I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 964: I can hold

Chapter 955

This stealing big move can only be stolen once a day by a person, but if this task is completed, a person can steal twice a day. In fact, in a sense, this is equivalent to doubling the effect of the infinite big move!

The reason why I didn't steal the big move for a long time was because I didn't need it anymore, but this will always be Chen Mo's special power! So he must complete this task, even if there is no task penalty!


At this time, several powerful men galloped from a distance!

"Master Zhang, Master Li, what's the situation now?"

The Lord of Snow City quickly asked.

The current situation is that players are afraid to go out, for Mao?

Nima! Everyone is okay here. In defensive battles, the defender has some advantages. Go outside, what are you doing? Now the monsters and monsters are infected outside, even if you see a group of poisonous people, are you running? Any strong guy over there can kill you! It's safer here!

Although in a sense, Snow City is actually the most dangerous!

"Sir City Lord, the investigation in front has been completed!"

The Master Zhang said with a fist.

"What's the situation?"

"There are about 100,000 poisonous people, those people we were infected before, the number of monsters..."

In fact, everyone has a certain number of people infected. Their combat power is very weak. What worries them most is the number of monsters!

After being infected, the strength increases, but where can ordinary people improve even if they increase? The most worried thing is that the monster is infected and promoted! That's stronger!

"The number of monsters...may not be less than 80,000!"


Hearing his words, everyone gasped!

Fortunately, those people can't hear it, otherwise they will be completely panicked.

"How about the intensity?"

Sky City City Lord frowned and said.

"I'm not sure, I guess the strongest ones are not in the minority, Lord City Lord, let's evacuate Snow City, let the people escape first!"

The Lord Zhang said.

What his words have actually said, it shows that he doesn't have much confidence to stop them!

"But... there are still dozens of kilometers away from the next city, and there is no longer any means of transmission. These people walk for dozens of kilometers, and I am afraid that many people will die!"

The Lord of Snow City frowned.

"That's better than they all become poisonous people!"

The Lord of Snow City clenched his fists.

"Furthermore, the corpse king is born, and his strength is probably not lower than the super **** level. In addition, he is a corpse king and has superior combat power. There is only one super **** level in Snow City, and there are still some strong existences left. It's impossible to hold it!"

The Lord Zhang said.

The Lord of Snow City frowned.

"But... what if one of these people has been infected?"

He posed a fatal problem.

"Infected people even some people will have a preliminary condition in two or three days. If they are infected and have escaped for tens of kilometers, I am afraid they will all be infected. Wouldn't it be that we will send hundreds of thousands of poisoned people? Into the Arctic Empire?"


The words of the City Lord of Snow City made them unable to refute!

"Then what to do?"

"What to do? Defeat Tianxuecheng with your own lives! They have strong, but we are humans! We are the supreme human beings! This city lord does not believe it, and takes out all the weapons that can't be defended by the defender!"

The Lord of Snow City clenched his fists!

"Hey... That may only be the case!"

The Master Zhang sighed.

"Where are the reinforcements?"

The City Lord of Snowy City said: "It will take one day for the reinforcements at the earliest, but there will be more than dozens of them, and hundreds of strong will arrive. We only need to wait for all the 100 strong to arrive. At least it should be possible to hold. of!"

Master Zhang said: "At their speed, I should be able to come in about four hours!"

"Four hours...then we will hold on for another four hours, eight hours, at least more than fifty strong reinforcements will arrive!"

Tianxuecheng City Main Road.

"But... can we hold it for four hours?"

"Hold on to death!\'

Chen Mo heard their conversation all the way beside!

Next to Chen Mo and Lin Kexin are the defenders of the NPC, and in this situation, even if someone knows that Chen Mo is here, who will come to chase the stars, it is simply too insightful.

"For four hours, it should be no problem."

Chen Mo then said to them.

They looked at Chen Mo.

"How easy is it! You said that if it is an ordinary soldier, then we will directly rush out and fight with them. At the same time, the defenders above the city wall keep attacking. As a defender, it is fine, but those are poisonous people. , We can only defend, if sent out to fight, it will become their strength!"

The City Lord of Snow City shook his head and said.

"And the most important thing is that there are many infected monsters!"

Chen Mo said, "I mean, I can buy time."


They looked at Chen Mo in surprise.

"you are??"

Although he knows that he is an adventurer in another world, the adventurer in another world is much better than their army, but his strength is also limited!

"Chen Mo." Chen Mo then said.

In fact, Chen Mo can do this by himself, but...

He may have to use the phantom **** change, for such a task? Chen Mo is reluctant anyway! Shura Huan Shenbian is not available for the time being, you can only use Qingsheng Huan Shenbian, and Qingsheng Huan Shenbian has a lifetime limit!

But he can take time!


Hearing this name, they looked at each other!

"Chen... Chenmo? Are you... the Chenmo from the Fengshen Sect?"

The City Lord of Snow City looked at Chen Mo in shock.

Chen Mo's name is really too big, but not only among the players, the entire continent is super famous!

Chen Mo nodded.


Seeing Chen Mo nodding, the few people showed shocked and excited expressions.

Who is Chen Mo? Shura! Shura who defeated all the powerhouses! He is here!

"It's just that my power will definitely not be released so much, but I can try to delay the time!"

No matter what Chen Mo said, but inexplicably knowing that he is Chen Mo, their hearts are extremely at ease.

"Senior Chen Mo..."

"Uh-" Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose.

Being called a senior is embarrassing and uncomfortable.

"Do you want to drag the time alone?"

Chen Mo shook his head~www.readwn.com~ and jumped out.

"What is he doing?"

"Isn't that the Great God Chenmo?"

"Damn, Great God Chenmo? Really?"


Many people looked at Chen Mo in surprise.

Chen Mo came to a position about a kilometer in front of the city gate.

"Ground jade!"


In the next instant, the entire stretch of several kilometers raised up dozens of meters high and ten meters thick soil! Standing there, it became a natural barrier.

Everyone:? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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