I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 991: The feelings of the Empress Saint Yao

Chapter 982

At this moment, the Empress Saint Yao was discussing with Jun Tianyi.

"Did the people from the first and second halls of the Demon God Temple appear in the human domain?"

The Empress Saint Yao suddenly frowned when she heard him.


Jun Tian also nodded and said.

"Where did it appear?"

The Empress Saint Yao asked in a deep voice.

"It seems to be near Fengshen Sect."

Jun Tian also answered.

"Feng Shenzong? Is Feng Shenzong again?"

The female emperor of Saint Yao frowned slightly.

Now many things are unfolding around Fengshen Sect, which is quite strange.

To say that Chenmo is special is indeed special, but it can't be the result of Fengshen Sect for everything!

But I have to say that his abilities are beyond the imagination of the Emperor Sheng Yao!

The foreign teachers of Yangshen Sect were eliminated, and it was his help!

With his help, the entire continent has been helpless for so many years. Can you think of it in a few days?

"Could it be that Chen Mo provokes the Demon God Temple again?"

The emperor Saint Yao was slightly meditated.

She is not too special to Chen Mo!

First, Chen Mo saved her life!

Second, Chen Mo's ability shocked her. He was really amazing.

Wait a minute, in short, his excellence is unimaginable.

"This kid is really amazing."

Jun Tian also nodded and said, then looked at the Empress Shengyao, and said: "Your Majesty, this Yang Shenjia foreign teacher has also been eliminated, the matter between you and me..."

Yes, he has liked Empress Shengyao for many, many years! Even willing to leave Xianzong, not to be the immortal emperor, even break with Xianzong, even to be a subordinate of the female emperor Shengyao, doing things for her every day, just to get closer to her and meet more often .

To be honest, he is an infatuated man! It is also worthy of admiration.

However, Luohua deliberately flowed and ruthlessly, even though he was so good, the Emperor Shengyao was still not tempted.

For a woman like Empress Saint Yao, she could not agree to be someone's partner because she was moved and because of a person's contribution to her. This is impossible! She doesn't need to be complacent!

If you like it, you like it; if you don't like it, you don't like it!

She has also told Juntian about this many, many times, but Juntian is too persistent, so how could she agree to it because of a person's persistence?

Yes, Juntian is also very good and excellent, but the Empress Shengyao just didn't like it, really didn't, even she thought it was just a friend! They can only be friends.

The Empress Shengyao shook her head, looking at Jun Tianyi in her beautiful eyes, and said: "Thank you for your contributions over the years. There are so many outstanding women in this world. Why do you have to put the world and energy on me? "

"Because I like Her Majesty the Empress!"

Jun Tian also said.

"But after so many years, I have told you so many times, you should have known what I mean long ago, it is really unnecessary, but if you continue to do this, it will make me feel a lot of pressure and guilt."

Said the Empress Saint Yao.

"It's okay, I have waited for so many years. Her Majesty has not been tempted by the ministers, and the minister will continue to wait for ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years, and the ministers will still wait! As long as her Majesty has no one to like, as long as the female emperor Your Majesty is still alone for one day, so the minister will wait for your Majesty one day!"

Jun Tian also said.

In fact, the Empress Shengyao also has a headache!

Yes, she admires this man very much, but appreciation does not mean like! For so many years, she hasn't been tempted for so many years, this has really shown that it is indeed impossible between them, and this is the result of him waiting.

It's just that she really doesn't want him to continue following here, not annoying, but apologetic!

Because she knew that even if Jun Tian waited no matter how long it was, it was just a waste of time and a waste of time! It's really unnecessary.

But she said it many, many times, and he still does, so what can she do?

The Empress Saint Yao sighed slightly.

At this time a girl came in.

"Your Majesty, Master Chen Mo, please see me."

The female emperor Saint Yao raised her eyebrows slightly: "Bring him here."


Then the Empress Saint Yao looked at Jun Tian and said, "You go back and think about it. My words are already very clear. After so many years, you should be able to understand."

Jun Tian also stood up and nodded; "The minister has retired, but the sentence is still the same. If your majesty does not marry for a day, the minister will not marry for life."

After speaking, his figure left.

The Empress Saint Yao rubbed her temples slightly when Chen Mo just walked over.

"I have seen your Majesty the Empress."

Chen Mo saluted slightly.

"Master Chen Mo don't have to be polite, sit down and have tea."

Then a young lady poured tea for Chen Mo.

"What's upsetting your Majesty?"

Chen Mo saw the woman rubbing her temples.

"Um... it's nothing, just a few small things."

Chen Mo smiled and said, "It's not worth mentioning little things. It's probably annoying to let Her Majesty rub her temples, right?"

"Don't worry about it... some relationship problems."

The Empress Saint Yao took a sip of tea.

On the contrary, she and Chen Mo now feel more like little friends...

It's hard to say how close they are, but they will talk about some personal matters.

The Empress Saint Yao might not have noticed much by herself, she would even talk about these things with Chen Mo.

"Your Majesty the Empress talked about the object?"

Empress Saint Yao: "..."

"No, it's a friend who has been pursuing me."

"That... Jun Tianyi?"

Chen Mo still knew Jun Tian also.

The Empress Saint Yao nodded.

"He is very good, great, handsome, and he should be good. It is said that he has been pursuing Her Majesty for many, many years."

The Empress Saint Yao nodded; "It's pretty good, but I don't like it, so will you make a mistake?"

Chen Mo shook his head.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, what is the so-called Mr. Chen Mo here?"

The Empress Saint Yao asked ~www.readwn.com~ She knew that every time Chen Mo came to find her, things were not small, because he could solve small things by himself! And some of his unsolvable things are basically earth-shattering events.

"Yes, I found the dwarves and elves."


Upon hearing Chen Mo's words, the Empress Shengyao frowned, and then her beautiful eyes lit up.

"Dwarves and Elves? Where are they?"

Regarding these two major races, the Empress Shengyao certainly knew, but she hadn't been in power at that time, and she couldn't stop these tragedies from happening!

But she has always felt that the human race owes the two races, but unfortunately there is no way to make up for it, and she can't even find them, and now...

really! This dust moor came with some earth-shattering events! Well, she got used to it.

(End of this chapter)

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