I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 996: Built the city?

Snow Imperial City is a power that everyone knows, their disappearance is also a secret, and now he, they are the power of Snow Imperial City?

Chen Mo then said: "Well, it is Snow Imperial City. I have stayed in Snow Imperial City these days, and I have discussed with them. When they come out, they will come to the Fengshen Sect, and the Fengshen Sect will give them a place to live!"


They took a breath.

If it were the forces of Snow Imperial City, then they would understand why there are so many masters of forbidden and slain!

"And then there will be elves and dwarves living in the Fengshen Sect!"


They were even more shocked when they heard Chen Mo's words!

"Sovereign... Elves and Dwarves?"

Chen Mo nodded; "Yes, they have been in Snow Imperial City, and they will come to the Fengshen Sect with the Snow Imperial City powerhouses at that time. Therefore, the development of the Fengshen Sect is fine, especially if there are dwarves. With the help of the clan and the elven clan, the dwarf clan can even give the powerhouse of the Fengshen sect, as long as they have the resources, they can cast top-level spiritual weapons!


To be honest, this temptation is not too great!

And once these forces poured in, the Fengshen Sect would really become a god! The imperial powers are absolutely afraid to provoke them, and coupled with the dwarves and elves, I am afraid that there will be many powers to please Fengshenzong!

"Um... that's right, and at that time it will be the Saint Yao female emperor of the Saint Yao Empire who will help build their residences for the dwarves and elves next to the Fengshen Sect! You can start now!"

Chen Mo said.

They glanced at each other in shock.

This means that the Sheng Yao Empire is also on the side of the Wind God Sect. If anyone dares to fight the Wind God Sect, it is an enemy of the Dwarves and the Elves, and the empire can send troops!

Fengshenzong has really reached its peak thoroughly!

"Cough cough cough--"

At this time, the Holy Sword Venerable coughed dryly: "That's right, we have been with the Wind God Sect for so long, and we have built the Wind God Sect to this level step by step. The Wind God Sect is our child in our eyes. Just like the previous Lingjian Pavilion, we have great affection for the Fengshen Sect, so it is impossible for us to leave the Fengshen Sect! We also want to continue to contribute to the Fengshen Sect! Continue to witness the rise of the Fengshen Sect!"

"Yes, yes! Last time the Fengshen Sect had such a catastrophe, we did not leave. This time, the Fengshen Sect can go better, and we will not leave! Although the Fengshen Sect has many enemies, we are still willing to cooperate with the Fengshen Sect. Advance and retreat together!"

"Yes, that's right! Advance and retreat with Feng Shenzong!"


Those people catered to.

Before, perhaps many of them did have the idea of ​​leaving! It’s very simple. They know that the Fengshen Sect has a high potential, but how do they develop the Fengshen Sect and whether they can develop with their high potential? There are many enemies in the Fengshen Sect. Enemies of different levels!

They stay, and once the war starts, they will be cannon fodder and sent to death! You have to work hard! not worth it!

And now?

Now, if his is true, then whoever goes is a pure evil pen!

Hundreds of forbiddens, thousands of saints, the influx of dwarves and elves, the Wind God Sect is destined to have embarked on an unstoppable path! And the former Snow Imperial City!

And if they don't leave, then even if their realm is not as good as those people, they are accompanied by the rise of the Feng Shenzong. They are veterans, and their future status may not be as good as them, but at least they can be equal, and the benefits will definitely not be less!

And if they leave and come back, their status must be inferior to those people! Who is going? Whoever leaves at this time is really pure evil!

"Sect Master, is this true?"

Venerable Spirit Sword couldn't believe it, and then asked curiously.

Chen Mo nodded; "Of course it is true. I went with the Empress Shengyao. It may take a month or two to wait until their residences are built here before we can take them over, but this has become a reality! "

"That is the great fortune of my Fengshen Sect! Sect Master is indeed the son of fate!"

"Yes, that's right! It's the chosen person. Others have searched for so many years without news of them, but the Sect Master just found the Snow Imperial City just now, and even let them come to my Fengshen Sect. Development is unimaginable!"

"The Sect Master is a real person!"


The group knelt and licked frantically.


Tang Panpan couldn't help laughing.

This group of people is really interesting!

But she is not surprised!

This is Master Chen Mo! If you can't shock others, it's not him!

Chen Mo then said, "Whoever wants to leave, you can report now."

"No, no, how is it possible! We have no intention of leaving since we entered the Fengshen Sect!"

"Yes! The Fengshen Sect is our home, and the Fengshen Sect is getting better and better in the future. This place will become bigger and bigger, and the spiritual power will become more and more abundant. There is no place that is more suitable for us than the Fengshen Sect!"



"Are you sure?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Naturally not!"

Chen Mo nodded; "Well, Elder Wei."

Chen Mo looked at Wei Wunian, the former lord of the Lingjian Pavilion.


Wei Wunian hurriedly saluted!

"Elder Wei, you are responsible for taking and inviting people to build a place where the dwarves live. There are only 8,000 dwarves, and it is good to build more than ten times the place they live! There are so many open spaces around here! No problem! "


Wei Wunian saluted!

"Elder Sword!"

Chen Mo saw Jian Wunan!

"Subordinates are here!"

"At that time, you and my master Xiao Ruhan will help build the place where the elves live~www.readwn.com~ The place where the elves live. They like forests and a place full of flowers. If not, then we will make this A beautiful environment!"


At this time, Yun Qi said: "Why not take advantage of the situation to build a city?"

Chen Mo; "..."


Yun Qi nodded; "Yes, first, the city can be divided into three parts, living in the dwarves and elves, as well as the people. Secondly, the elves in the city. The dwarves can build various shops and conduct business. It can be developed in the city. The revenue of the city is divided between Fengshenzong and others, etc., which is conducive to the development of Fengshenzong's assets! It can even develop the business of adventurers! It just so happens that Miss Lin is responsible In this regard! And, the Elves and Dwarves have enough capital to attract the entire continent to the city!"

I can unleash the ultimate move infinitely

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