Hearing Chen Mo's words, Zi Qingcheng moved slightly, then continued to help Chen Mo serve the rice, and said, "Congratulations, eat."

Chen Mo held her hand, and Zi Qingcheng turned to look at Chen Mo.

"I don't understand why you would..."

Chen Mo looked at her puzzled.

Zi Yuhan smiled and sat down.

"You should know who I am?"

Chen Mo nodded: "I know! But in reality I don't know."

"It doesn't matter in reality. Since you know, then you should also know that I have some sort of ability to derive secrets."

Chen Mo nodded.

"Tianlin, it is a very strange and very special place. I have also discovered this, and you have also discovered it. I believe some people have discovered it. And about you, about me and you, are all in my deduction. In."


Chen Mo frowned.

"Why? Don't believe it?"

The corner of Zi Qingcheng's mouth hooked.


"That's right, eat."

Chen Mo picked up the bowl...

"when are we leaving?"

Zi Qingcheng then asked.


"Let's finish eating, I'll send you someone, Lin Kexin, I have arranged for her in another place, also in Tianhua City, I believe she has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Thanks a lot."


In an apartment in Tianhua City, Lin Kexin sat in the living room with her cheeks in her hands in a daze. She had been sitting for several hours.

To her, all this happened like a dream, she seemed to be fine, but Brother Chen Mo...

But a beautiful sister told her that Brother Chen Mo was fine, he was doing very important things, and he would be back when he finished. Lin Kexin was dubious, but she must tell herself that this was true! Because if it is fake, it means that Brother Chen Mo has...

She kept telling herself that these are true!

Fortunately, Xiao Meng is with her these days, but Xiao Meng is out shopping for groceries, and she better not be able to go out now.

She hasn't launched the game for a long time, she doesn't have the intention to launch the game at all, and she is in a daze here more often.

She and Zhao Yingmeng have never been in contact with them. It is not that they do not contact, but they dare not contact, because she is afraid that something will happen, and she does not want to tell anyone the news for the time being. As if disappeared out of thin air, she could no longer be contacted.

It has been nearly half a month since that incident...

Lin Kexin looked at the phone, and there was a contact on the phone, that is the mysterious sister with some of their chat records. She really wanted to ask Brother Chen Mo about it, but she didn’t dare to think she would feel herself bother……

"Brother Chen Mo...you must be fine."

Lin Kexin held the phone in her arms.


At this moment, the door was knocked gently.

Lin Kexin quickly stood up. The first reaction was not to open the door, but rather to make no noises very vigilantly.


She walked there gently and asked.


There was a voice outside the door that made her feel familiar and unfamiliar.


The door opened directly, and Lin Kexin's figure ran out, plunged into Chen Mo's arms and burst into tears.

"Wow... Brother Chen Mo."

Lin Kexin hugged very tightly. At this moment, she didn't know how many emotions came out. She held it for a long time. She originally thought that if she saw Brother Chen Mo, she would definitely not cry, but when this scene came At that time, she couldn't control it at all.

Chen Mo hugged Lin Kexin for the first time, really holding her for the first time, and gently patted her back.

His eyes were healed, and Zi Qingcheng told him that Lin Kexin was also healed, and Chen Mo was completely relieved! He is lucky, really lucky.

But what Chen Mo never expected was that in the end someone would leave because of him. Lin Kexin was fine, but Ye Yuhan...

Chen Mo believes that love seals should be of no use to him, love seals, whoever does not fall in love with each other will die within two years, Chen Mo feels that he has fallen in love with her...Of course, there is Lin Kexin.

It may be a little bad, but...

"Well, am I not coming back?"

Chen Mo smiled and stroked her hair.

Lin Kexin leaned out of Chen Mo's arms with red eyes, she looked up at Chen Mo.

"Brother Chen Mo, your eyes..."

"All right."

Lin Kexin showed an excited expression.


She couldn't help but plunged into Chen Mo's arms again, rubbing her small face.

"Are you rubbing your tears on me?"

Chen Mo said with a smile.


Lin Kexin broke into a smile.

"Come in."

Chen Mo stroked her hair.


Entering the house, Chen Mo looked around.

It feels really good to see in reality.

Lin Kexin poured a glass of water for Chen Mo.

She didn't ask Chen Mo anything. She didn't think it was necessary, and she didn't care. She only knew that Chen Mo was here.

"I will accompany you to any place in the future."

Chen Mo took Lin Kexin's hand.

Lin Kexin looked up at Chen Mo, tears streaming out again.

Such words make her happy and excited more than any love words.


Lin Kexin then threw herself into Chen Mo's arms and couldn't help crying.

No confession, nothing, but they seem to be together...


An hour later, Chen Mo probably told Lin Kexin some things. Of course there were many unthinkable things involved. He didn't tell him. He just said that someone saved her, the sister in her phone... And those people, Chen Mo promised She would never hurt her again in her life.

After experiencing this incident, Chen Mo has also undergone a reborn transformation!

At this time the door opened, and Little Dream called out; "Sister, I'm back from shopping."

Xiao Meng knew that Lin Kexin was very unhappy, so she worked hard to be happy.

Then she saw Chen Mo...


In the next moment, Xiao Meng released the big bag and small bag that she was carrying with both hands, and her little hands were strangled with red marks, and then she couldn't help her tears coming out, and jumped onto Chen Mo's body, entangled Chen like an octopus. street.

"Uuuuu... brother."

Chen Mo smiled and gently patted her back~www.readwn.com~ This girl is really... it was my luck and blessing to meet him, but fortunately she is still there.

"Okay, okay, am I not coming back."

Chen Mo said with a smile.

"My brother is bad... My brother said he asked Xiao Meng to wait at home, but Xiao Meng waited for a long time, but his brother didn't come... Uuuuu..."

To be honest, although she is young, she has been strong during this period, but she has been comforting Lin Kexin...

"Okay, okay, there won't be another time, shall we go for a big meal?"

"it is good……"

(End of this chapter)


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