I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 699: Triumphant


A loud noise came from above! At the same time accompanied by the kind of shock that shakes the earth!

There can be about 200,000 Tibetans on the top of Luofeng Ridge, but it can reach a million through support. At least half of such a million army has entered the Luofeng Ridge, and Chen Mo and the others are waiting deliberately, waiting to the front People at the top, wait for the largest number of people to enter before you start!

"What happened? Where did the sound come from? Why is there a sense of vibration?"

That Zhang Tian suddenly felt bad! Then look up! I only saw some rocks rolling down!


This is his first reaction!

"Dare to ambush and look for death! Nangong Yu, you can do such self-harm behavior, but you are so!"

"General... General!"

The man next to him swallowed and pointed to the front!

"what happened!"

Zhang Tian looked over, his pupils suddenly shrank!


And it is not a flood in the ordinary sense!

How many meters can a flood in the ordinary sense be? And this flood poured down instantly, I'm afraid it is more than ten meters high!

"Flash torrents! Evacuate quickly! Evacuate everyone!"

Zhang Tianmeng roared!

However, it was not only the front, but above the two sides of the entire Luofeng Ridge, floods poured down instantly!


Millions of people fled, and for a while, a completely unstoppable flood swallowed them and swept them away! He rushed out of Luofeng Ridge and rushed into the distance.

Chen Mo and Nangong Yu stood above and watched the shocking scene below!

Nangong Yu's excited body trembled slightly!

First, because I am happy for Linfeng Empire, the enemy army of a country has been destroyed! On the other hand, she has never fought such a battle for so many years! Too... shocked.

Twenty minutes later...

"Young Master Chenmo, the two million army is gone. It is estimated that more than two million were killed and injured. Even if one million survived in the end, they would not be drowned. It is estimated that there is no fighting capacity."

Nangong Yu said in shock.

"Well, this country, at least this batch of soldiers is not threatening! There are five countries left! Next is the Northern Qin Empire."

Chen Mo nodded and said.

In the distance, that Zhang Tianmeng and a group of strong people are naturally fine, their realm is here! They looked at the scene in front of them, densely packed corpses were washed up here, some people were not dead, simply crawling out of the muddy water, breathing heavily, covered in blood, that was knocked!

And some people kept sitting CPR for soldiers who had lost their breath.


Zhang Tian clenched his fists fiercely.

"How is it possible! How could there be a flash flood of this magnitude here! How could it be!"

Zhang Tianmeng roared angrily.

"General... General, there had been a storm of two days and two nights here two days ago!"

"Even if there were storms for two days and two nights, the flash floods have already erupted, and there is absolutely no flash flood of this scale! Unless someone builds a huge reservoir on it!"

Zhang Tianmeng raised his head and looked over, suddenly his pupils shrank!

There are two people standing there!


Then he jumped and flew up!

"Nangong Yu! It's you!"

Zhang Tian clenched his fists fiercely!

Seeing Nangong Yu and the huge water storage tank at the back, he naturally understood everything!

hateful! Damn it!

"General Zhang, do you like this meeting gift from Linfeng Empire?"

Nangong Yu's mouth raised slightly and asked.

"Nangong Yu, you!!! You!!!"

Zhang Tianmeng pointed at her angrily and was speechless!

I can't beat it! He must be the loser!

"If you don't have God to help you, what are you!"

Zhang Tianmeng said angrily.

"Well...it's not God who helped me, it was the Young Master Chenmo who helped me!"

Zhang Tianmeng looked at Chen Mo.

He didn't believe that this was not Nangong Yu's strategy! Only she can do it!

"Even if my Yunhai Empire is defeated, there are still five empires! Your Linfeng Empire will still die!"

"Then don't bother General Zhang bothering about it. General Zhang should still think about how to redeem his crimes after returning to the empire. I am afraid that this position is gone. I am afraid that this general will not have the opportunity to play against General Zhang in the future."

Nangong Yu's momentum does not lose to a man!

"Huh! Let's go and see!"

Zhang Tianmeng jumped.

"General Zhang went well all the way."

Chen Mo smiled and said, "What does it feel like?"

Nangong Yu looked at Chen Mo and said with a smile, "Do you want to tell the truth?"


"One word, cool!"


Then the two looked at each other and smiled.

To be honest, Chen Mo is pretty cool too!

"Go, I'll take you back to have a celebration banquet!"

"Is there a celebration banquet before this crisis is over?"

"If the North Qin Empire can proceed smoothly, I think I can still block the forces of the four countries, at least it is not impossible."

Nangong Yu said.

With these words, Chen Mo can see how confident this woman is in herself!

"Of course, you need to rely on your platooning methods of Young Master Chenmo."

"Well, let's go."


"Brothers, we are back!"

Nangong Yu shouted excitedly.

"The general is back!"

"The general is back! Welcome everyone!"

"General, Young Master Chenmo!"


In an instant, the countless soldiers greeted him.

Zhuang Bifan in the distance also saw this scene!

This Chen Mo is so close to Nangong Yu?

"Set a banquet, everyone has to get this general drunk today!"

Nangong Yu said in a good mood!

It's okay to get drunk now, because the latest wave of soldiers has already been defeated. The most recent one is the Northern Qin Empire and two other empires. It takes as little as three days to get here, so getting drunk is fine! But it's not normal, the key is to be in a good mood!

One more thing, since this thing can be done, there shouldn't be a big problem with the Northern Qin Empire.

With the fiasco of the two empires, the remaining four empires have no chance to win!

And ~www.readwn.com~ She is convinced that the six empires jointly attacking Linfeng Empire must be the ghost of the Kamikaze Empire. There is absolutely only interest between the empire and the empire, and the alliance is only an absolute short-term matter. The two empires suffered a fiasco. , They will never send troops again! Even if you are angry, you must be sensible!

As long as this crisis can pass, the Linfeng Empire will basically be able to stand tall!

Because next time, it will be difficult for you to find the opportunity of five or six empires to attack their Linfeng Empire at the same time, and this time the fiasco of the Yunhai Empire will reach the Seventh Heaven, which is definitely an empire that covets Linfeng Empire. Wake up!

Linfeng Empire is definitely not as weak as you think!

We don’t have many troops, but we have created a legend!

Two million troops were wiped out with no effort! If you want to come and attack, then you have to weigh it!

"General, what's the good thing, why do you have a celebration?"


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