Chapter 972

This infinite ring, flower-picking phantom face, flower-picking cloak and flower-picking phantom ring are quite useful for Chen Mo.

After losing it, it is really not very convenient!

For example, the last time I went to Demon Wind City, if there is this flower-picking cloak that is absolutely hidden, it will definitely be more comfortable!

The chief of the dwarf clan then took a look and said, "These things are not difficult to repair, and there should be no shortage of materials!"

"Then please ask the patriarch!"

"No, no, this is a trivial matter for us, and the help that Young Man Chen Mo can help all of us in Snow Imperial City is unimaginable!"

The patriarch said quickly.

"Then I won't be hypocritical!"

"These are all small things." The patriarch chuckled, then put the things away, and said: "Young Man Chenmo, which girl from my dwarf clan do you have a crush on?"

Chen Mo: "..."

Some girls from the dwarf race looked at Chen Mo, their eyes gleaming slightly.

To be honest, this dwarf race also has pretty girls, but...

It really doesn't work in Chen Mo's aesthetics! Because this is a dwarf!

"Ahem-I already have a partner."

Chen Mo coughed awkwardly.

"That's okay. There are people in this continent who are not three wives and four concubines."

The head of the dwarf clan tried his best to promote Chen Mo to the girls in his clan.

"Patriarch, don't make it difficult for Master Chenmo."

Xue Huang also smiled and said.

After drinking a lot of Baihua Stuffed Rice, her beautiful and pretty face was also dyed with a layer of crimson, and she was happy, and she did not use spiritual power to dissolve the wine.

It's really beautiful.


The dwarven chief smiled.

"But Feifei seems to be a little interested in Young Master Chenmo."

Xue Huang joked, and then glanced at Xue Feifei who was sitting with Lin Kexin. This girl was looking at Chen Mo quietly, and while they were chatting, she looked at Chen Mo.

Inexplicably, I don't know why, he still wears a mask, but he just wants to see...

Several people looked at that Xue Feifei, Xue Feifei hadn't recovered yet.

"Ahem-it seems to be."

The fairy goddess gave a smile.


Then the fairy goddess yelled.


Xue Feifei turned back to look at the fairy goddess.

"Come and sit down."

She gestured.

Xue Feifei's pretty face turned red.

" more."

Lin Kexin also held back a smile.

Okay Okay, Brother Chen Mo really attracts girls.

But Lin Kexin really didn't think it was a big deal. She was an indisputable girl. She felt that being with Chen Mo was really enough.

Chen Mo glanced at that girl Xue Feifei.

It's not just her, there are many elves next to him who are watching Chen Mo curiously.

"Why does Young Master Chenmo wear a mask?"

The fairy goddess asked.

"Oh, I usually wear it."

Chen Mo then took off the mask.

Then the little girls looked over.

"Ok... so handsome."

The little faces of the girls couldn't help but flush.

That's right, Chen Mo is really handsome, and he is very stalwart in the hearts of these kind and simple elves, very admired, very grateful, have a good impression, and this handsome appearance...

"Master Chen Mo is famous outside, isn't he?"

Asked the fairy goddess.

She happened to hear that an elf seemed to say this.

Chen Mo said, "It's okay, but it's been missed by some sects."

"Evil sect?"

Xue Huang asked.

Chen Mo said, "All of them, because I inherited Shura's power."

Everyone: "..."


They showed surprised expressions.

"Well, but you can rest assured that Shura's power has been suppressed and controlled by me and will not become the Shura in history."


When they heard this, they were shocked again!

"It's incredible. The outside world hasn't known what it has become for so many years. Can even Shura's power be suppressed?"

Xue Huang said in shock.

Chen Mo nodded, and said nothing.

The way they looked at Chen Mo was completely different!

The strong!

He is not just a good person, he will be a top power in the future!

Xue Feifei opened her mouth slightly.



"Your Excellency Xue Huang, where is the trial ground for this small world?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Master Chen Mo, you want to go there?"

Their eyebrows couldn't help but frowned.

Chen Mo nodded; "I want to go and see."

"This... Mr. Chenmo, that place is too dangerous! It's hard to get out after the past."

The fairy goddess reminded.

"Even if it's Shura, it's really not easy to say, Master Chen Mo wants to leave the empty magic stone, there is no need to go to that place."

The Snow Emperor also said.

It's not that they haven't tried, but it's too dangerous!

"It's okay, I want to check it out!"

They glanced at each other.

Then the Xuehuang said, "We will not refuse Mr. Chen Mo's choice. Since Mr. Chen Mo is willing to go, he must have some confidence."

She paused, and continued: "We call the place of trial the place of trial! There are five levels in total. This place of trial is very strange. Those who die for a lifetime, and after the Heaven Forbidden level enters, the difficulty will increase with the power of the Heaven Forbidden level, and for the powerhouse of the Heaven Forbidden level, it is the level of a lifetime of death."

Chen Mo rubbed his chin.

"In other words, the difficulty there increases with the realm of the person going to the trial."

They nodded: "Yes, and only one person can enter at a time, and according to what we have seen, the trials encountered are also different."

Chen Mo pondered slightly.

This should be more similar to the player's trial, a bit like...the trial from the Novice Village, except that the difficulty will change with the level of each person who enters the trial.

"Where?" Chen Mo asked.

Then Xue Huang pointed in a direction and said, "Just not far from there, there is a stone monument. Put your hand on the stone monument and you can enter the trial ground."

Chen Mo then stood up.

"Master Chen Mo, you are..."


Chen Mo sat down again.

"let's talk tomorrow."

They looked at each other again.

Is he really so afraid of death?

Lin Kexin looked at Chen and asked, "Brother Chen Mo, would you like Kexin to try?"

Chen Mo shook his head: "No, I'll just try it when the time comes."

Their eyes also looked at Lin Kexin.

"Girl Kexin, it's really dangerous there."

Xue Feifei said softly.

She wanted to go too, but the Elf Goddess severely stopped her from going!

Lin Kexin nodded; "Well, I know."

"Come on, everyone raise your glasses, we won't be drunk or return tonight!"

The dwarven chief raised the cup.

The whole night passed.

(End of this chapter)

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