I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 938: Is Sister Han doing anything?

Chapter 929

The screaming screams spread far, far again...


With another sword, the other arm of the Sixth Elder was cut off.


He was twisting frantically, but his legs were firmly imprisoned, and he couldn't move at all. He couldn't move his legs, and his arms were gone. Although he had a body of cultivation, it was useless.

Chen Mo and the others didn't speak, and they watched this scene quietly while standing not far away.

"Do you know who I am?"

Han Jiangxue asked him tremblingly.

"Spare... forgiveness... the female hero is forgiveness."

The six elders began to beg for mercy.

Han Jiangyue took off the veil from her face.


When he saw Han Jiangxue's face, his face was completely dead.

Han Jiangxue is a well-known young talent in mainland China. It is normal for many people to know her, but few people see her appearance. But as a foreign teacher of Yangshen Sect, they have been investigating Han Jiangxue, and as the initiator of the year. , This Sixth Elder, naturally, is clearly not good for Han Jiangxue, and it is normal to know her.

"I killed my family for more than ten years, and even I can't believe that one day I can avenge myself."

Han Jiangxue's hand shaking the sword slightly, biting her silver teeth...



Brush and brush——

In the next instant, she madly shot out her swords, each sword did not have deep wounds, and did not use any spiritual power, but left a trail of blood on his body.

This process lasted ten minutes.

You know, although his arms were chopped off and his legs were imprisoned, his realm was very high. He was not like an ordinary person. He had to faint without his arms. Of course not, Han Jiangxue Qianjian, Wan Jian is on him and he is not dead yet.

Ten minutes of screaming will not make anyone intolerable to him!


In the end, Han Jiangxue's strength was gone, the last sword pierced his heart, and then Han Jiangxue's long sword plunged into the ground, panting with big mouths, and the fragrant sweat dripped.

After that, her delicate body trembled slightly... and then slowly knelt on the ground and started sobbing.

Ran Qingqiu glanced at Chen Mo, and Chen Mo shook his head slightly.

After so many years of hatred, her emotional breakdown is normal.

Ji Lingluo watched this scene, then turned around.

There are many, many people like her in this world, and she personally doesn’t know how many sins she has caused...

She didn't want to, but she had no choice.

After a while, Han Jiangxue's mood slowly stabilized, and Chen Mo walked over and gently put his hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

Han Jiangxue lifted her head slightly, and then she got up and hugged Chen Mo. The moment she hugged, her tears rushed out again.

Chen Mo didn't speak, and patted her back gently.

"If you have a grievance, you can start a new life of your own. If one day I have the ability, I mean if I will let your relatives come back with Yuhan."

Han Jiangxue's body trembled suddenly.

She knew that the reason Chen Mo had been working hard was to revive Ye Yuhan. It is said that the Twelve Rules have this ability, and Chen Mo has collected six rules. If the rumors are true, then he might really be able to do it! Her family may not have really left...

Thinking of this, Han Jiangxue gushed out a glimmer of hope.

"Thank you Master Chenmo."

Han Jiangxue said in a crying voice.

"I shouldn't be thankful, it should be Miss Ji who thanked me."

Chen Mo said.

"If there were no Master Chenmo, I would never have come to the underground city, let alone meet Miss Ji."

Chen Mo did not speak.

"That one……"

After ten seconds, Chen Mo coughed slightly.

"You beat me..."

Chen Mo said.

Han Jiangxue: "..."

Ran Qingqiu: "..."

Ji Lingluo: "..."

Han Jiangxue quickly let go of Chen Mo, her pretty face flushed instantly, her small face turned aside and wiped away tears.

Chen Mo patted his forehead.

Is he shabi? How can you say it?

Ahhhhh! !

Blame him, blame him for never having a real relationship, and it feels uncomfortable to be held up...

Who said it was comfortable? Not very comfortable, okay?

Or is it too much?

Hmm... it may be.

"Miss Ji, thank you too." Han Jiangxue said gratefully.

"If I can make up for my fault, I will do my best."

Ran Qingqiu came over and said: "Sometimes it is true that you are guilty, but it is not your intention. Just try to make up for it."

Ji Lingluo nodded.

"Thank you for giving me this opportunity, I will definitely make up."

Chen Mo said: "Then you go back first."


Now the ordinary members from all over the place have successively entered there, just waiting for them to come.

The major powerhouses of the major sects on the mainland are also gathering. Some have already come here, but they have not contacted for the time being, because they can't fight the grass and startle the snakes. They have to wait until the last time to dispatch together.

The three of Chen Mo returned to the underground city again. The Sixth Elder died, but no one knew that he died, and he could act in less than two days. Don't worry about this issue.

It was already night when I went back, and three people were sitting in the small inn drinking tea.

Han Jiangxue's eyes are still red, and it may take a few days for her to completely recover from this kind of thing.

The expectation for so many years is completed today, it is really difficult for her to recover in a short time.

"It's getting late, so let's go back to the room and rest."

Han Jiangxue nodded, and then the three of them went to their respective rooms, and Han Jiangxue took a look. Are they not together?

Chen Mo lay on the bed thinking about the next things.

Now until the next fifteen days, Chen Mo can look for the law. In fact, Chen Mo still wants to avenge Ye Yuhan. Her relatives also died in the hands of unknown enemies, but Chen Mo will not temporarily because of him. Even more, Ye Yuhan came back one day, and let her take revenge!

"Let’s go offline~www.readwn.com~ It’s too early, see if Kexin Xiaomeng is asleep, if you don’t sleep, you can go to the backyard to have a barbecue..."

Chen Mo thought for a while, and when he was about to go offline, the door of the room was knocked.

Dyeing Qingqiu?

At that moment, Chen Mo wondered...Why don't you go offline tomorrow morning and stop eating barbecue...Dan Qingqiu is here.


Anyway, there will be more time in the future. Such a beautiful woman took the initiative to send it to her door. To be honest, a normal man can never refuse.

Then Chen Mo walked over and opened the door, and then found that it was Han Jiangxue standing at the door.

"Uh-is there anything wrong with Senior Sister Han?"

Chen Mo was a little disappointed, why didn't he dye Qingqiu... Didn't he let himself go to her room? Actually, it's not impossible, just a little embarrassed... His face is really thin.

(End of this chapter)

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