I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 922: Goodbye old man


Chen Mo and the others stood there, looking at the huge corpses of Lin's Village...

"Chen Siniang, this Lin Family Village has been here for so many years, hasn't it been moved?" Chen Mo asked.

Ye shouldn't have been here with Ye Ming, otherwise he would have come here long ago.

Chen Siniang nodded; "As far as I know, this is the case."

"Where are the people in Lin Family Village buried after death?"

Then Chen Siniang pointed in a direction and said: "Since ancient times, people who died in Linjia Village will be buried there. There is a mountain called Funeral Heart Mountain. Even if many people leave Linjia Village, they will eventually choose to return to their roots. I hope I will return here and be buried in Funeral Heart Mountain."

"Buried Heart Mountain, then Senior's lover will be there too, go, let's go over."

Then they walked towards the heart-breaking mountain that was slightly raised but very large.

When I walked over, there were all kinds of stone monuments in my sight, and then all kinds of tombs, large and small. There were mounds, deep buried, and useful stones. The stone tablets would basically have someone's name written on them. And birth date.

"Everyone, please help me find a tombstone called Lin Xian'er."

Chen Mo said.

"it is good!"

Then they dispersed.

Lin Xian'er is a character from ten thousand years ago. I don’t know if the tomb of ten thousand years still exists. I don’t know if I can find it. But generally speaking, things like tombstones can be preserved for thousands of years. The words above may not be clear.

After a long time, they did not find out.

"It's weird, how can I not find it, I have searched it all."

Chen Mo rubbed his chin and paced slowly.

"The mistress is the master's partner, and the master is absolutely impossible to bury the mistress normally."

Said to Chen Mo at this time of the night.

Chen Mo's eyes lit up.

"Yes! You are right!"

Who is Shura! His top powerhouse, how could he bury his lover with others?

Others are not capable of burying their family members properly, so they are simply buried in Heart Burying Mountain. Asura has this ability, how could he simply bury Lin Xian'er here?

It must be in Zangxin Mountain, because Linjia Village pays attention to returning to the roots of fallen leaves, but he must not be with these people.

Chen Mo then turned on Shura to kill the pupil and scanned the Buried Heart Mountain. As expected, when Shura killed the pupil, he saw the clue!

I am afraid that only Shura Killing Eyes can see it, there is no spiritual power fluctuations, no formations, it is impossible for ordinary warriors to find out, only Shura Killing Eyes can discover the trace left by the remaining Asura!

He’s already done well. If he asks someone to do this one day, that person must be Shura, his heir. Only they met in Xinshou Village and completed his trial. Will I ask that person, and that person is also Shura, Shura has Shura to kill the pupil, only Shura can find there! Then Chen Mo walked over, and several girls followed Chen Mo danglingly.

This is at the very center of Burial Heart Mountain. There seems to be nothing wrong with it, and there are many other people's tombstones around.

Chen Mo's body exploded with Shura's power.

Chen Mo didn't know what this mark was, but it wasn't a mechanism either. What Chen Mo could guess was his unique Shura power.

Sure enough, when Chen Mo released Shura's power, a black door appeared in front of him.

"It should be right."

Chen Mo then stepped into it.

Ye followed Chen Mo, and the other girls, Chen Xinyue walked in.

When they walked in, there was a simple underground world inside. There was not much space. There was a tombstone in front and the ground was soil. Obviously Lin Xian'er was buried underground.

With Shura's ability, it is absolutely possible to make a person's body not corrupt for ten thousand years, but he did not do so. The simplest reason is... Ye Xian'er's body has been destroyed, and he can only bury her in the ground.

Chen Mo glanced, and the words engraved on the tombstone were vigorous and powerful, just a few simple words.

The tomb of my wife Lin Xian'er.

But you can imagine how much suffering a loved one buries her and carves this simple character with his own hands.


Chen Mo stretched out his hand, and Ye Ming's bones fell in front of him.

Ye knelt down on one knee and said nothing.

"Senior Ye, I have brought you."

Chen Mo murmured, and then Chen Mo sacrificed two of them, digging the ground. Soon, a hole was dug in the ground. Chen Mo put Ye Ming's bones in it. Next to the tomb of Xian'er, and then covered it with soil.


Zhi Zhen Zhifeng then flew to a stone next to him, and simply cut that stone into a tombstone, Chen Mo set the tombstone there, and then carved a few words.

The tomb of the concubine Ye Ming.

In this way, it should be regarded as the final end.

Chen Mo looked at the front, then bowed deeply three times, Ye already knelt there on one knee.

After seeing these girls, they walked to Chen Mo's side and bowed there, while Chen Xinyue also bowed.

Unexpectedly, he came here to bury the former Shura and his lover together.

"Senior Ye, if it is possible, I mean if I have that ability one day, maybe I will try to get Senior and your lover back again."

Chen Mo said.

At this moment, both Ye Ming's tomb and Lin Xian'er's tomb next to each other rose with light, one is black, the other is white, and the two lights of black and white are intertwined, and then slowly fall to the ground, and two figures appear. One is Ye Ming, and the other is a beautiful woman in a fairy skirt.

Their phantoms held hands and glanced at each other.

"Chen Mo, thank you."

Ye Ming looked at Chen Mo and said.

Chen Mo shook his head slightly.

"Then since this time, we should not meet again. I have given you the law of death. There is nothing left to help you. Asura is left on your own understanding. Good luck."

Ye Ming smiled and looked at Chen Mo and said ~www.readwn.com~ Thank you senior. "

Lin Xian'er beside her raised her hand, and then a beam of light flew towards Chen Mo.

"My son, my husband and I gave birth to a boy that year. Later, there was an accident and the boy was nowhere to be found. I don’t know if he survived. Now so many years have passed. If he was lucky enough to survive that year, or have offspring still in the world, this It is a jade printed with the blood of a young woman. If Mr. Chenmo finds this jade gleaming with brilliance one day, he will find our descendants. If they are living in a difficult situation, I hope the young man can help."

After speaking, Lin Xian'er bowed to Chen Mo.

"I see! I will!"

Chen Mo hung the jade around his waist.

"Then...we'll leave, night, old man, find a woman in your free time and enjoy life, goodbye, everyone."

Then the two people hand in hand, turned and walked towards the back, and as they walked, their figures gradually disappeared and disappeared...

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