I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 912: Saint Yao's Heart

Chen Mo scratched his head, then looked at Empress Shengyao.

"Actually... I should be the person you are talking about."

After Chen Mo finished speaking, the emperor Shengyao frowned, and an aura subconsciously revealed.

Yes, maybe subconsciously a little angry.

For her, that might be a more important thing. She didn't want anyone to insult him, and Chen Mo even pretended to be him when she said that, she felt it was an insult!

"I hope you don't say this again in the future!"

The Empress Saint Yao coldly said to Chen Mo.


Chen Mo scratched his head and asked.

"There is no why."

"But... I am indeed that person, why don't you believe it?"

The Empress Saint Yao looked at Chen Mo.

Huang Huang blinked his big eyes and looked confused.

Chen Mo then said: "At that time, Xiaoyuan, Shui Shui and I fell from the void, and fell on the Titan Great Ape, right?"

The Empress Saint Yao showed a surprised expression.

She saw this scene in her eyes, and there was absolutely no second person who saw this scene, he could actually say it, could it be...

"I also saw you at the time, but I didn't know you. I didn't think it might be you until I saw Huanghuang. Then since Huanghuang said that you should go away and cultivate again, it should be you."

"anything else?"

The Empress Saint Yao was a little excited, but she tried her best to restrain this excitement and make herself seem more normal.

"and also?"

Chen Mo thought for a while and said, "What else is there, and then we were chased all the way by the Titan Great Ape. Fortunately, I escaped with a spiritual weapon that can teleport ten meters."

"Huanghuang, go and get the clothes."

"Ah good!"

Huang Huang then ran away quickly.

"If you lie to me, I will really be very angry." Empress Shengyao said to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo said, "Don't I say enough?"

To be honest, it was enough, in fact, when Chen Mo said that he had fallen from the sky and landed on the Titan Great Ape, it was enough! But she felt a little weird, or when she faced it, she didn't know how to face it.

The Empress Saint Yao did not speak.

Soon Huang Huang ran over with the torn clothes.

The clothes were not washed, which she kept deliberately.

"Huanghuang, you smell it."

The Empress Saint Yao said to Huang Huang.

This dress is Chen Mo's rookie uniform. She has kept it since she got it, and she hasn't even shown it to Huang Huang. Huang Huang had seen it before she left, but she didn't pay much attention.


Then Huang Huang's little nose sniffed.

"This smell is the same as the one on Big Brother...seems."

Empress Saint Yao: "..."

Then Huang Huang went to Chen Mo's side and sniffed cutely.

"Sister, it's really a taste."

Huang Huang said happily.

The Empress Saint Yao looked at Chen Mo.

In fact, she believed it a lot before, and the first time she really met Chen Mo was near Linfeng City on the border, which was also next to the Great Forest of Ten Thousand Monsters.

"Wow! It's really big brother!" Huang Huang said excitedly.

The Empress Saint Yao then stood up and leaned slightly towards Chen Mo.

"Thank you, Mr. Chenmo, for saving his life at that time, and I apologize for not believing you just now."

"Ai, ai, ai, no need, I admit it is just because I feel that Her Majesty does not really have to worry about this kind of thing, and during this period, whether it is the empty magic stone or others hostile to me, your Majesty supports me, you have helped me a lot. A lot, I also want to thank you."

"These are other things. In comparison, it's more just because I reported to Master Chenmo that you eliminated the Flame Demon Temple, plus I do believe that Master Chenmo is not a member of the demon sect. That is another code. Matter." said the emperor Shengyao.

Chen Mo shrugged.

"So I am here to seek help this time."

"But it doesn't matter."

"I want to borrow Huanghuang to use it."

Huang Huang's big eyes flashed.

Wow wow! I can see Xiaoyuan and them again.

"Of course there is no problem." The Empress Shengyao said.

"Thanks a lot."

"It's just..." Empress Shengyao groaned slightly and looked at Chen Mo, "Master Chen Mo needs to be careful of some immortal emperors."

"Don't worry about this, I have my own measures." Chen Mo then looked at Huang Huang.

"Then I will take Huanghuang and go first."

The Empress Saint Yao nodded.

Then Chen Mo took Huang Huang's little hand, and the two disappeared where they were.

After Chen Mo disappeared, the Empress Shengyao stood up, Meisou looked at the painting she drew, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Your Majesty, are you looking for a minister?"

At this time, a figure appeared beside the Emperor Shengyao, it was that Jun Tianyi! The son of the fairy emperor, the future successor of the emperor, just because he admired the female emperor Shengyao very early, was driven out by the emperor, and has been following the female emperor Shengyao.

"The Human Race will launch a counterattack against the Monster Race in some time. You are responsible for commanding half of the Saint Yao Empire's army."


Jun Tian also nodded.

"During this period, I will mainly focus on the supply of grain and grass. By then, a large amount of grain and grass reserves will be needed every day. You should first inform the major cities of the news."


"Um... nothing else."

Jun Tian also paused, and then asked: "Your Majesty, who is that man just now?"

"Dust Mo."

"Oh, it's him. I don't know what he asked your Majesty to do?"

The Empress Saint Yao glanced at Jun Tian and said, "It's just some small things, you don't need to worry about this."

"Mainly, Chenmo's wind is not very good now. Although it is much better than before, there are still hostile immortal emperors, popes and others, and the ministers are afraid that they will come to your majesty."

The emperor Saint Yao shook her head: "No, if a person wholeheartedly for the mainland insists on being treated as an enemy of the mainland by others, what will this world be like? Unless he becomes a real Shura, no one has any. Qualified to do it to him!"

"Understood, Your Majesty..."


The Empress Saint Yao glanced at him~www.readwn.com~ If the human race wins a big victory, can the matter between you and me... give a conclusion? "

"Why are you? As I said, I only treat you as a good friend." The Empress Saint Yao sighed slightly.

"But I didn't."

Jun Tian also shook his head.

"I don't want to talk about these. If you feel like you want to leave, you can."

Jun Tian also gave a fist.

"The minister retire!"

After speaking, his figure disappeared in place.

Perhaps if it is really possible, if she really wants to choose a partner, it is indeed Jun Tianyi, he is very good, and very infatuated, but she really doesn't feel it, on the contrary, she doesn't even have that Chenmo... feels... …

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