I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 985: Chen Mo's clone

Chapter 976 Chen Mo's Clone

"Ding...You are on the second floor of the trial land!"

Chen Mo opened his eyes and looked at the trial before him!

The first level of trial, because of me, may be a group of 70-level ordinary monsters. Think about it, what would it be like if an existence like the Snow Emperor came in?

Could it be a two hundred thousand one hundred level forbidden boss?

No, no, it should be impossible. Is that the first level, maybe two hundred thousand one hundred level faeries? maybe! Even the two hundred thousand one-hundred-level faeries could not stop her, but it might consume her energy.

Chen Mo frowned in front of him!

this place……

It looks nothing special!

This is actually a arena?

That's right!

At this moment, Chen Mo is standing in the arena. The martial arts arena is very large, and there are even spectators next to it. However, Chen Mo took a look. There was no one here. It was indeed an ordinary arena. However, there is a barrier around this competition ground!

The meaning is simple, you must not leave the scope of this competition field!

At this moment, a space portal appeared in front of him, and then a figure slowly walked out from there.

Chen Mo:? ? ?

When Chen Mo saw this figure, he was trapped!

This turned out to be a clone of himself?

That's right!

This person is exactly the same as himself in terms of body, height, equipment, and even clothes!

"Ding... please kill your opponent! In the second trial, any used skills or equipment skills will reset the cooldown after passing this round."

The system prompt sounded in Chen Mo's mind.

Is this the second round of trials?

Is this second round of trials to deal with your own clone?

How terrifying Chen Mo was in the first round of trials, but even though there was only one person in this round of trials, he was just a clone of himself, but Chen Mo felt that it would not be easier than the first round!

and many more!

Chen Mo looked at his clone in front of him!

Flower cloak, flower illusion...

This B even has his own equipment?

Then should he also be able to use the skills in his equipment?


After that, the avatar in front of me moved...

Brush and brush——

Thirty thousand clones appeared.

Chen Mo; "..."

Foggy grass! !

It really works!

But fortunately for this second level trial, if you pass the used skills, the cooldown will be reset!


Chen Mo then moved his mind and released the phantom face skill, and 30,000 copies of Chen Mo also appeared!

Whoosh whoosh——

In the next instant, Chen Mo's 30,000 clones and his 30,000 clones rushed over, and the battle was about to start!

"I want to see! Do you have this thing!"

Chen Mo then sacrificed the sword of disaster!

The clone on the opposite side also sacrificed the sword of disaster.

Chen Mo:? ? ?

"What about this one!"

Two Perfect Fronts flew out, and the opposite...two Perfect Fronts also flew out.

Chen Mo;? ? ?

Ok! Are you okay?

Chen Mo clenched his fists.

"The meaning of Shura!"

A terrifying force broke out in Chen Mo's body!

"The meaning of Shura!"

The clone also used Shura's meaning!


In the next instant, Chen Mo directly locked onto the person, and then rushed over at a very fast speed, and the clone also rushed towards Chen Mo.

"Tian Ni Zhan!"

"Tian Ni Zhan!"


The two forces collided together, and then the two figures were constantly attacking each other with an unimaginable speed and frequency of attack!

Chen Mo said he was convinced!

This clone not only possesses its own equipment, but also possesses its own skills. He even possesses Shura's skills. What is the most exaggerated thing?

His actual combat ability is extremely strong! Chen Mo really felt like he was fighting with himself!

He could guess what he wanted to do, and his own attack could be blocked by the clone! It's really two people who are all exactly the same fighting. How do you say this?

"The Might of the Holy Dragon!"


There is a dragon roar!


The opposite clone continued to attack.

Chen Mo: "..."

This clone is also immune to control skills!


"The Song of Qiankun Wannian!"

In the next instant, Chen Mo directly released the extremely powerful Universe Wannian Song, and then Chen Mo danced in place, condensing a thousand sword shadows every second!

"The Song of Qiankun Wannian!"


Boom boom boom -

Then two more and more stegosaurus were constantly colliding, strangling the clones released by the two people around by the way.


One hour, two hours...

That's right, Chen Mo has been fighting with this shameful pen...oh no, this handsome guy has been fighting for two hours! There is no victory or defeat, and even he always learns to release his power. For example, when Chen Mo releases a Tiannizhan, he also releases Tiannizhan to fight. You said, two people who are exactly the same have the same skill cooling. Chen Mo released him and released him, who can stand it? How does this tell the winner?


Chen Mo stood there and gasped, while the other party was also gasping.

That 60,000 clone had already died.

Chen Mo is going crazy! How come there is such a disgusting trial! Beat yourself!

"The law of time!"

Chen Mo gritted his teeth!

grass! Can you still have this rule?

"Time stands still!"

"Time stands still!"

Two hours were released from stillness, and then two people stopped moving.

Chen Mo: "..."

The law is also copied! ?

How to fight this?


Chen Mo took a deep breath, his eyes condensed!

"Infinite jump!"


In an instant, Chen Mo disappeared in place!

Their abilities are exactly the same, and the only thing Chen Mo may be surprised by is this teleporting power!


The clone may have known Chen Mo's thoughts a long time ago, and he also released an infinite jump, directly pulling the distance.

Chen Mo: "..."

He is going crazy!

"I have nothing he doesn't have!"

Chen Mo frowned, thinking.

Rules, big moves, equipment, skills...

No more!

and many more!

Chen Mo suddenly raised his brows!

Maybe there is one!

Chen Mo then ticked the corner of his mouth slightly!

"Sura's God's Punishment!"

"God's punishment for road building!"

"The meaning of Shura!"

"The meaning of Shura!"

"Crescent Moon Unlimited Links!"

"Crescent Moon Unlimited Links!"


Brush and brush——

Chen Mo used all his skills in a series! Of course ~www.readwn.com~ the key Shura meaning is also used!

"I want to see if you can do it! Unlimited big tricks, steal!"

"Ding... You successfully stole the opponent's ultimate [Sura-Magic Change]."

"Illusory change, uh-"

Chen Mo yelled angrily, his momentum exploded!

And the clone stood there!

as predicted! Chen Mo guessed right!

This clone is stealing without his unlimited ultimate! He is strong, but how can he copy his BUG BUFF? The infinite big move is a very special existence!

(End of this chapter)

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