I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 729: The general left

Chen Mo doesn't care about the other half of the law of death, where and what, for the time being, all his thoughts are above the law of life!

Na Fengya suddenly felt the power disappear not far away, and then she walked over curiously, only to find that the law of death had disappeared, she showed a surprised expression.

"What about the law of death?"

Fengya asked.

"Submitted." Chen Mo turned around and said slightly.

Fengya: "..."

To be honest, she must not believe it under normal circumstances, but...the law of death is indeed gone!

This boy is so amazing.

Although she was extremely shocked, she did not ask what happened.

"There is no danger, right?"

After all, Fengya knew how powerful and powerful the law of death was. Although Chen Mo said he had accepted it, she really didn't know if there was any danger.

"It's okay, rest assured, let's go back."

Fengya nodded, and then the two set off on their way home.

Back at the Temple of Underworld, Lin Xiaoyu and the three girls sat there waiting for Chen Mo, and when they saw Chen Mo coming back, they ran over.

"You guys talk, I'll go back first."

Fengya didn't want to disturb them, so she said a word and walked away.


This is the first time that Lin Xiaoyu has taken the initiative to hug Chen Mo.

Chen Mo stretched out his hand, paused, and then patted her back gently.

"what happened?"

"Master, will you stop drizzling..."

Lin Xiaoyu's eyes flushed slightly.

The moment she heard that Chen Mo was going to leave, she was actually holding back tears. Although she had just talked a lot with Xiaoyuan and the others, they said that the big brother was the best, and she would never leave her alone, but...

Chen Mo was going to not the Eighth Heaven, not the Seventh Heaven, but another world. When she thought of this, she felt that their distance was so far away, so illusory, so she was particularly flustered.

"how come……"

Chen Mo chuckled lightly, then patted her on the back, looked at Lin Xiaoyu and said, "I have a lot of things when I go out, but I will come back to see you often. It won't be troublesome to come back, don't worry."

"Master won't leave the light rain, right?"

Lin Xiaoyu wiped her tears and said softly.

"Of course not, do you think I would be such a person?"

To be reasonable, Chen Mo really would not comfort people, so he could only say a few words about this, but Chen Mo really did not deceive Lin Xiaoyu, because he could not let go.

Chen Mo is a person who can't express his emotions but is very affectionate and righteous. I believe everyone around him recognizes this.

Lin Xiaoyu shook her head.

In her eyes, Chen Mo is a super, super good person.

"That's it, don't worry, I will visit you often."


Lin Xiaoyu reached out to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo froze for a moment.

It is estimated that this girl learned from three little girls, and then Chen Mo pulled the hook with her.

"Then, Master, you have agreed to Xiao Yu, and you are not allowed to go back. If the Master repents and doesn't come to see Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu will... commit suicide."

Lin Xiaoyu's tone was soft, but firm.

Chen Mo rubbed her hair.

"Don't be so stupid."

"Don't... Xiao Yu has given everything to the young master, including Xiao Yu's life." Lin Xiaoyu said, shaking his head.

Chen Mo didn't know what to say.

"Don't worry, but you must remember to follow your parents to practice well, and even though they really didn't nurture you, they love you and cultivate relationships with them." Chen Mo said.

"Yeah, Xiao Yu knows it."

"Your name... Isn't it changed to Ming Xiaoyu?"

Chen Mo asked.

Lin Xiaoyu shook her head and said: "I don't want to. This is the name given to Xiao Yu by his father and mother, and Xiao Yu wants this name."

"Alright! Alright, I haven't rested all night, go back and rest."

Chen Mo rubbed her hair and said.

"Xiao Yu...Xiao Yu wants to serve the young master..."

Lin Xiaoyu blushed and mumbled shyly.

Chen Mo; "..."

Then Chen Mo smiled and said, "Forget it, you haven't slept for so long, and you have been running around all the way. You have no strength, you must be too sleepy. Go and rest first."


"take a break."

Chen Mo's tone was slightly louder.

"Oh... Then... Then Xiao Yu went to rest, and Master also rested earlier."

Lin Xiaoyu bit her lip and said softly.

"Well, go!"

Lin Xiaoyu then walked in and looked back after taking a few steps.

"Big brother……"

Shui Shui pulled Chen Mo's hand.

"Tell them to prepare to go back." Chen Mo said.


They and Chen Mo had the same heart, but they already knew in their hearts that Chen Mo was about to leave.

Then Chen Mo went to Ming Zhan and them!

Ming Zhan and Huang Yun were chatting, of course it was about their daughter.

Chen Mo walked in, Ming Zhan quickly looked at Chen Mo.

"Xiao Mo, what's the matter?"

Ming Zhan asked.

Chen Mo nodded, and then said: "I will come over and tell the two seniors."

"Are you going back?"

Ming Zhan frowned.

Chen Mo nodded; "Well, there are still a lot of things that have not been done outside. Time is tight and I must go back."

"Look at Xiaoyu..."

"I will come back to see her often."

They were relieved to hear Chen Mo say so.

They can clearly feel their daughter's dependence on Chen Mo, and if Chen Mo never returns, they can also guess what their daughter will be like in the future...

"If you can't come back often, Xiao Yu will definitely be sad."

Huang Yun looked at Chen Mo and said softly.

"Senior don't worry, I will come back often."

"Hmm... did you talk to Xiao Yu?"

"I told her to go back and rest, so I won't talk to her."

Huang Yun nodded; "Alright, leave the rest to us."

"The younger generation left first." Chen Mo gave a fist.

"Go, remember to come back often."

Chen Mo nodded, and then walked out with the three girls.

Without saying goodbye to Fengya, Chen Mo felt that it was unnecessary, and Chen Mo had already told her that he was leaving. This letter was enough in Chen Mo's hands.


Chen Mo released the empty magic stone, disappeared in place with the three girls, and then came to the seventh heaven.

Coming to Seventh Heaven is nothing else but to tell Nangong Yu ~ www.readwn.com~ because Chen Mo really likes this female general.

"Master Chen Mo is back!"

The Changfeng City defenders saw Chen Mo, and then ran out one after another, some ran into the city and shouted.

"Young Master Chenmo, are you finished?"

Xiong Tianba walked over and looked at Chen Mo in surprise.

All of them admire Chen Mo very much, and respect Chen Mo very much, because they know that if Chen Mo is not there, Linfeng Empire will no longer be Linfeng Empire.

"Well, come and take a look, where is your general?"

"The general has left."

Xiong Tianba said.

(End of this chapter)


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