I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 950: Tang Panpan

Chapter 941

Chen Mo still doesn't know much about this matter, and this is the first time he has come into contact with this thing, and may need to contact them.

"There is no need to force this kind of thing. If you are lucky enough to encounter it, you may be able to fix it.

Flower Saint looked at Chen Mo and said.

The treasure Chen Mo is indeed not lacking, and even the equipment that Chen Mo has swelled to his body is too lazy to equip it.

It's just that Chen Mo thinks these things are very functional.

"I see, thank you senior."

Chen Mo then drank wine with him for a while, chatting for a long time, and the figures of Tang Panpan and Ye Qingqing slowly approached from behind.

"Panpan...Why come here? Mr. Chen Mo and his master had a very happy chat. It's okay to disturb others inexplicably."

Ye Qingqing bit his lip and said.

She gradually emerged from the sadness of Ye Yuhan's departure. To be precise, it was Chen Mo who told her, including Ye Yu, that he would definitely get Ye Yuhan back if he had a way.

They believe it, so they are now going to do something as Ye Yuhan.

Tang Panpan said, "Oh, people dare not."

She really wanted to say a lot to Chen Mo, but when she saw Chen Mo and Senior Huasheng sitting here chatting, the careless Tang Panpan was not embarrassed, and then she pulled her good girlfriend Ye Qingqing over.

The purpose is also very simple. Just have someone to accompany her and give her courage.

Of course Ye Qingqing knew what Tang Panpan was here for and wanted to confess to Chen Mo again. Of course she knew that Tang Panpan liked him, but actually...

She likes it too.

It's just that she... never dared to express her feelings, she thought it would be better to look at it from a distance.

In fact, she is also quite envious of other people, especially Tang Panpan, she dares to love and hate, she wants to follow her many times, but she can't do it at all!

Several times Ye Qingqing mustered up the courage to find Chen Mo, but every time she saw him, she didn't dare to even look at him from a distance.

"Then Mr. Chen Mo is in front now, you go."

"Qingqing, you go with me."


Then the two sisters tiptoed over like a thief.

Chen Mo glanced back, and the two girls stood straight there.

"Anything?" Chen Mo asked.

"Oh... old man, I went back to my room to rest, you young people continue to play."

Hua Sheng smiled, took the roast chicken with the wine and walked away.

Tang Panpan's pretty face flushed slightly.

"Dust... Mr. Chenmo, I have something to tell you."

Tang Panpan plucked up the courage to look at Chen Mo and said.

"Let's talk." Chen Mo stood up.

Ye Qingqing then said quickly: "I...I'm going back first."

After talking about this girl, she ran away.

Tang Panpan took a deep breath and looked at Chen Mo.

"Dust... Mr. Chenmo, I like you!"

When he finished speaking, Tang Panpan felt that his head was blank, and his face blushed hot.

Although this is not the first time I have confessed, I am always very shy.

It's still a girl after all.

"Didn't you tell me about it."

Chen Mo said helplessly.

"Ah...but... but Master Chenmo didn't agree."

Chen Mo did not agree at the time, and Chen Mo was still very innocent.


Tang Panpan then pursed his small mouth and said, "Panpan has seen it all. Girl Ran walked out of Master Chenmo’s room several times in the morning. Girl Ye is also Master Chenmo’s partner, but Master Chenmo knows them clearly. It's even later than Panpan, but they are already Master Chenmo's partners, Panpan is not yet."

Tang Panpan's little mouth pursed aggrievedly.

She, the daughter of Lei Ling Sect, has everything she wants, but for Chen Mo, she really stayed in this Feng Shen Sect for the sake of Chen Mo, which is considered infatuation.

"I just don't have much time to stay here...so..."

Tang Panpan shook his head and walked in front of Chen Mo.

"It's okay, anyway, I only need to be the woman of Master Chenmo... No matter what, people will look to Master Chenmo for the rest of their lives."

Tang Panpan insisted.

"But I don't have time to be with you."

Chen Mo said helplessly.

"It's really okay, Fengshen Sect still has many friends, Panpan also wants to..."

"What do you think?"

Tang Panpan blushed.

"Think...come out of Master Chenmo's room in the morning."

Chen Mo: "..."


If you say this, if you refuse, it is not a beast?


Chen Mo touched her head.

Tang Panpan raised his head, his mouth opened slightly, showing an expression of excitement.


Chen Mo nodded.


Then she jumped happily, jumped into Chen Mo's arms and hugged her, pestering Chen Mo like an octopus.

This Tang Panpan is indeed very cute. He is not too young, he is twenty years old, but it is the same as a fifteen or sixteen year old.

"How old are you? See if other dyed girls would be like you."

Chen Mo said helplessly.

"People are people, and dyed girls are dyed girls, but Master Chen Mo likes what Panpan looks like, and what Panpan can be like!" Tang Panpan said.

"I like the appearance without clothes."

Chen Mo touched her head, joked, then smiled and walked away.

Tang Panpan blushed and lowered his head.

Bad guys...


Chen Mo went offline when he returned to the room...

As everyone knows...

Tang Panpan did a long period of psychological construction. After the bath was finished, wrapped in a bathrobe, he got into Chen Mo's room most of the night, and then took a look...

Wow! No one else?

After a rest for one night, Chen Mo, Lin Kexin and Xiao Meng ate breakfast the next day.

"Kexin, let's go online later."

Chen Mo said to Lin Kexin.

He has already considered where he is going, Snow Imperial City.

This parchment scroll marked the location of Snow Imperial City, of course it was once, and it may be very difficult to find it now! And probably there are rules there! Chen Mo felt that this was fate, and he was willing to go there.

I really couldn't find it. When the time came, I waited for Tianji Pan Zhanyan, and then explored the world with Lin Kexin while searching for the rules.

"it is good!"

Lin Kexin nodded happily~www.readwn.com~Xiaomeng, we may encounter some special situations in the game. If you are hungry, you can go offline and make something to eat. If you don’t want to do it, order takeaway. Leave us alone. "Chen Mo said to Xiao Meng.

"I know." Xiao Meng nodded obediently.

Then they went online.

Chen Mo walked out of the room, out of the yard, and then saw Ye sitting there looking forward, Ji Lingluo, Tang Panpan, and Ye Qingqing three sisters together, of course Ye Yu, Ji Kai, Ran Qingqiu, etc., they May be busy with others.

Tang Panpan looked at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo scratched his head.

Why is the look in his eyes so resentful?

Yes, that kind of grudge shouldn't be too strong.

(End of this chapter)

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