I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1142: How is it possible to guess it?

Chapter 1033 How Could It Be Possible?

The figure of Huang Dalu slowly knelt down in front of Chen Mo.

Everyone's pupils shrink.

Chen Mo's move was not fatal. After all, it was a super **** level, and it was difficult to kill it. Even if it was the effect of the invincible heart, it was also a continuous force!

But where is the real fatal injury?


Behind the Yellow Continent are two Perfect Edges!

Maybe he still doesn't know what power his son died under!

The Yellow Continent's eyes had not been closed, it had already fallen in front of Chen Mo, no longer breathing!

"This... what power is this?"

They are dumbfounded!

"Since the Super God Rank was destroyed by a new disciple of the Snow Wind Palace? Why? Why?"

"His weapon, his weapon is so strong!"


"No, it's not just a weapon. The aura he just broke out is definitely not the aura that a normal new disciple should have!"

Everyone was stunned.

That's right, the intention of Shura plus the power of the invincible heart is indeed not comparable to an ordinary super god! Even if you are not counted as a spike by the Peak of the Realm, if you fight normally, he will definitely not be able to fight!

"So strong!"

A new disciple actually wiped out someone's Super God Rank, you can't say it's not strong!

Chen Mo then kicked the body of Huang Dalu away, and then his eyes swept towards the Huang family in front of him.

"So, I won, you can roll now?"


Huang Dahai's father, Huang Dahai, clenched his fists tightly, his eyes full of sternness! Surging momentum!

Feng Xuening and the others were also shocked!

They have speculated that this Chenmo might not be easy, but you can wipe out the super **** level with two tricks? What the **** is this?

What power is the breath that just broke out of him? very scary!

Of course they know Shura, but they have never played against Shura. Shura is the power that bursts out in the Tianlin Continent!

Huang Dahai stared at the body of his disciple son!

He never expected that his super god-level son would also...

"Go to death for the old man!"

Huang Dahai roared and slashed towards Chen Mo.


Then Feng Xueling's figure appeared in front of Chen Mo, blocking the blow.

"I said you, you die if you die, but don't forget what he said just now!"

Feng Xueling said coldly.

"That's what my son said! Not an old man!"

Huang Dahai angrily said.


Everyone took a breath.

"Damn! This Huang family is really shameless!"

"Then there is no way, your grandson, your son died, so he killed him, how can you feel good? He didn't directly lose heart and broke out, he is already very good!"

"Does this Chenmo still have to fight this old man of Saint Destruction level? How is that possible?"



Feng Xueling then couldn't help but spray out.

"I said old man, don't be too shameless, go quickly, and bury your grandson and son. If you do it again, I will do it in the Snow Palace!"

Feng Xueling said.

Yes, now Fengxue Palace can protect Chen Mo, because they already have a reason.

You Huang family killed him, okay, they won’t stop it, but your Huang family didn’t kill him, now you have to change to a stronger person to kill him. The previous words are clear and plain, then the Huang family is repenting. Of course Gong can do it!

"you guys!!"

Huang Dahai gritted his teeth and stared at those people in Fengxue Palace!

"Okay! In the battle between the Snowstorm Palace and the Evil King Palace, my Huang family is on the side of the Evil King Palace!"

Huang Dahai put down a ruthless word and directly led people to take away the body of Huang Da and then walked away.

"The Huang family dare to threaten the Snow Wind Palace?"

"Then what's the solution? I was so anxious, but Snow Wind Palace did it right! And even if the Huang family puts down these words, is it possible that the Snow Palace is there? This is not Wind Snow Palace. Your style."

"In the eyes of Fengxue Palace, is it important for a new disciple or the Huang Family?"


Everyone talked a lot.


Feng Xueling couldn't help laughing.

"A Huang family, the strongest is just a Heavenly Forbidden Rank, what's the deal?"

Feng Xueling sneered.

Yes, in the eyes of Fengxue Palace, the Huang Family is nothing but a existence that can be pinched to death with one hand. They seem to look too high on themselves.

"Let's go away."

Feng Xue condensed a sentence and then walked away.

Chen Mo shook his head helplessly, and then also walked away.

"Ai wai wai, where to go? Come to this girl Elder Peak."

Feng Xueling then hooked her back to Chen Mo.

"Why are you going?"

"Leng Xi, come here too."

Feng Xueling shouted.

Leng Xi came over.

"Tonight, there is a more important banquet in the War Devil City next door. You two will attend with this girl at that time."

"What am I going to do?"

Leng Xi asked.

"You are not boring doing tasks and practicing all the time. This time it is not just you and me, but also a handsome pot, not boring." Feng Xueling said with a smile.

Leng Xi glanced at Chen Mo, then nodded; "That's good!"

Chen Mo; "..."

Feng Xueling then leaned into Chen Mo's ear and whispered: "This is a good opportunity for you to cultivate relationships with Leng Xi. Isn't the devil and divine stone in her hand yours?"

"Why is it a good opportunity?"

"Because there will be many Leng Xi suitors at that time, don't you need to talk about the rest?"

Chen Mo pondered slightly: "Okay."

"Then let's go back first, see you at night."

Then Feng Xueling took Chen Mo away.

"Ah, what kind of inheritance power did you release just now? It looks so strong."

Feng Xueling asked curiously.

"you guess."

"You can't guess, just say it quickly."

Feng Xueling said with a smile.

This should be the reason why he is so strong!

It's really strong! She felt that if he was in the same realm, he could crush Leng Xi.

"Did not say!"

"Then let's bet."

Chen Mo glanced at her.

"Give this girl a day. If this girl can guess, then you can give me the two spiritual weapons that killed the Yellow Continent!"

It's finally Feng Xueling's favorite part.

"Then you can't guess it?" Chen Mo asked.

How could she guess that it was Shura's power?

"Can't guess it, just tell me."

"I want a piece of Heavenly Demon Stone~www.readwn.com~ except for this piece of Fengxue Palace."

Chen Mo said.


Feng Xueling said without hesitation.

Chen Mo frowned.

The other two pieces, one in the hands of one of the three major demon gods, and the other in the Evil King Palace, did she promise so simply?

"Let's see the real chapter before it gets dark!"


During the day, Chen Mo did nothing else, just lying there, playing and chatting with two girls in the yard, and chatting with Lin Kexin and others.

As for Feng Xueling, she was in the Fengxue Palace for the whole trip!

She didn't believe it, all the power of Chenmo was released, and she saw it, but she didn't believe it and couldn't find it!

(End of this chapter)

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