I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 917: Goodbye Chen 4 Niang

Thirty seconds later, Chen Mo and the others came to a new and unfamiliar place. It was a land of wind and snow, surrounded by undulating snow-capped mountains. The thick snow layer stepped on to the knees and was submerged in the snow. .

Chen Mo was helpless.

He opened the player’s map and took a look. It’s not clear where exactly it is, but the approximate location should belong to the far north. In just a few seconds, they almost spanned the entire Snow Empire, this Snow Empire. Although it is not the largest, it is also one of the five empires. At the speed of the phoenix and phoenix, I am afraid that it would have to be close to half a day or even a day to cross. Then he stretched out his hand this night, and a space was torn in front of him. They came after they entered. Here.

Seriously, Chen Mo was dumbfounded.

"Ye, do you still have the power of space?"

Chen Mo asked the night with a cold expression on his side.

"There is one thing, but this is not a complete space power. When the power reaches a certain level, it can break through the limitations of space and even time. It's just a matter of degree. This is why the legend can live forever."

Chen Mo nodded.

So everything is still strength! I am afraid that the strength of this night has reached its peak!

Ye Ming was following Ye Ming, and Ye Ming asked him to assist Chen Mo. He said very little, but he was responsible for assisting Chen Mo, so he would explain to Chen Mo.

"But my strength is not too strong. The space tearing just now consumes a lot of strength, not as simple as I imagined."

"That's it, then you can take a break."

"No need."

"Okay! Let's hurry."

The next goal is very simple, just need to find people, this should be the far north or nearby, people here must be familiar with it.

About twenty minutes later, Chen Mo saw a small house in the wind and snow, which surprised Chen Mo.

There is no people here, or where the wind and snow are, there will be a house. Who would live alone in such a place? And braving the smoke, obviously this is not an abandoned house.

Then Chen Mo and the others walked over.


Chen Mo knocked on the door.


A woman's voice came from the house, which was sharp and vigilant.

"Hello, I'm passing by here to ask for directions."

Chen Mo said.


A flying knife flew out directly through the door of the room, and flew straight to Chen Mo's head. Yeyan next to him was swift, stretched out his hand to directly hold the flying knife, and then burst out with momentum.

Chen Mo patted him on the shoulder and shook his head.

"Girl, I'm not malicious, I really just came to ask for directions."

From the "who" just now, Chen Mo can already hear that she is extremely vigilant, why is she vigilant? Firstly, it is not normal for people to appear in this place. Secondly, she may have an enemy. In addition, she will directly deal with herself. The former is excluded. Chen Mo guesses that she subconsciously thinks that she is her enemy, so she deliberately said so and waited for her. Open the door and shoot instantly.

Only then did the door open.

"Chen Siniang?"

Chen Mo recognized her at a glance. Although she hadn't seen her for a long time, Chen Siniang was of great significance to Chen Mo. She was the person Chen Mo met in Xinshou Village. His appearance was destroyed by poison and Chen Mo cured him. I went to her and left with her, except that she went to the Arctic Empire, and Chen Mo went to the Sheng Yao Empire.

The key point is that she is very beautiful after her appearance has recovered. Don't look at her name as Chen Siniang, which is just another name. Her appearance is also 27 or 18 years old. She is slightly mature and charming. In terms of appearance, she is absolutely top-notch. .

I thought I would never see each other again, but I didn't expect them to see such a big world here!

That's right, the reason she just shot was indeed what Chen Mo guessed.

Chen Siniang was taken aback for a moment, why did he call himself by this name?

"It's a pretty sister."

Xiao Yuan took Shui Shui's little hand and said.


Shui Shui nodded repeatedly.

They had met Chen Siniang, so they knew each other.

When Chen Siniang saw Xiaoyuan and Shui Shui, she also recognized them.

"Are you... Chen Mo?"

Chen Siniang looked at Chen Mo in surprise and asked.

Chen Mo nodded.

Chen Siniang showed a surprised expression.

In such a big world, they can still meet, this...

"Quick, fast forward."

Chen Siniang was also very surprised, and then quickly led them into the house.

The house has only one room, the bed is in the corner, the others are relatively empty, and some basic living equipment.

"Why are you Chenmo here? I don't have any chairs here, just sit on the edge of the bed."

Chen Siniang said.

"No need, Chen Siniang, why are you here?"

Chen Mo looked around, then asked.

"This one……"

Chen Siniang was a little embarrassed, and then couldn't help but coughed, then clutched his chest, frowning.

"You are hurt?"

Chen Siniang nodded.

"Well... I was injured while fighting with others, which is why I am here."

Chen Siniang said.

Ye stood at the door, silent, and several girls were beside Chen Mo.

"I will treat you."

Chen Mo stretched out his hand and pressed it on Chen Siniang's shoulder.

Chen Siniang was puzzled at first, until Chen Mo burst into her body with a soft force, Chen Siniang showed a shocked expression.

She felt that her injury was recovering at an unimaginable speed!

The injury she suffered is not light, she has been recuperating for nearly two months and still has not fully recovered, but...

"All right!"

Chen Mo put away his hand.

"This... what power is this?"

Chen Siniang felt it for a while, her injury... just recovered?

"Um... the law."

Chen Mo said.

Chen Siniang: "..."

She then laughed.

"Sure enough, I knew you were extraordinary when I was in the village. This should be the law of life."

Chen Mo nodded ~www.readwn.com~ It was really embarrassing. We met twice, once you helped me detoxify and restore my appearance, and this time you helped me heal me if I had trouble. "

Chen Siniang said helplessly.

"Nothing, but I didn't expect to meet you in such a big world."

Chen Mo said.

"I didn't expect it. I thought it was the enemy who came here, so..."

Chen Siniang said awkwardly.

"What enemy?"

Chen Siniang said: "I told you before that he was the one who poisoned me and ruined my appearance. He was also the culprit who killed my whole family. In those years, I also improved a lot in cultivation. After I came out, I asked him to take revenge. I thought I should be the same, who knew the gap was still too big, and then I was injured and hid in this place for two months to recuperate."

"Who is it? I can try." Chen Mo said.

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