I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 979: Beautiful elves

Chapter 970

The elves are a particularly beautiful race! They admire beauty and like beauty! All fighting and killing is what they don't want. They are kind-hearted and don't need to know them. They are willing to help the poor and the injured!

This is the beautiful elves.

And Chen Mo brought rain, food, and hope, so that they would no longer see someone dying of thirst and starvation. For the elves, their benefactors are the best in the world. friend.

In their eyes, this is the great hero. They are too easy to have a good impression of the simple and beautiful race of the Elves! Don't talk about these little elves, the elven goddess has a very high affinity for Chen Mo!

"Girl Kexin, why does Mr. Chenmo wear a mask?"

Xue Feifei took Lin Kexin's hand, and the two were whispering.

She and Chen Mo are close friends, but they are inexplicably good....



Obviously he knew what the current situation of the Snow Imperial City was. After he entered, he might not be able to get out for the rest of his life. He was trapped here like them, but even if he knew this was the case, he dared to come in!


It's amazing! I really admire it!

And he took such a big risk to come in to bring food and water for everyone, so kind...

Chen Mo simply made those little elves have a lot of affection for him! The Snow King, the goddess of elves admire them!

"Ah...Because Brother Chen Mo is very powerful and famous, many people will recognize him wherever he goes without wearing a mask, which is very inconvenient."

Lin Kexin looked at Xue Feifei's face as white and tender as snow and said!

The elves are really beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, simple...

Very happy to meet them.

"Wow! Is Mr. Chen Mo so powerful?" Xue Feifei's big eyes were shining with small stars, and she admired Lin Kexin's words even more!

Have a good impression, admire, and then want to know...

Occupied, this little princess of the elven race is afraid that it has fallen.

"Yes, it's super awesome. Brother Chen Mo is still the first."

Many elves flew to Lin Kexin's side.

"Girl Kexin, what's the number one?"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Chen Mo feels so mysterious."

"Hmm, I dare not talk to him by his side..."


A group of little elves chirped and asked.

If Chen Mo knew it would be uncomfortable!

For Mao! You dare not talk to him because Mao, is he that scary?

Lin Kexin then explained to them one by one.


Soon there was a cry of exclamation.

Chen Mo glanced over.

What is this Kexin talking to a group of elves?

Chen Mo said that he also wanted to play with elves.

There are so many elves, some who look like their twenties, some who look like teenage girls, and even some who look like a loli look at Chen Mo quietly in all directions, whispering about Chen Mo and Lin Kexin. There are more and more elves.

"Master Chen Mo, they are all talking about you."

The fairy goddess glanced at Chen Mo and said.

"I have nothing worth talking about."

Chen Mo said.

"But these little elves of mine are very simple, Mr. Chen Mo doesn't plan to find one then..."

Chen Mo; "..."

"Uh-Lord Goddess, what you said is a bit..."

"Just kidding, our elves have always been more straightforward about feelings."

The spirit goddess is mainly in a good mood. I don't know how many years I haven't laughed like this. Seeing the thousands of people in front of them are working excitedly, really, very happy!

Those who work are also very happy! They expect to be able to work non-stop! I feel that this turned out to be a kind of happiness!

"It's been a long time since I saw everyone smiling so happy."

Xue Huang also sighed.


Time passed by every minute, and soon, the seeds of a large area of ​​land had been sowed!

Everyone in the entire Snow Imperial City is here! They all watched this scene excitedly! They all knew about this, they all knew it was this person who brought their Snow Imperial City back to life.

Many people have already greeted Chen Mo!

"Dust... Young Master Chenmo."

An elf timidly leaned behind Chen Mo.

Chen Mo turned his head and glanced.

"Huh? Anything?"

Chen Mo asked.

Wow! This fairy is too cute.

"No... it's okay... This is for Mr. Chenmo... Thank you Mr. Chenmo for being here... for saving everyone."

Blushing, she handed Chen Mo a flower that should have been woven from all kinds of grass this afternoon.

Because it's really hard to find beautiful flowers, it's too dry, she can only do this.

Chen Mo looked at the flower in his hand and couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you."

The elf covered his face and ran away shyly.

Chen Mo really doesn't understand. Such a beautiful race, the human race once would have done something to them, grabbing these cute and simple elves, and then selling them to become maids and slaves...

No wonder the elves left the homeland of all races in such despair and went to Snow Imperial City.

The same goes for the dwarves! Because the dwarven forging technology is good, but the overall strength is not strong, so it is almost enslaved by the human race!

How could the original elves have tens of thousands of people, and now there are thousands left...because the original elves are extremely difficult to multiply...

To be honest, this sin is really serious.

"Feifei, do your elves show emotions that way?"

Lin Kexin shyly saw one by one the little elves handed them to Chen Mo who thought they were very good. Of course, many little elves would give Lin Kexin, and Lin Kexin also received a lot.

Xue Feifei glanced at Chen Mo's side, she was sitting there, weaving flowers for Chen Mo with grass.

"Yes, Lord Goddess said that the elves must dare to love and hate, and their feelings must be expressed, whether it is worship, appreciation or liking..."

Xue Feifei said while knitting~www.readwn.com~ Then why don't you have a boyfriend? "Lin Kexin asked curiously.

Xue Feifei blushed.

"Our elves are very, very cautious about the other side's choice, because for our elves, well... we can only like one person in our lifetime."

Lin Kexin opened her mouth slightly.

"Does it also apply to Humans?" Lin Kexin asked.

Xue Feifei shook her head: "Humans don't necessarily say anything."

"Because the human race has done bad things to the elves, right?"

Xue Feifei shook her head: "In fact, it's not. The main reason is... the life span of elves is very long, while the life span of human beings... if the strength is not high, it will be very short."

Lin Kexin probably understood.

(End of this chapter)

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