I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1022: Snow Palace

Chapter 1013 Snow Palace

Chen Mo was secretly speechless.

Knew it!

No matter where it is, this right is always the most attractive thing.

Chen Mo probably noticed the difference between the Demon God Continent and the Tianlin Continent!

Although there are five great emperors and five great empires in Tianlin Continent, the emperors are not the ones who think they are in power. If they do something wrong, they will be resisted by the entire continent!

And here, the three demon gods of the three major empires are the absolute rulers! Of course, what can be compared with their imperial family is the existence of certain sect forces in the mainland!

In general, this Demon God Continent is definitely messier than Tianlin Continent!

"anything else?"

Chen Mo asked.

"There is also the fact that the Demon Empire is now divided into two. The forces on both sides are fighting for the support of the eight superpowers and the two god-level forces in the Demon Empire. At the same time, the eight superpowers and the two god-level forces are recruiting mainland power. The stronger new disciples don’t know if they want to join a certain force or if they want to take advantage of such a chaotic period to expand their power to take power. I don’t know these."

Xiao Er said.

Chen Mo nodded.

Probably knowing these things is enough, at least we have to figure out some things on this continent! As for the rules, Chen Mo feels that since he is here, he won't go back for the time being, because if there are rules here, Chen Mo really doesn't know how he can come here next time! He only needs to stay here for two days, and then wait for the cooldown of the Heavenly Secret Disk skills to end, and then he can find out if there are any rules in this Demon God Continent!

"Thank you, go ahead!"

"Okay, thank you Shaoxia!"

After eating, Chen Mo took the two girls around slightly. Even if there is a big battle here, it has nothing to do with the people. It's just a change of power, the people of the major cities of the Demon God Continent. The life is still life! They beat them.

And now, the Demon Continent is split, and of course both sides are eager to win the hearts of the people, and it is even more impossible to do anything to the people.

"Let's rest first."

Here, Chen Mo has no enemies, so he can put the two girls in the inn room with confidence!

"it is good!"

Then Chen Mo chose to go offline!

"Ding...You are currently in the Demon God Continent and cannot be offline."

Chen Mo; "..."

Chen Mo frowned!

It's not the first time he has encountered unable to go offline! So he was not too surprised to say that he was surprised! In his current physical condition, even if he lay there for ten and a half months, it was nothing at all!

Therefore, Chen Mo probably understood why those two people had to get themselves to the Demon God Continent!

Unable to go offline!

He can't go offline anymore, it has little impact on the game, and has a big impact in reality!

They are all top players, it is normal that they can discover some secrets in reality and the sky! And since they chose to come here with him, Chen Mo, it proves that they have a way to leave!

Chen Mo took out the empty magic stone, the remaining empty magic stone should not be enough to support him from leaving this demon continent! Chen Mo then picked it up again.

So now, he still needs to find a way to leave the Demon God Continent and return to the Tianlin Continent. He can't always stay offline, right?

Then Chen Mo checked his friends list, and Zi Qingcheng was online!

Fortunately, even on two continents, the communicator of the player can still be used! Chen Mo then dialed Zi Qingcheng's call.

"I said, Master Chen Mo, you don't have to look at it for how long, don't you eat offline?"

A lazy voice came from Zi Qingcheng.

Chen Mo then said: "I went to a special map now, and I may not be able to go offline in a short time."

Zi Qingcheng paused over there.

"how long?"

Zi Qingcheng also became serious.

"It can be as short as three to five days, but it is hard to tell if it is too many."

"Well, I see. With your physical fitness in reality, it should be fine."

Chen Mo nodded; "Well, no problem, but... please protect Kexin and yourself recently."

Of course Zi Qingcheng understood what Chen Mo meant, she was a very smart person!

"Don't worry, you'll be fine over there! Hang up."

Afterwards, Zi Qingcheng hung up the communicator, and she could see that although she said it was an understatement, she didn't say a word of gossip with Chen Mo, because she also realized that there might be consequences, and she might need to arrange it as soon as possible.

Chen Mo hung up the communicator and let out a long sigh of relief.

"The Demon God Continent is going to the Tianlin Continent. The most likely to have this capital are the three Demon Gods of the three empires."

Chen Mo rubbed his chin.

"No, there are two other god-level powers! The little second said that the combined strength of the two god-level powers on this continent is not weaker than the imperial family where the three empire demon gods are located, and the strongest is not weaker than three. Great Demon God, so... they might also have a way to go to Tianlin Continent! First contact them and see if you can get news about whether the Demon God Continent has laws!"

Chen Mo pondered slightly.

It just so happens that these forces are recruiting new disciples, and they are recruiting new disciples who are not weak, Chen Mo can try! With his ability, it should be able to stand out!

"Big brother won't leave?"

Two girls sitting on the bed looking at Chen Mo with big eyes

Chen Mo looked at them, and then said: "No, I will rest here too!"

"Okay, okay!"

The two girls quickly gave up a position to Chen Mo and looked at Chen Mo expectantly.

"Uh-I mean, I'm going to another room."

"Um... Big brother, let's go with him, it just so happens that Big Brother can tell us a lot of interesting things!"

Then the two girls jumped down and dragged Chen Mo onto the bed.

Chen Mo: "..."

"Okay... OK!"

Then he lay there ~www.readwn.com~ with two girls on the left and the right, rubbing around, very happy!

But... Chen Mo's whole body is gross, so uncomfortable! I'm not used to it! These two girls are too young, how could he commit a crime?


One night passed, Chen Mo opened his eyes and then walked out gently, bought some breakfast, and asked some surrounding forces by the way!

Coincidentally, there happened to be a god-level force Fengxue Palace around here, which was more than 500 kilometers away!

"Shui Shui, Xiao Rou, we are leaving!"

With breakfast, Chen Mo did not have any delay, and the three of them went straight to the Fengxue Palace!

When they came to the Snow Palace, the day had passed, and the recruiting of disciples was only during the day, so they could only rest in a city next to the Snow Palace, a city belonging to the Demon Empire, and wait for the arrival of tomorrow. .

(End of this chapter)

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