Chapter 943 Zombie?

Lin Kexin was very strange. A man told Brother Chen Mo that he didn't need a woman. Does he just like Brother Chen Mo?

Wow! Is Brother Chen Mo liked by men now?

"What's in your head?"

Chen Mo flicked Lin Kexin's forehead and said helplessly.

Lin Kexin blushed.

Chen Mo then said to Ye: "I shouldn't need you, I will say if you are needed, you are fine to go out and find a girl you like."

Ye did not speak.


Chen Mo waved his hand, then walked away holding hands with Lin Kexin.

Ye looked at the hands held by Chen Mo and Lin Kexin, then raised his hands and looked at them.

This fragrant? Why do men need girls? Ok?

Chen Mo and Lin Kexin came to Weiyang Palace, and with the help of Weiyang Palace's great formation, they disappeared where they were, and once again came to the Snow Empire!

Because Chen Mo has a map, he has some clues, even though this map is a map from many, many years ago! Ten thousand years, right? Because Snow Imperial City has disappeared for thousands of years, this map is said to be a map of hidden laws, and the destination, the place marked on it is also marked with three characters, Snow Imperial City!

Chen Mo looked at his position...

What a coincidence!

The approximate location of the Snow Imperial City is near a certain edge of the Snow Empire, and this large teleportation array also randomly sends them to a certain position on the edge of the Snow Empire. Chen Mo saw that this mountain seemed to be Erbes Mountain, the highest in the Snow Empire, seems to be more than five or six hundred kilometers away from the map!

I rely on! The entire empire is so big, the location where they landed directly is five to six hundred kilometers away, how close it is, this luck is not too good.

"It's cold..."

Lin Kexin shivered.

Chen Mo looked at Lin Kexin and said, "Go, the map shows that there is a city nearby. We are going to buy you thick clothes in the city. Otherwise, if you are so cold, you may lose blood."


Then Chen Mo took Lin Kexin's little hand casually.

Lin Kexin is actually a little shy, but she is very happy.

Soon they came outside the city.

The surrounding area was full of snow and wind, which was different from what Chen Mo had seen before. I visited the Snow Empire once before and bought clothes for Xiao Yuan and the others. Although it was snowy, at least someone was cleaning up in front of the city gate. The wind and snow, and here, the wind and snow in front of the city gate are all slowly. If Chen Mo hadn't seen several guards standing on the city wall, Chen Mo would have thought it was a dead city.


The two wanted to go in, and then they were stopped by a few people inside.

"Several people, let's pass by here and come to the city to supply some clothes."

They glanced at each other.

"Where are you from?"

"Sheng Yao Empire."

They looked at each other again.

"The Saint Yao Empire is here, there should be no big problem, come in."

Chen Mo and Lin Kexin walked in suspiciously.

The city is a bit bleak, and there don't seem to be many people in this city! Even in the Snow Empire, there should be a lot of vendors selling things on the side of the road, but now there are none at all, scattered people wandering aimlessly on the streets.

"Brother Chen Mo, this city is so bleak."

Lin Kexin shrank his head and said.

Chen Mo nodded.

"Hey, half of the people in the city are dead, and the remaining half are afraid to run. It won't be bleak."

The soldier said.

"What happened?" Chen Mo asked.

"Our Floating Snow City is one of the most western cities in the entire empire. Although it is remote, there are still some other cities behind. It is considered normal development. There is no problem, but a very strange thing happened a few days ago. "

The soldier sighed.

"whats the matter?"

The soldier said: "Some strangers in the city suddenly become ill. Once they become ill, their eyes will become red, they will bite and eat human flesh, and if they are bitten by such an ill person, they will become ill soon! In a short time, There were no fewer than tens of thousands of people in the whole city."

Chen Mo and Lin Kexin looked at each other.

"Brother Chen Mo, why is this a bit familiar?"


Chen Mo said.


Lin Kexin suddenly realized.

Isn't this the bridge in those zombie movies?

"What zombies? We all call them poisonous people here."

The soldier asked suspiciously.

Chen Mo shook his head: "Nothing."

The soldier then continued: "This kind of poison has an incubation period in the human body. The incubation period may be as short as a few minutes or as long as several days. For this reason, our Floating Snow City has been isolated by the entire Snowstorm Empire. "

Then he sighed again and said: "We are quarantined and are not allowed to leave this city, but the empire has not given up on us. Regular troops will be sent to supply our city with food, and many, many people have come. Adventurers from another world came to the city and basically killed all the poisonous people in the city!"

"What about now?" Chen Mo asked.

"Now... now the city seems to be temporarily stabilized. No poisonous people are found on the surface. There are still five to sixty thousand people left in the city, but the reason is still unclear. Fortunately, those adventurers in other worlds are not strong enough. They are weak and there are a lot of them. They seem to have discovered some reason. They basically left Floating Snow City, not knowing where they went."

Chen Mo nodded.

"Thanks a lot."

"In Floating Snow City, you should also be more careful. Soldiers are patrolling the whole city, and you should report something wrong in time. It's just that there are no shops in the city anymore and there is a shortage of food, so the two If you don't want to stay, go to another city." The soldier said and walked away.

Chen Mo said: "There are many players coming, it is estimated that all of them have triggered the task of this matter."

"But why are there zombies?"

Lin Kexin shrank his head.

"It's normal. Many people in this continent are studying various weird spells and even poisons. Maybe they are experimenting with them, but if this kind of thing spreads, it will indeed be the entire empire~www.mtlnovel. com~ and even the crisis of the mainland."

"Then should we take care of it?" Lin Kexin asked.

Chen Mo smiled and said, "Anything will do, just as if we came here to play."


At this time, a player team passed by here, and suddenly stopped alone when passing by Chen Mo and the others.

"and many more!"

The figure walked in front of Chen Mo.

"Great God Chenmo!"

Chu Naihe looked at Chen Mo's eyes brightly.

Chen Mo was also slightly taken aback when he saw Chu Naihe.

Isn't this Chu Naihe? How did he come to this Snowstorm Empire without news for so long?

(End of this chapter)

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