I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 940: You go up too

Chapter 931

Han Jiangxue's delicate body trembled suddenly... She closed her eyes forcefully...

Then, she was taken down by Chen Mo without any resistance...

After a while, Ran Qingqiu lay in the room on the other side and couldn't sleep.

Cultivation, inexplicably not wanting to practice, closed his eyes and thought of Chen Mo.

Very annoying!

This Chen Mo was now the kind of person who completely occupied her.

She was very embarrassed, but she always wanted to be with him, even if she didn't do that kind of thing, she felt very relieved to fall asleep in his arms.

After thinking about it, Ran Qingqiu also tossed and turned, then got up and walked out.

She walked to Chen Mo's door and raised her hand to knock on the door, but suddenly realized that if Han Jiangxue was not asleep, she should be able to hear the gentle knock on the door because she was in the next room, and she and Chen Mo's relationship is not a secret, but I always feel that when others know that she always takes the initiative to find Chen Mo, it will be weird to run Qingqiu.

There was no sound in the room at the moment. Chen Mo was lousy with Han Jiangxue, Han Jiangxue leaned there shyly and didn't want to move, but Chen Mo was only an intermission. After all, Han Jiangxue was the first time, and Chen Mo would have a kind of The excitement caused him to be a little faster. Although Han Jiangxue could not bear it, it didn't matter. He continued after a break. Chen Mo was like this anyway, he was willing to go.

The scumbag should be the scumbag. It's really weird that such a beautiful woman will be sent to her lips and not eaten. But Chen Mo will feel a little guilty, which is for Lin Kexin... But once it starts, Chen Mo will definitely not I thought about it over there, maybe I will think about it afterwards.

Because there was no sound inside, Yan Qingqiu didn't hear anything outside, so she wondered...

Your relationship with Mr. Chen Mo is already so good, shouldn't it be okay to open the door without knocking?

Thinking of this, she bit her lip, then opened the door and walked in.

The room is a 7-shaped, the door is at the bottom of 7, and the bed is at the far left of 7 to the left, so after Ran Qingqiu enters, the bed cannot be seen until she gently walks to the corner. Go in, the bed in front of you...

Ran Qingqiu's mouth opened wide.

To be honest, she actually thought that many beautiful girls around her might be Chen Mo’s partner by then, and she is only one of them, including Han Jiangxue. This is nothing, because he is good enough and powerful enough. That's it!

But she really didn't expect that they would be...

Really stunned.

Then Chen Mo turned his head to see...


Chen Mo's degree of persecution is not lower than hers, it's just that there is an inexplicable sense of anxiety about stealing Q.

It may be in reality, but not here.


Han Jiangxue was also shocked.

"Dye... dye girl."

"Ye... I'm sorry, I didn't knock on the door..."

Ran Qingqiu said hurriedly.

Chen Mo:? ? ?

No, why did she do something wrong?

"I'm going back……"


Chen Mo stood up subconsciously, and then took her hand.

"That... do I want to explain?"

"Master Chenmo doesn't need to explain, Master Chenmo is so good, it's normal to have other girls, don't bother you."

Ran Qingqiu glanced at Brother Chen Mo, her pretty face flushed, and her little face quickly turned aside.

Chen Mo scratched his head with the other hand and didn't let go of her.

"Um... I'm really sorry."

Chen Mo said awkwardly.

"It's nothing..."

Ran Qingqiu really felt nothing, but she was abrupt and didn't knock on the door to disturb them.

"That...you came here..."

Chen Mo asked.

Ran Qingqiu blushed, and said falteringly: "I... I run out of water in my room and want to pour a glass of water."

Chen Mo: "..."

Han Jiangxue: "..."

"Then I will go first..."

Han Jiangxue said softly.

How could she not know why Ran Qingqiu was here? In her eyes, she interrupted them.

Chen Mo: "..."

Wow! He is so messy! Let Han Jiangxue go away? Is he a brute? And then dye Qingqiu again? ?

He really doesn't know what to do...

"Don't go." Chen Mo subconsciously said.

"Don't you go either."

Chen Mo also said to Ran Qingqiu.

The second girl was stunned.

Chen Mo: "..."

He really panicked. Everyone felt like he was a beast, so he subconsciously told them not to go... and then he found that it seemed even more embarrassing...

Chen Mo gritted his teeth!


Anyway, he is already like this. Instead of letting them leave, he should stay all behind. Is he afraid of being a bit more brutal?

"You go up too."

Chen Mo said to Ran Qingqiu.

Ran Qingqiu: "..."

Han Jiangxue: "..."


Ran Qingqiu bit her lip, Han Jiangxue blushed, and hurriedly shrank to the corner...

"Don't leave, or I'll be a bastard." Chen Mo said.


Although Ran Qingqiu is embarrassed, she is also very messed up, and she listens to Chen Mo's words very much. To be precise, the more powerful and the more expensive the women of the sky, the more they obey their love. .

It is in the eyes of those girls that men are the bigger ones. Once they have a partner, everything they have is men's. This is a traditional idea of ​​them. What about Sky Blue Star? After getting married, this man has to get women to the sky...

Ran Qingqiu blushed and sat on the edge of the bed, hesitated, then slowly tui down her clothes.

Chen Mo; "..."

It wasn't until this time that Chen Mo's head was completely awake, but Ran Qingqiu was already in the quilt.

Wow! !

Did Xiao Ruhan really forget it?

What did she say? Get them together*, now...


Although very happy, Chen Mo...

But just very happy.

"That one…"

Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose...

The two girls did not speak, did not dare to speak, and were not embarrassed to speak...

Chen Mo gritted his teeth, then rushed forward.

Bastard, just bastard! Did he admit that it's not enough?


The next morning ~www.readwn.com~ Chen Mo opened his eyes, turned his head left and right, looking at the two sleeping girls...

It was really crazy to be honest last night, and now Chen Mo thinks about it again, it really feels...like a world away, like a dream.

All of them are the top outstanding women in the mainland, and now together...


Maybe now you have entered the sage mode, Chen Mo sighed.

Ran Qingqiu's long eyelashes trembled slightly, opened her beautiful eyes and saw Chen Mo's profile face, and then couldn't help blushing.

In fact, Han Jiangxue who was next to her had already woke up, but she didn't dare to move or say a word.

"I... I'm going to prepare breakfast."

Ran Qingqiu whispered softly.

(End of this chapter)

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