong Yu didn't wear battle armor for the first time today, and was wearing a simple and somewhat neutral clothes. The rain had stopped.

"The Cloud Sea Empire is the closest to here, and they will be the first to come. I hope we can make a good start."

Nangong Yu said with great excitement.

After fighting for so many years, I have never tried such a way! If it succeeds, it will definitely become a good story, and it will definitely relieve the crisis of Changfeng City a lot!

In the past few days, there have been many masters in Changfeng City, all of which were sent by Emperor Feng. There is really no way to increase the army. When it reaches the limit, the other cities will more or less allot their troops, unless forced now. Conscription is not the foundation of their country.

But now there are only less than four million! The six empires are conservatively estimated to have 12 million troops. The conservative estimate that the Three Kingdoms will attack Changfeng City is six million. This is a very conservative estimate and may be sent! Maybe more than 20 million, or more, even more exaggerated!

"The day after tomorrow is almost there, right?"

Nangong Yu nodded: "It just so happens that even if they have spies coming, they probably won't come to this position. Our army has already left, and there will be no flaws, Master Chenmo, you go back and rest first, and leave it to me."

"Aren't you going to see the Northern Qin Empire?"

"No need~www.readwn.com~ I haven't let them set off for the time being. If they set off now, they will be easily seen. Let's go tomorrow."

Chen Mo nodded: "Well, I will come back tomorrow."

Chen Mo left after speaking!

He doesn't have the idle time to stay here for several days. If he has this time to accompany Lin Xiaoyu, those three girls are not good? Is it not good to accompany Lin Kexin more?

Nangongyu sat there, looking into the distance.

"Perhaps Chen Mo's appearance is really lucky for Linfeng Empire. I really hope that Linfeng Empire can survive this crisis." Nangong Yu muttered to herself as the six blades around her whirled around her, and she controlled it with her hands. Now, this may be one of her few ways of entertainment.

Like I can release infinitely the big move, please collect it: () I can release the big move infinitely, the hottest update speed.


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