I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 901: Take off the mask!

Tianlin’s forum is something that all Tianlin players will pay attention to. They will also pay attention to some of the latest developments of Tianlin. Now there is a top post of Tianlin. The name of the post is "Chen Mo Cai is Gong Zi Mo" .

The sudden explosion of news made everyone stunned, and then they glanced at the poster...

The official account of Allure! That's right, it is the official account of the player Qingcheng, and there is another...This is a joint post of two people, Zi Qingcheng!

"Zi Qingcheng? Is that Zi Qingcheng, the legendary woman of the Zi Family in the Tiandu? The one who made the Zi Family the top clan in the Tiandu by one person?"

"Is it her? There is the certification of the Zi family. This post was jointly published by Zi Qingcheng and Qingcheng, and Zi Qingcheng was published on behalf of the Zi family, so they absolutely bear the price of the authenticity of this post. This post was definitely published by Qingcheng and Zijia after going through the stone hammer!! Take a look!"


Those people looked at that post one after another!

The post is very simple, the first sentence makes everyone lost in thought.

Why did Gongzimo disappear for a few years?

Everyone watched, the more they watched, the more shocked!

Gongzi Mo was murdered by the Qin Family and the Tian Family, and his eyes were destroyed. Since then, he could not play the game. However, the appearance of Tianlin made him visible in the game, and then he came back...

Why is the Zi family willing to help this?

In Tiandu, there are four big families, Tianjia, Qinjia, Zijia and Longjia. Once this kind of thing is hammered, the Qin and Tianjia will suffer an unimaginable impact. The two top-level families will definitely be overnight. Degenerate into a mouse on the street, all corporate stocks have definitely fallen sharply! The market value may shrink by more than 80%! The top family will definitely become an ordinary family overnight! Because they will be resisted and rejected by everyone!

As a competitor, Zijia naturally wants to see this scene!

Zi Qingcheng had already given the stone hammer to the Zi family, and had discussed with Chen Mo, and released this blockbuster at the moment he defeated him!

When everyone sees this, most of them don't believe it. Isn't this TM too bullshit?

But when they saw the evidence...

What is the evidence?

The witnesses of Qingcheng, the witnesses of Purple Qingcheng, and the witnesses of several people who participated in this matter back then!

Some people who participated in this incident were not killed because the two big families were particularly arrogant. They absolutely never expected this incident to happen many years later.

Maybe these are not enough, so...

Next is a video, in the video is a passage of a woman wearing a mask...

This masked woman claimed to be the Allure.

"Zhang Tianjie? The pretending son Mo is Zhang Tianjie? Is that the saint of the Golden Triangle?"

"That's it, that's how it is! Then it's easy to do! Sheng Naijie was the only player in Audio-Technica that year to show up, so now let's see if that Gongzi Mo's mask is Sheng Naijie!"

"But...is this Allure fake?"


In fact, since Zhang Tianjie was the only one who showed his face in truth, he has already seen that he is a vanity.

Just when someone questioned whether Qingcheng in the video was fake, she took off the mask in the video!

It was a glamorous but extremely beautiful face!

At the same time, in the picture, that is, in the picture of their competition, Qingcheng standing above the void faces the camera they can see. For the first time in history, she takes off her mask, revealing her and the screen. The same beautiful face in the movie, and at the same time her hidden ID appeared, Qingcheng——

Now, no one is amazed by Qingcheng's face. Although her face has always been what everyone wants to know for so many years, it is clear that everyone is most concerned about Gongzimo's things! And the appearance of Qingcheng must wait until this matter is over! ’

This is the biggest and most shocking incident in history, and it is extremely vicious! Qingcheng even willingly revealed the face he had hidden for so many years for Chen Mo! It is also true love.

As for the Qin Family, the Heavenly Family never expected this to happen suddenly!

In reality, they are doing public relations everywhere, but it is too late. They have been completely blown up by netizens, and they have no time to stand up!

There is another piece of evidence that she took out in the Zi Qingcheng video. She took out the identification report of the genetic match between Chen Mo and the ID of Gongzi Mo in the previous game, because the player bought the virtual ring through his own genes, such as a piece of hair. When making a purchase, genes and reality match, and the previous virtual online games are just virtual online games. Unlike Tianlin, those previous virtual online game companies can be found. These things are strictly confidential, but they are not the same at this time. Fanxiang, so they found the gene of Gongzi Mo in the previous game, and compared it with the gene made of Chen Mo's hair that they had obtained a few days ago in reality!

In fact, there is nothing to wash up here, and I am unable to stand up! But now there is one more...

So now, where is the decisive key to everything?

That's the face under the mask of that son Mo now!

Why must we start this matter now? Have these evidences tomorrow morning?

It's very simple. First, Chen Mo has only regained his eyesight now, so he dared to confront the two big families head-on. Second, many, many things were brought out by Zi Qingcheng, and Chen Mo and Zi Qingcheng had only met!

Third, only when he defeated Zhang Tianjie and planted a seed of doubt in everyone's hearts, more people would be willing to believe! And now is the best time!

Lin Kexin's mouth opened wide...

The son Mo she has always admired, the brother Chen Mo she has always liked... They turned out to be alone? Brother Chen Mo is Gongzi Mo! !

Zhao Yingmeng opened her mouth wide...

Brother Chen Mo is Gongzi Mo? God! ! Oh my God!

"So ~www.readwn.com~ do you dare to take off the mask?"

Chen Mo stared at that Zhang Tianjie closely, and said coldly.

"Take off the mask! Take off the mask! Take off the mask!"

At this moment, all those who are watching all of this, whether in the game or in reality, have their heartfelt desire and anger! They shouted louder and louder in front of the computer screen, the more they shouted, the more excited they were, and the barrage was frantically brushing these four words...

And all the students in those schools watching the live broadcast in the square shouted in unison...

The world is unfair, but everyone has the right to be fair! They think the world is unfair to Gong Zi Mo, so now, they are willing to be a fair and fair little force to return him! When these small forces come together, it is enough to shake a country.


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