I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1150: Surprised 4 again

Chapter 1041

Everyone was secretly speechless!

This, the amount of prize pools on both sides is so big!

"This girl owes a lot of debts, so I'm going to rely on this one time to pay the debts, Xiao Chenmo, you can give this girl a little bit!

Feng Xueling shouted.

Chen Mo shrugged.

The princess laughed in her heart.

How good can he be? That's just the strength. In this final round of competition, can he still turn the sky over?

"Well, everyone has finished betting, and this princess has continued to finish. Now let me announce the content of the third round of competition. The content of the third round of competition is very simple. Power competition!"

Chen Mo frowned!

really! This round is indeed related to strength, whether it is talent, strength, speed or whatever, this is part of the manifestation of strength.

And power... is he bad? Under normal circumstances it is definitely bad, but he has amplification skills, and it is a very exaggerated amplification skills, he will not be bad.

When the princess heard the words, everyone's eyes lit up.

Who is present, who is not a warrior? Who is not strong?

Even if you look at the mainland, they are not very top-notch existence, but in this circle, they are definitely not weak! At least, most of them would not feel weaker than the new disciple of the thirteen elders!

Moreover, even if they can't compare to this person, after all, he is an elder disciple of the Snow Wind Palace. If there is nothing, can he be an elder disciple of Snow Wind Palace? But someone can compare to him, right?

Moreover, although some people know that he killed the super god-level city lord of the Huang family, but... who would believe that a person can kill the super god-level existence without any special means with such a big gap?

In this game, there is also Qi Chao, a very famous master, no matter how bad...and Yanagawa Zhi of Fengxue Palace! Of course, Liu Chuanzhi might not do it. After all, this is about Feng Xueling's bet. If he makes a move and deliberately wants to suppress Chen Mo, then he is probably going to be put on shoes by Feng Xueling!

Qi Chao sneered.

Kill the super **** level? This is probably because Fengxue Palace wanted to keep him, and gave him some kind of powerful spiritual weapon. Otherwise, how could it be normal?

And his Qi Chao realm absolutely crushes him!

"Leng Xi, don't participate in this round."

Feng Xueling said.

Leng Xi participated, and it must be Leng Xi to win, but Feng Xueling would lose all her money for this bet.

"it is good."

Leng Xi nodded.

"And you, you are not allowed to participate!"

Feng Xueling pointed at Yanagawa Shidao very domineering and rascal.

Yanagawa nodded helplessly.

Haze flashed past his eyes, even if he didn't participate, could Chen Mo be better than Qi Chao?

He was right to kill the Super God, but everyone thought that the Snow Wind Palace secretly gave him something or some power to do it!

Otherwise, a character with only a fairy level can kill the super **** level? ? How is it possible? This has subverted the worldview of martial arts.

The princess said: "This time the power competition does not distinguish between realms. No matter what realm you are, anyone who has participated in the previous competition can participate. Of course, the higher your realm, the stronger power can be played. Maybe this time it is not. It's fair, but your grades and backgrounds are all the same, and there is a gap in your realm. That is your own problem. If you lose, you can't blame others. Moreover, the two famous geniuses of Wind and Snow Palace have already withdrawn! So in general, This round is fairly fair."

"This is a counter. You must not use offensive martial arts, such as heaven-rank martial arts to forcefully increase your attack power, and you must not use any spiritual power or even auxiliary tools such as pill. You can only pour your spiritual power into your fist. After the bombardment, numbers will appear on it. The one with the largest number is the winner of this round!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief!

This Qi Chao has already won!

The inability to use spirit weapons and other things also proved that the disciple of the Snow Wind Palace is only the strength of the fairy, and Qi Chao, why is it also a god-level existence, there is still a difference between the two! How can he win Qi Chao?

So this bet, they have already won!

The princess thinks so too. Yes, she also heard the news that the new disciple of the Snow Wind Palace killed the city lord, but she didn’t believe it was done with his own ability. As the top genius of the mainland, she Knowing the difficulty of this, it is already impossible, so he must have borrowed something!

In this round, he can't use anything, he can only use his basic fairy-level cultivation base. How can he win?

Feng Xueling is looking forward to it!

Because as a member of the Fengxue Palace, she herself knew too well the battle at that time. After all, Xiao Chenmo used useless things from the Fengxue Palace to increase her growth. No, unless he used his own things, this is also very likely. of!

However, she has expectations of Chen Mo!

She feels that this person is not stupid, he is sure to say such a thing!

"Now, please proceed in an orderly manner!"

One by one they walked up, released their power, and then bombarded it!

"What? Can Tian Jue only score 2800 points?"

"Nothing, as long as the new disciple of the Snow Wind Palace can't match it!"


"Brother Chen Mo, you go first?"

Both Qi Chao and Chen Mo are relatively late figures.

"You go first." Chen Mo said lightly.

Qi Chao smiled and walked up, and then his right fist gathered a wave of strength, from the power of the gods!


A terrifying force bombarded it, and then the score above soared rapidly, and finally stopped at 9830!

"It almost broke ten thousand, a pity."

Qi Chao shook his head pretentiously, but in fact he was very satisfied!

"Brother Chen Mo, it's you!"

Qi Chao gave Chen Mo a playful look.

He, a person with a fairy level cultivation base, can't use spirit weapons, offensive martial arts, what does he use to score a higher score than him?

Chen Mo slowly walked over, and everyone's eyes were on Chen Mo!

Then Chen Mo exploded with a breath, and in the next instant, Chen Mo opened the thought of Shura!

You can't use offensive martial arts, but the augmented martial arts is no problem, because Qi Chao also used augmented martial arts, but that his gain is really far from that of Chen Mo!

"The law of power!"

The next moment ~www.readwn.com~Chen Mo's law of power is fully opened, and God knows how much his power has been increased!

"Seven emotions-anger!"

The sudden explosion of Chen Mo made everyone's eyes widened!

"What? He... is he still a fairy?"

"How is it possible? Even with the use of increased martial skills, it is impossible to make a fairy's existence instantly reach the level of brilliance, right? Even...I feel that this breath has crushed Qi Chao!"

"No way? No way!?"

The princess was also stunned!

Ok... what a terrible breath!


Chen Mo slammed up.

Everyone; "..."

(End of this chapter)

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