I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 993: Take them away

Chapter 984

Xue Huang and the others are always paying attention to Chen Mo's affairs.

They knew that if they went out, when he came back, he must have appeared here first, so when the light flashed just now, the Snow Emperor and others not far away naturally found it, and then they hurried over!

He is fine!

This is what they are happy about! It is also reasonable!

So strong, it makes sense for him to leave the trial land and then come back.

Why is there someone beside him?

Still a woman?

The emperor Saint Yao looked at the fairy goddess and the group of elves around him, as well as the dwarf patriarch and several others!

After so many years, she finally met the Dwarves and Elves!

"Master Chenmo."

Seeing Chen Mo's successful return, Xue Feifei showed a happy expression, and then ran to Chen Mo's face and stood there pretty.

Lin Kexin stood in the back, now that Chen Mo still thinks of the scene last night, her pretty face can't help but flush.

"I'm back." Chen Mo said while looking at them.

"It's fine! Mr. Chen Mo, who is this??"

Xue Huang came over and looked at the Emperor Sheng Yao!

As a strong person, as a beautiful and outstanding woman, she knew at first sight that she was absolutely extraordinary!

Similarly, the Emperor Shengyao saw the Snow Emperor and knew that she was definitely not easy!

Chen Mo then introduced: "This is the female emperor of the Saint Yao empire. She has the law of space in her hands, so I thought to see if Her Majesty the Emperor of the Saint Yao can bring you out of this place!"

When they heard Chen Mo's words, they showed shocked expressions.

"The law of space? Master Chen Mo told me, hello! I am the lord of Snow Imperial City!"

Xue Huang reached out to the Emperor Sheng Yao!

The Empress Saint Yao hurriedly stretched out her hand and shook her shook: "Your Excellency Xue Huang? I have heard of the name for a long time, but unfortunately I have never seen it.

"That was the title a long time ago, now I am an ordinary Snow Imperial City Lord! Her Excellency, welcome to Snow Imperial City!"

The Empress Saint Yao nodded slightly: "It's my honor!"

Then her beautiful eyes glanced at others.

"Is this the fairy goddess?"

The elven goddess nodded slightly; "I have seen Her Excellency the Empress."

"The patriarch of the dwarf clan has seen the Empress."

The chief of the dwarf clan also bowed slightly.

"You don't have to be polite, I and Mr. Chen Mo are friends, you are also friends, so everyone is friends!"

Said the Empress Saint Yao.

"Your Excellency, Master Chenmo, go to the city, let's sit down and talk while eating!"

"it is good!"

Then a few of them came to the City Lord's Mansion in Snow Imperial City and sat together.

The head of the dwarf clan, Chen Mo, the emperor Sheng Yao, the snow emperor, the goddess of the elves, Lin Kexin and Xue Feifei.

Of course, there are many other people around, the hall is very big, and the others are also nearby. It's just that seven of them are at the same table.

The food is not rich than the outside, but it is already delicious here! Fruit, rice, and meat are also available!

These meats were brought by Chen Mo, and they have not finished eating.

The wine is the elves' Baihuanang!

"Baihua Niang, in my memory, this is the most delicious wine in the legend. Only the elves can brew it. Unfortunately, before I was born, the elves and dwarves have already left the mainland. I want to try it. There is no chance."

The Empress Saint Yao took a sip, her beautiful eyes brightened.

"Sure enough, it deserves its reputation."

The fairy goddess said: "It's a pity that there are not too many flowers, so it can only be brewed to this level."

"It's already very delicious!"

The Empress Saint Yao nodded slightly.

Then she went straight to the subject and said: "When I just came in, I already felt the power of the enchantment here, and I probably already counted it in my heart."

The Snow Emperor then asked: "Please say, Her Excellency Empress."

The female emperor Saint Yao said: "With the power of the law of space, I can take away 2,000 people at a time, and then it may take three to five days to recover!"

Upon hearing the words of the Holy Medicine Empress, they showed expressions of surprise and shock!

In other words, they will be able to leave here completely in a few days!

Chen Mo's eyes also lit up!

The Empress Saint Yao is also more happy!

This enchantment is very strong, and the law of space is also very strong. Originally, her prediction, how strong is the enchantment of the strong who blocked so many top existences? She guessed that she might be able to take a dozen or twenty people at a time, but after experiencing it, it shouldn't be a big problem!

As for trapping them, it was purely that none of them had a great grasp of space.

The Snow Emperor and the others were so shocked that they could not imagine!

Because of the arrival of this Young Master Chenmo, everything about them has been completely changed!

"Your Excellency Empress... then..."

The female emperor Saint Yao said: "The Human Race owes the Elves and the Dwarves a huge statement. This is what I should do. Don't worry, when you return to the Tianlin Continent, the two clans must be the distinguished guests of the Human Race, and the Human Race will definitely repay all the previous ones. Sin."

The fairy goddess shook her head: "These are not important to us. The important thing is that these children can get a better living environment and be able to contact more of the world. This is the most important thing."

Xue Feifei looked at Chen Mo admiringly.

It was him, so amazing... he was going to change them completely.

"I also thank the nobles for their forgiveness. Don't worry, I will send you out bit by bit! There shouldn't be any problems!"

Xue Huang said: "Then please trouble the Empress! Thank you very much!"

"No, no, no, the powers such as the Snow Emperor are all top existences of the elder generation in Tianlin Continent. The previous battle between the human race and the monster race was also because of you, so that people can survive. You are everyone's heroes! That’s what I should do."

The Empress Saint Yao is a junior in front of them!

"Thank you!"

The Elf Goddess then said: "Your Empress~www.readwn.com~ Let’s send away the people of Snow Imperial City little by little. There are more than 40,000 people. We Elves, Dwarves, and Snow Imperial City. The strongest people are not in a hurry, these people are the most anxious."

Xue Huang and the others also nodded.

The Empress Saint Yao nodded: "No problem, just after I go back, I will arrange a place for them in a certain city."

"Thank you so much!"

The Empress Saint Yao shook her head; "Everyone can return to the Tianlin Continent, that is also the blessing of the Tianlin Continent. In the near future, the human race and the monster race are afraid that a great war will break out. With everyone here, we can also increase our confidence. !"

Chen Mo said at this time: "Um...I have one not to propose, I don't know if you can think about it."

(End of this chapter)

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