The two chatted for a long time, and Chen Mo also told Xiao Ruhan a lot of what was in his heart.

In Chen Mo's eyes, Xiao Ruhan was really someone he could talk about and trusted infinitely! Xiao Ruhan also trusted Chen Mo very much.

"Then, do you want to tell Panpan, Qingqing, and even Xiao Jiangxue about this? By the way, Ran Qingqiu is here too, she is in the Fengshen Sect, and she is basically with Xiaoyuan and the others these days."

"Tell it, but I can only tell them about the fact that I didn't die, and only tell those we trust the most, because now I have other things to do. The rest, when I appear again one day When everyone is in front of them, they will know it naturally!" Chen Mo said.

They were trusted by Chen Mo. They didn't leave Fengshen Sect until they thought that Chen Mo was dead. What else is not worth telling? Chen Mo didn't want them to be sad all the time, but these people in Lingjian Pavilion didn't need it now! They now think that their strength can't come back, but they don't have a place to go now. The Wind God Sect has undoubtedly become their territory and their home, and they will definitely stay here for the time being.

As for other people, some people stand on a moral high ground to punish Chen Mo. For example, Emperor Xian, Chen Mo has always remembered. Now he has no intentions to engage him, but what Chen Mo hopes is that when he comes out again soon , Then Immortal Emperor don't do anything that makes Chen Mo hate deeply, otherwise he will definitely pass.

"I understand, leave it to us. You are not bothered by the power of Shura now, and your future is unimaginable, but I only hope you don't go astray."

Chen Mo nodded; "Don't worry."

"By the way, Qingqiu's affairs have basically been investigated, and what she said is at least true, but we still need to verify the matter of Yangshen Sect and Yangshen Foreign Teachers."

Chen Mo nodded.

At this moment, a few girls ran over!

"Big brother, big brother!"


Shui Shui, Long Xiaorou, and Xiao Yuan rushed into Chen Mo's arms. Huanghuang had been picked up by the emperor Shengyao. Behind, Ran Qingqiu stood there, her delicate body trembling slightly, she was a little bit unbelievable. Looking at Chen Mo, next to her is Yingying, her mouth pouted high.

Why are they here?

Because there is a connection between Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou and Chen Mo, when Chen Mo came to Fengshen Sect, they had already sensed it. They knew that the big brother was coming, and then they told Ran Qingqiu that Ran Qingqiu couldn't believe it, but she Still let Xiaoyuan out, and then ran here with them, and was shocked to find that he...really sitting here!

"Uuuuu...big brother..."

The three girls surrounded Chen Mo and burst into tears in Chen Mo's arms.

God knows how sad they are these days.

Chen Mo smiled and rubbed their little heads.

He was very moved, and he blamed himself very much in his heart.

Several girls are still crying, they are really afraid of death these days.

"Have you eaten something delicious?"

Chen Mo asked.

They shook their heads in Chen Mo's arms.

"These girls have very poor appetites these days, and basically haven't eaten much."

Xiao Ruhan said.

"Come on, I bought some roast chicken on the way here."

Then I took out the delicious ones.

"Okay you, drink with this fairy, you just don't take out the roast chicken, right!"

Xiao Ruhan glared at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo; "..."

"This...isn't this taken out?"

"Fuck off!"

"Okay, okay... Don't cry, it won't look good if you cry again."

Chen Mo rubbed their little heads and said.

They looked up from Chen Mo's arms.

"Big brother said he won't leave us behind..."

Xiaoyuan said aggrievedly.

"No, didn't I come back?"

"Then Big Brother can't leave anymore."

Chen Mo smiled and squeezed her little face.

"Well, eat quickly."

"Big brother eats too."

"Well, eat!"

Chen Mo then looked at Ran Qingqiu.

Ran Qingqiu's beautiful eyes turned red, and after seeing Chen Mo look over, her face quickly turned aside. LeTV

"You have some too." Chen Mo said to Ran Qingqiu.

Ran Qingqiu walked over and nodded, then sat next to Chen Mo without saying a word.

Then Chen Mo looked at Yingying.

"Where did you take the mouse? You returned the mouse to me."

Yingying reached out to Chen Mo and said aggrievedly.

To be honest, Chen Mo also felt very sorry for her. This mouse is regarded as her good friend. In that place where no one is, it was it who accompanied Yingying, and the mouse was directly captured by Chen Mo and merged, so Chen Mo Zhenxin was very embarrassed.

"He, he's gone."

Chen Mo said to Yingying.

"Then why don't the mice come to me?"

"It says it has very important things to do, it wants to protect the peace of the world, and it will definitely do it."

Chen Mo said.


Yingying looked at Chen Mo suspiciously.

"Yeah, it has found what it wants to do, shouldn't you be happy?"


Yingying then walked over in small steps and sat next to her.


Chen Mo handed her a big drumstick.

"Thank you……"

Then Chen Mo must have lied to her, but there is no way, Chen Mo knows this girl is very powerful, what if she breaks out?

Chen Mo held Ran Qingqiu next to him in his hand.

Xiao Ruhan knew about it a long time ago, so he didn't say anything.

"Okay, I'm going back, let's talk, Xiao Momo, I will tell them about you."

Chen Mo nodded: "Yeah!"

Ran Qingqiu lowered her head, and after Xiao Ruhan walked away, she couldn't help but hugged Chen Mo, her delicate body trembling slightly.

She is the same as Ye Yuhan in some respects. If Yan Qingqiu was there at the time, perhaps she would choose the same approach as Ye Yuhan.

"Am I not coming back?"

Chen Mo patted her on the back lightly.

Ran Qingqiu didn't say a word, just holding Chen Mo like this.

Chen Mo smiled slightly, but his heart was moved.

He is really lucky to meet them...

"You eat some too."

Chen Mo handed Ran Qingqiu a chicken leg.

Ran Qingqiu shook his head: "I don't want to eat."

"Why? Instead of seeing me come back alive, I have a bad appetite?"

Chen Mo joked Ran Qingqiu: "..."

Then she snatched the drumsticks and ate them with big mouthfuls.

"Next, you will stay in Fengshen Sect for the time being."

"Where are you going?"

"Go and do something that must be done."

"I'll be with you."

"No, I also want to exercise myself. You can stay here. There are still many friends here. I will visit you often."

Ran Qingqiu did not speak.

"I promise."

Chen Mo then said.



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