I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 908: Holy spirit

And when Chen Mo was here for ten days, he also got a lot of news, and he was basically certain that the time rule was here!

Because according to some people, this twentieth city is the master of the Second Demon God Temple. Yes, the boss of the Second Demon God Temple is not in the Demon God Temple, but here. He is the boss here, even more so. The entire monster race is considered to be a top-notch existence, not necessarily the strongest, but basically there is nothing stronger than him. His existence should be similar to that of the Human Moon God.

And Chen Mo heard that the Lord of the Second Demon Temple possesses the ability to control time. Some people speculate that it may be the law of time. These are the news that Chen Mo got from a tavern in the twentieth city. He has the strength of Shenhuang rank, but he is only a junior. How exaggerated is this here?

This city is not big. To be precise, it looks like this is the real Second Demon Temple, and the owner of the Second Demon Temple is in the Pantheon in the distance!

Chen Mo must go to the meeting, Shura's illusion change is cooling, but he still has the illusion change of the love saint! It's just that this love saint's phantom change is not necessarily the opponent of that person, maybe it just exists at the same level, and can't kill him... But Chen Mo must go and see.


"the host!"

In the Pantheon, a woman kneels in front of a man.

"What's the matter?"

"The teenager of the Human Race, that is, Shura has come to the Twentieth City."

The woman said respectfully.

"The speed of coming is fast enough."

The corner of the Holy Spirit's mouth twitched slightly.

He is the master of the Second Demon God Temple, but he does not want to resurrect the legendary Demon God. The so-called exhaustion of all his energy to find the key, he is to be more sure to destroy the key, and since he cannot get it, now In the hands of the Moon God, that is also good news. He has been strengthening himself over the years and has gradually reached the peak of the demon clan, all thanks to the power of the law!

More than 10,000 years ago, he obtained the law of power from the fallen Shura. At that time, the Holy Spirit was nothing more than an ordinary mob with the strength of a ghost, and it is hard to say whether he can even reach the Heaven Forbidden level. , But with the help of the Law of the God of War, he has become the peak of existence in just ten thousand years. Once again by chance, he killed the original Lord of the Second Demon Temple and took away his Law of Time.

Under normal circumstances, he is by no means an opponent of the law of time, but that person was directly severely injured by a blow from the law of power. Even with the law of time, he cannot fully release the power of the law of time in his state. He can easily To break free, if not, you only need to release a time stasis to him. He can only stand there and be slaughtered by others. This is a place where the law of time is terrifying, but he is seriously injured and is no longer his opponent, and he can only escape. For a while, he was later overtaken and killed directly! He also got the law of time!

With the help of two, he became the top existence of the monster race!

And just a few days ago, I heard that a human had broken into here, killing all the way here, he became interested, and just checked it casually, it turned out to be that human Shura!

Is he afraid? Of course not afraid! Shura is terrible, but who are you Shura?

Then he waited here with great interest, and he heard that there might be laws in this person!

The Holy Spirit God is even more curious. He didn’t attack him straightforwardly, because he heard that this person might have an empty magic stone, so he spent more than five days setting up a pantheon in the 20th city. The huge invincible barrier, this barrier is very powerful, think about it, this level of existence, plus countless masters have to set up for five days to make it, how strong is that? The power of this enchantment, as long as people enter, I am afraid that the empty magic stone will not be able to get out! So to be on the safe side, in order to be able to get the rules in his body, he would rather devote these efforts than wait for him to come!

He knows that Chen Mo is very powerful, but is he afraid? Perhaps others will be afraid of him, the law of power and the law of time, what is he afraid of?

Perhaps there is no law of time, he might be afraid of it, but the power of time law is beyond everyone's imagination. After he got the law of time, he felt that he was invincible! This is where the law of time is powerful! Maybe he can't release the full power of the law of time, and no one in this world can truly release the full power of a law, but his strength lies here, singled out, even 1V2, he is not very afraid of the existence of the same level! But it can't compete with all the strong.

This is why he feels he is invincible, but he will not launch a real attack on humans yet.

The law is not invincible. When a person's power is enough to break through the law's power, the law's power is insignificant, but there must also be this kind of power!

He and Moon God are singled out, and Moon God cannot easily break through the restrictions of the law! So what is he afraid of? An unformed Shura?

"Just wait for him!"

Holy Spirit Shinto.

"Yes, master!"


On the other side, Chen Mo and the others were walking on the streets of this city.

This city is much more prosperous, and there are not many people, basically top-notch existence! Of course, there are some weaker ones, which may be some kind of status, or some family members who exist at the top.

"Wait for the evening, Yingying, you can go with me at night." Chen Mo said.

Chen Mo probably thinks what kind of enemy he might face. Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou are not in full bloom. They may be dangerous in that level of battle, but Yingying is different. She really seems to be a top-level existence!

"Um... OK!"

Yingying nodded.

"Can you help me fight together then?"

Yingying thought for a while and said, "But... Yingying doesn't know how powerful it is."

"You're good."

Chen Mo said.


She nodded her little head~www.readwn.com~ Big brother, Shuishi wanted to help too. "

Shui Shui's little mouth pursed.

"Don't use it this time. The enemy you face may be very powerful, and there will be many opportunities in the future."

"Um... alright!"


Then they went to an inn to stay temporarily, and Chen Mo waited for the arrival of the evening.

Why must it be at night?

Maybe it will give a person who is doing some bad things a sense of security at night. Chen Mo wants to go in alone to check the situation. He only knows that this person is the Holy Spirit God, the existence of the Moon God level, and there may be rules. , Should be the strongest opponent he has encountered so far, none!

Night fell slowly... Chen Mo's figure walked out slowly.

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