I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1140: Chen Mo is my husband

Chapter 1031 Chen Mo is my husband

"Following Snow Palace, don't you give me an explanation for the Yellow Continent? This is what Fengxue Palace does? This is a dignified god-level power?"

On the main peak of the Snow Palace, dozens of people came. Behind these dozens, many people followed, some were warriors, some were ordinary people, and they were brought by the Huang family from the Yellow Continent, or they might be themselves. Come to the show! If they are there anyway, the Yellow Continent will be even more confident!

At least, this Fengxue Palace is still a so-called decent force.

Some disciples from Fengxue Palace gathered here, and they seemed to know something.

Who is this yellow continent? That is the lord of Blood Demon City! And why did the Santos of the Blood Demon City come here? Because of Chenmo! Chen Mo killed his son, you say, although the Blood Demon City is nothing in front of the Wind and Snow Palace, they are right! They dared to hit the Snow Palace.

Feng Xuening and the others knew that this day would definitely come!

"Disciple of the Snow Wind Palace, kill my son of the Yellow Continent. Today, don't you give an explanation from the Snow Wind Palace, do you?"

The Yellow Continent shouted angrily!

Although he was very angry, to be honest, he only dared to be angry and didn't dare to kill anyone.

At this time, Feng Xuening and others walked out.

"Palace Master!"

Those disciples salute one after another!

"Palace Master Wind, I hope you can give me an explanation for this matter!"

Huang Dalu watched Feng Xuening gritted his teeth and said.

"What kind of explanation does Huang Chengzhu want?"

Fengxue asked faintly.

"You disciples of the Snow Palace, killed my son Huang Daqiang from the Yellow Continent. I don't believe you don't know about this matter!"

Huang Dalu said angrily.

"Oh, that's the case, it's just that the deity might want to remind City Lord Huang that Chen Mo killed Huang City Lord's son. He was not a disciple of the Fengxue Palace at the time! He also came to participate in the assessment! So this matter is related to Fengxue The palace should be irrelevant, right?"

Feng Xuening asked.

"But he is now a disciple of the Fengxue Palace, or an elder disciple of the Fengxue Palace, regardless of whether I am related to the Fengxue Palace, I am not looking for the Fengxue Palace thing, I am looking for that Chenmo's thing!"

Huang Dalu said angrily.

I have to say that Feng Xuening is very clever, in a word, the Yellow Continent who just clamored for Fengxue Palace to give an explanation just subconsciously said that it was not to trouble Fengxue Palace. In this way, she instantly Fengxue Palace has cleared the relationship.

But, after all, it was the enemy of murdering children, Chen Mo... She had no choice.

"Chen Mo is in the Wind and Snow Palace."

Fengxue said lightly.

"I just ask one sentence, Fengxue Palace, will you protect the dust?"

Huang Dalu asked.

Guarantee? That person is the enemy of murdering children, in fact, there is no reason for them to protect the dust from the wind and snow palace. Renjia Chenmo is now a disciple of Fengxue Palace or an elder disciple, don't you protect Fengxue Palace? After that, if any disciple is wrong, your Wind and Snow Palace still won't protect it, who would dare to join the Wind and Snow Palace! ?

Therefore, this is a big problem for the Fengxue Palace.

She definitely wanted to protect it. Even if the Huang family was less than one-ten thousandth of the Snow Palace, there were still strong ones.

"The enmity of murder, that is Chen Mo's own business, and he did it when he was not a disciple of the Wind and Snow Palace, that is his own responsibility, and the Wind and Snow Palace will definitely not hinder you!"

Hearing Feng Xuening's words, people around were talking.

"Is this Fengxue Palace afraid of the Huang Family? It's impossible, so why don't they protect it? Because the Huang Family is above the moral bottom line?"

"Sure! If Fengxue Palace protects, then the mainland will have more public opinion on Fengxue Palace. If it is not guaranteed, it seems that public opinion will not be less!"

"Then both sides are not good, Fengxue Palace would rather choose to protect it, why not?"


"Okay! Can Snow Wind Palace hand over that Dust Mo?"

Huang Dalu said.


Fengxue said lightly.

"Ai, ai, ah, what can you do? This girl hasn't spoken yet, so you can do it? This girl doesn't agree."

Feng Xueling walked over while biting the Roujiamo, then her beautiful eyes swept towards those people.

"Elder Thirteen, what do you mean?"

"The Wind and Snow Palace does not protect the dust, is this girl okay with the president?"

Feng Xueling snorted.

"You are also from the Snow Palace!"

Feng Xuening began to sing with Feng Xueling and turned.

"But this girl is still Chenmo's master. Now, this girl does not use the name of Fengxue Palace members to protect Chenmo. This girl only uses her own name, Feng Xueling's name to protect Chenmo. Who is your Huang family? Dare to stop?"

Feng Xueling's beautiful eyes condensed, and she swept towards everyone in the Huang family!

"Feng Xueling, Fengxue Palace doesn't protect Chenmo, what are you protecting!"

Huang Dalu pointed at Feng Xueling angrily!

"I am his teacher, and I am also his friend. I will protect it personally, can't I?"

"Humph! You still owe me millions of amethyst coins from the Huang family!" After speaking, Huang Dalu took out an IOU.

"Cough cough cough--"

Feng Xueling staggered suddenly, then couldn't help but cough.

"Also, still!"

"In this way, if Ms. Feng does not protect the dust, you don't have to pay back the money. The old man destroys the IOU on the spot, what do you think?"

Huang Dalu looked at Feng Xueling and said!

"you said."

Everyone:? ? ?


"Okay! No guarantee, no guarantee."

Feng Xueling waved her hand, and then sat on the tree trunk in the distance.

Everyone:? ? ?

Feng Xuening: "..."

"Well, this IOU has been torn up by the old man."

Huang Dalu looked at Feng Xuening and said, "Now, can the old man take someone to find that Chenmo?"


Feng Xue said faintly, then glanced at Leng Xi next to her and cast a look at her.

This unreliable Feng Xueling originally wanted her to protect the dust. Now, the entire Fengxue Palace is qualified and there are no people who have a reason to protect him, unless it is...Leng Xi.

Leng Xi walked out, followed by a salute, and said: "If you of the Huang Family want to kill Chen Mo, please pass me first."

The Huang family frowned.

"Girl Leng, what do you mean? The entire Snow Wind Palace is no longer in charge. Do you want to control it?"

The Yellow Continent angrily said ~www.readwn.com~ Leng Xi still knows this, although young, but extremely talented!


"Why! Give the old man a reason!"

"Chen Mo is my friend... husband, so I will protect him with my personal identity."

Leng Xi said lightly.

She feels that if she is a friend, she may not be strong enough, so she can only say that she is a husband...

It doesn't matter, she doesn't take fame seriously, anyway, there is no such thing, she can understand it in her heart, other people...not important at all, and she actually doesn't want him to have trouble in her heart.

Chen Mo just walked behind and staggered.

What the hell?

(End of this chapter)

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