I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 962: Falling Snow City

Chapter 953



One after another, the coffin lid fell to the ground, and everyone held their breath!

What kind of monsters will appear in this coffin? Is it a human? Or a corpse?


Then they saw one hand after another on the side of the coffin.

That is the hand!

Unlike the previous ones, these hands seem to be normal!

Then one figure after another stood up from the coffin!

"I'm going! People?"

"It's someone who died before, but maybe because of a higher level? So it doesn't seem to be much different from ordinary people?"


Those players looked nervously at the six people wearing silver, black and golden armor! The reason why they feel that they are no different from ordinary people is because of their skin color! No decay, no special color.


Six people stretched out their hands, and then grabbed them forward. Knives, guns, swords, halberds, axes and bows appeared in their hands.


A gloomy voice came from their throats, and they rushed over!

Whoosh whoosh——


Then those players rushed up.

Chen Mo probed it.

[Gong Ling Lieutenant]: Grade: Tianjue, Level: 60, HP: 180,000o0, one of the lieutenants of a certain army many years ago, the post-general treasoned the country, led countless troops in battle, eventually lost, and was eventually forced to here, The general’s tomb was built secretly, which contains powerful corpse energy, which allows the creatures in it to resurrect after a few years. After resurrection, the power will become stronger after a period of time, and the physique will be greatly strengthened. It can be evolved and evolved. Later it can be no different from ordinary people,

Chen Mo frowned.

It turned out to be so!

This is estimated to be a certain group of rebels in the Arctic Empire a long time ago. The rebels thought they were very powerful and thought that their strength was enough. Who knows that they eventually lost to the empire!

There may be a war in the front, and they built this general tomb in the rear, and sealed a lot of troops here!

Time will make them all dead, but it will also make everything silent. People outside will not find them, they will not be found! They have nowhere to escape. With the passage of time, with the help of the power provided by something, they can be resurrected for many years and many years, but they live in a posture that is not ordinary, and they can get a stronger body after resurrection. and strength.

I have to say that the general, the person in the coffin in the sky, is very thoughtful, but... also very stupid.


There was an idea because he felt that they were bound to die, and they suddenly disappeared. Even if they die in the future, they will be resurrected after a few years, and they will become stronger after resurrection! This is what they got!

But the stupidity is...

After so many years, what is the use of your resurrection?

You have become stronger, but others have not become stronger? Will the empire become stronger? Even if you are reborn, what can you do with these hundreds of thousands of people?

But one thing is powerful, and that is corpse qi!

Yes, maybe he was thinking that this corpse qi is very powerful, and when it comes back to life, he will use the corpse qi to infect a large number of people, and then evolve. Although he seems to be only a few hundred thousand, he may be millions or thousands by then. Ten thousand, hundreds of millions! Even infect the entire empire! Infect the entire continent with this!

This is indeed a bit powerful, but maybe this plan has failed when it just started! Because it has been discovered.

"It's only Tianjue, it's probably just awake, and it hasn't completely started to become stronger!"

Chen Mo sacrificed the sword of calamity, and then rushed directly to the lieutenant bow spirit holding a bow.

"Tian Ni Zhan!"

Lin Kexin's eyes also fell on the lieutenant holding the sword!

"Ke Xin will also single out one!"

Lin Kexin thinks she should have this ability!

"Holy Evolution!"

On the other hand, the team of Chu Naihe also dealt with one, and the other more than 400 players almost dealt with the other three separately!

Time slowly passed, and successive players died. After all, they were all relatively ordinary players, but they were not too many, fifty or sixty, and Chen Mo, Lin Kexin, and Chu Naihe followed in turn. The boss has been solved! Then joined the other three wars!

And Chen Mo stared at the coffin in the sky.

It shouldn't be awakened yet, the strength of this BOSS must be at the lowest level, and if it is strengthened, the difficulty may not be low! So try it now!

"The meaning of Shura, seven emotions-anger!"


In the next instant, Chen Mo rushed up.

"Tian Ni Zhan!"


A powerful force bombarded the coffin!


The huge coffin fell on the ground and then shattered...

When the dust dispersed, Chen Mo frowned!

Nobody inside?

The people nearby have already solved the monster here!

"What about the final boss?"

Chu Naihe asked.

Chen Mo looked at a bright spot in the distance.

"It should have been awakened, and it has just been awakened, maybe when we were out of town! Go!"

Chen Mo frowned.

The corpse king wakes up, what will it do?

The first thing is definitely to infect other people in large numbers, so that he can have enough army, and the nearest to here is...Floating Snow City!

Floating Snow City was fine when they came out, and when they came here, the corpse king was gone, so the corpse king left here during this time! And now, it's probably already in Floating Snow City!

After that, Chen Mo released the power of the empty magic stone, and disappeared in place with a few of them!

"Ah... the son of God Mo."

The remaining players were stunned.

In the next instant, Chen Mo and the others appeared in the streets of Liuxuecheng.

"Fuck! Nima!"

Chu Nai couldn't help but roared out.

At this moment, the streets of Liuxuecheng are all screaming from the people, and many people who are in a very wrong state are biting frantically at those people.

"Big Brother! An Qing she..."

Chu Nai looked at Chen Mo worriedly.

Chen Mo looked back and saw that the city gate had been lost, otherwise these people would not rush in, but the people who rushed in... are probably the seventy or eighty thousand people who escaped from Floating Snow City before! There may be that corpse! Because of the king, no one can guard the city gate!


An Qing's residence is still far away from the city gate~www.readwn.com~ so if they have time, they should be fine!

The power of the empty magic stone was released again, and they came to An Qing's courtyard.

"An Qing, An Qing!"

Chu Naihe shouted.

Chen Mo walked out and took a look. Many people were rushing back, as if this place had not been eroded yet.

Na An Qing ran out of the room and threw herself into Chu Naihe's arms.

Chu Nai heaved a sigh of relief.

"It's all right, it's all right!"

Chen Mo took a look.

"It's okay, I'm going to fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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