I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 725: Sky Shadow Step

Chen Mo nodded slightly when he heard Ming Zhan's words.

"Senior, then I'll talk to Senior Fengshen, I'm lost."

"Go ahead."


Lin Xiaoyu looked at Chen Mo.

"You stay here to accompany your parents, they must have a lot to tell you."

Chen Mo left after speaking.

Lin Xiaoyu's mood was a little depressed, because Chen Mo said he was leaving, she wanted to leave with him, but Chen Mo said he was going back to another world, they couldn't go.

Where is the future going, what will happen in the future, whether he will come back in the future, everything is unknown.

"Good girl, it's okay."

Huang Yun stroked Lin Xiaoyu's hand.


Chen Mo came to the edge of a cliff late at night, and she saw Fengya sitting there.

Fengya held the necklace in her hand and was in a daze.

She didn't take off the veil on her face. Although it was the Temple of Underworld, it was forbidden that someone would find her here and leak it out.

Chen Mo came over, Fengya shook the necklace, and then glanced back.

"Master Chenmo."

Fengya is very special to Chen Mo. Of course, Chen Mo is also very special to Fengya, because Chen Mo brought this special necklace.

Chen Mo sat beside Fengya.

"Listen to Senior Underworld God saying that you found the law of death?"

Chen Mo asked straight into the subject.

Fengya didn't hide anything, because this was something that couldn't be concealed.

"Well, I found it accidentally, why? Are you interested too?"

Chen Mo nodded: "To be honest, I came to the underworld for the law of death."

"That's it."

Fengya then said: "I discovered the law of death, but the force of death has done too much damage to me, so I can't refine it. I just hide the law of death somewhere, which may be halfway through. Who discovered the leak? This led to the four great gods attacking me. If you really need it, I can tell you the location, but the law of death is extremely fierce. With your strength, I'm afraid..."

Chen Mo shook his head: "It's okay, I can try."

"Well, the law of death is at the bottom of the desert where we met. In the center of the desert, you will find an oasis. There is a small world at the bottom of the lake in that oasis. I hide the law of death there." Fengya said to Chen Mo .

"Thank you!"

Chen Mo hesitated, then looked at her and asked, "How are you thinking about it?"

Fengya thought for a while and said, "I still want to know."

"Okay, then I will tell you what I know!"

Since it was her choice, Chen Mo also chose to tell her.

Chen Mo didn't actually know much, but Fengya could understand it.

"Is he still in the sky?"

Chen Mo nodded.

"I shouldn't be able to take you out, but I think I will have this ability one day," Chen Mo said.

Linglong violated the rules and let Chen Mo come in. Normally, in Chen Mo’s cognition, he would not be able to bring people from the underworld to Tianlin. Even if he could, even if Linglong agreed, they might arrive at Tianlin, they are just soul bodies. Exists...

But Chen Mo believes there is always a way.

Fengya shook her head.

"Forget it, I don't remember, just let it go, everything happens, but I hope that if he really loves me, Master Chen Mo, you can look at him and don't let him do anything stupid." Feng Ya looked at Chen Mo said.

"rest assured."

"Thanks a lot."

Chen Mo then said: "The poison on your body..."

Feng Ya shook her head slightly: "This is the poison of the **** of poison. No one can compare to him in the whole Nineth Heaven's Poison. I am afraid it is difficult to detoxify. That's good. If you sit in this position for a long time, you will lose it slowly. Self, it's better to find a quiet place and live in seclusion as you told him."

"But your poison always has to be solved, does the poison **** have a way to detoxify you?" Chen Mo asked.


"give it to me."

Chen Mo stood up.

Fengya also stood up quickly.

"what are you going to do?"

"Senior Flower Saint is the elder I respect very much, and it can be regarded as half of my master, and Senior Fengya, you are also half of my wife. How can I just sit back and watch?"

Chen Mo said.

"That's the poison god!"

"Don't worry, if I'm not sure, how can I dare to go?" Chen Mo said with a corner of his mouth.

Feng Ya stared at Chen Mo closely.


Chen Mo nodded; "Don't worry, otherwise if I don't do it, I'm afraid I won't even have the thought of going back."

"Then you wait."

Fengya's right hand condensed a little strength.

"You said he handed over the Fengshen Sect to you?"

Chen Mo nodded.

"Although I can't remember what Feng Shenzong is, I know the techniques I practiced. You said he helped you learn the Sky Shadow Step. In fact, I have already felt the Sky Shadow Step's footwork since you were fighting. Strength, I believe what you say!"

Then a blue light enveloped Chen Mo.

"All I can do is to forcibly upgrade your Sky Shadow Step to the second stage. It should be a good help for you. This is the only thing I can give you."

A force poured into Chen Mo's body.

"Ding...your sky shadow is stepping up to success."

Sky Shadow Step is a very commonly used skill by Chen Mo. Whether it is chasing people, driving or fighting, the effect of Sky Shadow Step is very significant!

[Sky Shadow Step]: Step by day, step by step, one step at ease. Effect: Turn on Sky Shadow Step, and the movement speed will be increased by 100%. Every ten seconds, the movement speed will increase by 100%, and the maximum increase is 500%. All of the single attacks have an 80% chance to dodge, lasting one minute, mana consumption per second: 1000, cooling time: 90 seconds. Current level: 1

This is the effect of Chen Mo Tianying Step before ~www.readwn.com~ which is the first layer. The movement speed per second is increased by 100%, preferably to 500%, which is five times the movement speed. It lasts for one minute, which is very powerful. , And during the opening period, that is, within this minute, the dodge rate reaches 80%, and ten attacks can hit twice.

And now...

[Sky Shadow Step]: Step by day, step by step, one step at a time, effect: Turn on Sky Shadow Step, the movement speed will increase by 500%, and the movement speed will increase by 500% every ten seconds, and the maximum increase is 5000%. All of the single attacks have a 100% chance to dodge, lasting one minute, three long-distance space jumps can be performed within one minute of opening, the maximum distance is one kilometer, mana consumption per second: 1000, cooling time: 90 second. Current level: 2.

Chen Mo; "..."

Is the difference between this one and two levels a bit too big?

Ten times the gap? Chen Mo knows the three realms of Tianying Step, transforming the afterimages, for a moment, thousands of miles away...


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