I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 905: The law of time

They chatted together for a while, and the topic gradually changed from Chen Mo to something else.

"Wow!! By the way, Allure, Allure is so beautiful!"

Zhao Yingmeng suddenly thought of something, and then exclaimed.

To be honest, it was the first time Chen Mo had seen Qingcheng's appearance, and he was also amazing!

"The appearance of the Great God of Allure has always been what everyone expects over the years. Many people say that the Great God of Allure is so perfect and must be super beautiful. Some people say that Allure has not been seen for so many years. It shouldn't be the figure of an angel or a devil. Face it, it's all dismissed this time! It's so pretty!"

Zhao Yingmeng said enviously.

In fact, in terms of appearance, every girl here is no worse than her, maybe a little bit worse now, but in a few years, when they are as big as Qingcheng, they will definitely be more beautiful.

"Brother Chen Mo, then do you think the Great God Qingcheng will appear with us?"

Zhao Yingmeng suddenly thought of something, and then asked expectantly.

Chen Mo shook his head: "No, because she is a stuffy oil bottle. She doesn't like crowded places. Even if they are all friends, she won't come."

"Then Brother Chen Mo, do you know where the Great God Qingcheng lives?"

Zhao Yingluo asked.

Chen Mo shook his head: "To be honest, I don't know anything about her except for her phone number in reality, and I don't even know her real name."

"Wow, you guys have known each other for so many years and don't even know the name."

Chen Mo nodded.

The reality is changing now, Chen Mo doesn't care, as long as they don't come to look for things, he should look for the rules next!

"I'm online now, you guys go back and rest too, just come to Fengshenzong and contact me at that time!"

Chen Mo said to Lin Qinghan.

Lin Qinghan hadn't recovered a bit, came over, and then his illness recovered...

After her illness is cured, she no longer needs to work hard to make money. It is enough to live well. What she wants to do next is to use all her abilities to develop Chen Mo's Fengshen Sect and repay him!

Then Chen Mo went online. As for whether Lin Kexin and the others still played Chen Mo together, I don't know.

"Ding...Welcome to Tianlin."

The first thing Chen Mo did when he came to Tianlin, he returned directly to Fengshen Sect. This time he came back swaggeringly.

"Master Chenmo!"

Tang Panpan and Ye Qingqing were sitting at the gate of the sect and saw Chen Mo happily running over.

"Thank you for this time."

Chen Mo said.

"No, no, it's best for Young Master Chen Mo to be fine." Tang Panpan said happily, and Ye Qingqing nodded.

Chen Mo looked at Ye Qingqing and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely find a way to rescue your sister!"

Ye Qingqing was slightly taken aback.

"But...is it possible?"

"As long as the twelve rules are collected! It must be no problem!! Trust me!"


Ye Qingqing nodded.

At this time, the Flower Sage, Long Xu, and even those people in Lingjian Pavilion also came over.

"Sect Master must be blessed if he survives a catastrophe!"

Jian Wunan sighed.

In this case, it's okay, it's really against the sky!

They are happy from the bottom of their hearts. Firstly, Chen Mo can be regarded as the backbone. He is fine for Fengshenzong. Secondly, he is fine, only their strength can come back. If something happens to him, theirs Strength and longevity really cannot come back.

"Thank you all for this time." Chen Mo gave a fist.

"These are all things that belong to us, you just have to be fine!"

Hua Sheng came over and patted Chen Mo on the shoulder and said.

Chen Mo nodded.

"Big Brother Big Brother..."

When several girls heard that Chen Mo was back, they ran over happily, and then hugged Chen Mo one after another, but Yingying and Chen Mo were not familiar with each other, and stood by without moving.

Chen Mo would feel better after seeing them sincerely.

Ran Qingqiu stood there without speaking. She knew that Chen Mo was fine and everything was fine.

"Everyone first let go of their work, we have a good meal today, let go of eating, letting go of drinking!"

"it is good!"

There are not many people in Fengshen Sect. It is estimated that there are more than a hundred people in total. They all gathered soon, and they prepared a lot of food.

Lin Kexin and Zhao Yingmeng are also online. Senior Phoenix is ​​very happy watching her child follow Lin Kexin, and she is satisfied.

"Master Chenmo."

Han Jiangxue also came here with Xiao Ruhan.

"long time no see."

Han Jiangxue nodded; "It's been a long time since I've seen it, it's okay."

Chen Mo then said: "It's okay. It is estimated that those strong people on the mainland will not do anything to me in a short time. If the Heaven Scourge Bead does not show up for a day, they will not be able to do it to me in one day. Don't worry, Fengshen Sect still needs everyone to develop!"

"This is our business!"

Jian Wunan Road.

"Young Master Chen Mo is planning to..."

Han Jiangxue asked Chen Mo.

"Go and find the rules!"

Chen Mo said.

"It's extremely difficult to find the rules."

Long Xu sighed.

"No matter how hard it is, you must go! So the Fengshen Sect is left to you."

Xiao Ruhan took a sip of wine and said, "Don't worry, this fairy is here, everyone is here, when will you leave?"

"Tomorrow morning."

"Where to go?"

Chen Mo shook his head: "I don't know yet! I will always know."

"This... I may be able to show the master a way."

Venerable Holy Sword said at this time.


Chen Mo glanced at him.

"Many years ago, the old man passed by a place inadvertently. That place was in the Yaozu, a city of the Yaozu ~ www.readwn.com~ called the Yaofeng City. I must have heard of it!"

Everyone nodded.

Hua Shengdao: "The Monster Race is different from the Human Race. The Human Race has countless cities, and the Monster Race is more just territory, but there are some exceptions. According to statistics, the Monster Race has 20 cities, and these 20 cities are Connected together, it can be regarded as a small empire of monsters, called the Ten Thousand Demon Empire. The Demon Wind City is the first city. Anyone who can enter there must be a monster beast in form. I stayed there for a while. Many of the Terran lifestyles are similar. Of course, I have only stayed in the first city. As for how to enter the second or even deeper city, it is not clear."

Venerable Holy Sword nodded: "That's it. As far as the old man knows, this Ten Thousand Demon Empire is under the jurisdiction of the Ten Great Demon Temples, so it is very dangerous for humans to enter there. Why did the old man recommend this place? There, where I saw a battle, the battle of the strong, the battle itself was nothing, but the old man witnessed the time change during their battle. I saw the leaves of the trees being shaken down. The next second, it's as if time has gone backwards, and leaves are growing on the tree again!"

"The law of time!" Xiao Ruhan said!


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