I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 742: Prospective leader

The leader of the Yangshen Sect paused and said: "Entrance to demons is the same as entry to Asura. It is the soul that has been corroded, and there is no self-consciousness. When you do something with the demon or the obsession of Asura, Asura is killing. It's the same, and as long as there is such an opportunity, I can try this thousand years of cultivation power to release this Shura for you."

Chen Mo frowned.

He was not sure whether the words of the leader of the Yangshen Sect were true, but it had to be said that Chen Mo was very concerned!

Shura’s control made Chen Mo very panicked. If one day comes, he doesn’t know what to do, but

Isn't it true?

After all, those strong people can't do it, so why does the leader of Yang Shenjiao have it?

"Of course, I can't guarantee success, but there will be no second person in this world who is better than the deity in this aspect. You can try to ask other strong people. I believe you should get everything. It’s the same answer as me, and your situation is different from that of the other three generations of Shura. Your situation is the only special one, and it is most likely that you can use some clear and sane method to restore you to normal at that time. These methods are useless, then you are naturally helpless, but you can rest assured that as long as you join Yangshen Sect, these sects will start preparing, including some clear heaven and earth spiritual objects, this sect will personally search for you. ready."

Chen Mo did not speak, it is impossible for him to absolutely believe what he said, but

Chen Mo didn't say that he absolutely didn't believe it, there are so many strange people in the world, what if the leader of this Yang Shenjiao happened to be the one who could do this?

And what he said also makes sense. With his ability to control people’s minds, if he is just a chess piece, he can directly control him and use his hands to achieve certain goals. He doesn’t know that he cannot control Chen Mo, so In fact, you can believe it a little bit.

So Chen Mo can try it.

So now Chen Mo's thinking may have changed.

If before, Chen Mo’s only purpose for coming here was to inform the outside world of the address here, but now

Chen Mo can give it a try.

Seeing Chen Mo's expression, the leader of Yangshen Sect raised the corner of his mouth slightly under the mask.

He smiled and walked over and patted Chen Mo on the shoulder.

"The deity's sincerity is already here."

"Sincere? I don't feel any sincerity, nothing more."

"Hehehe, too."

The leader of Yangshen Sect smiled, and then said: "Then you can make a request, as long as it is within the scope of this seat's ability, it can be achieved."

He already saw that Chen Mo was tempted, so he said so directly.

The tempest is tempted. Chen Mo will indeed need to ask Xiao Ruhan about this matter, but about the position of Yangshen Sect, Chen Mo will not disclose it temporarily, because he may really need it, whether it is good or evil, It works for him.

You can keep one hand.

"Okay! First, I need absolute freedom. I may not even come back for a few months because I have a lot of things recently."


The leader of Yangshen Sect nodded.

"Okay, the second point, I don't practice any of the Yangshen Cult."


"The third point, Yangshen Sect cannot take away anything from me."

"no problem!"

Chen Mo nodded; "Okay, that's it."

"That deity also has three conditions."

Chen Mo looked at the leader of Nayang God Sect.

"please say."

"First, I hope you will not disclose any news about Yangshen Sect!"

Chen Mo nodded: "Naturally."

"Secondly, in the outside world, you only need to conceal your identity. You need to do some tasks or collect some information, and you must do it well."

"First of all, these tasks cannot go against my philosophy."

"Yes." The leader of Yangshen Sect nodded.

"The third point." He looked at Chen Mo and said, "No matter what you have in the outside world, I will give you three months, and you must come back after three months."

"Three months, yes."

"Okay, then there is no problem, there is one last thing now."

Then the leader of Nayang God Sect took out a pill and handed it to Chen Mo.

"This is a pill refined by this seat. It has no other effect. After you take it, this seat can completely control you with a special method, but if you don’t use it, there will be no danger or effect. I need you to take it. Next, you should understand why we need to do this."

Chen Mo took it and swallowed it without hesitation.

Chen Mo's decisiveness made him and Ran Qingqiu next to him both stunned.

"Why? Don't think about it?"

"There is nothing to consider. Since I am here, the seniors want to control me. There is a way. There is no need to use a pill. This pill is just one thing that makes you believe in me, and I need a method for the power of Shura. inhibition."

Chen Mo said.

"I like to deal with smart people like you. Don’t worry. Starting today, I will collect all the heaven and earth spirits that will prevent you from becoming Shura in the future. I believe that the power of this seat will work before you become Shura. There should be miraculous effects on you."

The leader of Yangshen Sect said.

"Then can you send me away now? I still have a lot of things to do, tasks and so on, we will talk about it in three months."

"There is still one important thing to do before this." said the leader of Yangshen Sect.

Chen Mo frowned and looked at him.

"Qingqiu, go and prepare."

Qingqiu then walked away.

"What's the matter?" Chen Mo asked suspiciously.

"The leader authorized."

Chen Mo was puzzled.

"Although this seat is still there, this authorization ceremony needs to be completed first. When you want to succeed, when you have the ability to succeed, this seat will be handed over to you. This is also the tradition of my Yangshen Sect. "

"Do you believe me that way?"


The leader of Yangshen Sect laughed and said: "I don’t believe it~www.readwn.com~ but you are the best person in the eyes of this seat. Anyway, no one knows this authorization. Then there is no meaning for your quasi-teacher, at least for now. Not too big, the Sun God Sect saint may still have the energy to cultivate another one. If you turn against you, you can still have the next Sun God Sect leader to succeed."

Is this authorization related to the saint of Yangshen?

"Go, I'll let someone take you where you should go first, if you want to leave, I'll talk about it tomorrow morning, come here."

Then a woman walked in respectfully.

"Bring Xiao Xia Chen Mo to the Palace of the Son of Heaven."

"Yes, the leader!"

Then she respectfully took Chen Mo to a hall, and arranged Chen Mo into a room.

The room is clean and tidy, with a faint fragrance.


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