I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1152: Heavenly family, Qin family hands-on

Chapter 1043 Tian Family, Qin Family Hands

The two girls hugged in the room and fell asleep.

Chen Mo sat in the yard, and then began to occupy Yan.

What is he occupying?


That’s right, instead of thinking about going back, Chen Mo didn’t think about going back. Now, he thinks Feng Xueling should be able to get that piece of Heavenly Demon God Stone, and then there is another piece by Leng Xi, and the last piece is in the hands of the Demon God of the Demon Empire. But now, they are more or less involved, so Chen Mo doesn't think it is too difficult! The law may be more important.

Feng Xueling sat in front of Chen Mo, looking at Chen Mo with her cheeks in her hands.

"This kid, what kind of weird ability is this?"

Feng Xueling murmured.

After a while, Chen Mo opened his eyes.

He couldn't help frowning.


The Devil Continent really has rules!

He knows that when a person goes to a certain place, meets something, meets certain people, he must get something, and it must be destined!

The news that Chen Mo got was... a blood sacrifice.

What does it mean?

In the past, all he got was a place name, right? Even if it’s the news of Tianyu who doesn’t know where it is, you can tell at a glance that this is a place name, and blood sacrifice, is it a place name? This is obviously not even a place name!

But this is news about this law!

"what are you doing?"

Feng Xueling looked at Chen Mo with her cheek supported.

Chen Mo looked at Feng Xueling and asked, "Master, do you know what a blood sacrifice is?"

Feng Xueling was stunned for a moment, then she frowned: "What blood sacrifice? A ritual?"

Chen Mo shook his head: "I don't know."

"There are many ways to sacrifice with blood, or many possibilities."

Feng Xueling said.

Chen Mo is very helpless, this is a bit hard to find!

But what he was occupying was the law of the Demon God Continent, and since he could do so, it proved that the Demon God Continent had a law.

"talk later."

"Huh huh, okay, do you want to learn martial arts? This girl will teach you a martial arts first, and then go to help you build a **** stone."

Chen Mo nodded: "Okay, I want to be stronger."

"A stronger one will take a long time to practice. Are you sure you have time?"

Feng Xueling always felt that Chen Mo was in a hurry.

"I don't need much time." Chen Mo said lightly.

"Cut... Do you think you are reciting poetry? Okay, get up."

Chen Mo then stood up.

"Teaching you a trick to the Snow Palace is a top martial skill, absolutely zero!"

Chen Mo raised his brows and the name of this martial art sounded very strong.

Feng Xueling then stretched out her slender jade finger and pointed it at the center of Chen Mo's eyebrows, and a pale white light emerged, following a ray of memory pouring into Chen Mo's mind.

"This martial skill is more of a mental technique. The manipulation and flow of spiritual power, as long as you can manipulate it, then you can have a chance to release it. You don't need to have to learn a certain sword skill. Released, but this mentality is also very difficult to comprehend. I hope you can comprehend 10% when this girl comes back!"

Feng Xueling put away her hand.

Chen Mo nodded.

"Okay! This girl is gone, take care of yourself."

Feng Xueling blinked at Chen Mo.

"Be careful."

Chen Mo knew that this trip might be dangerous, after all, she was going to the Evil King Palace.

"Oh Huo, you still know how to care about this girl, go."

Then Feng Xueling's figure disappeared in place!


"Leng Xi, who exactly is Chen Mo? He is not strong, but I feel that he is so special."

Mu Yao and Leng Xi walked in the Wind and Snow Palace.

The talk has been done with Feng Xuening!

Feng Xuening is of course extremely smart. She knows all the pros and cons of cooperation and non-cooperation, and her choice must be correct.

"I don't know, new disciple, I don't know much about him. Is the princess interested in him?"

"Naturally, he is interested, but he is already a disciple of Snow Wind Palace. Although my sister needs some top talents, if not, he will definitely be drawn over."

They are all top-notch existences. Although they don't know much about it, just that kind of feeling and short-term contact makes him feel very unusual!

"He may not stay in the Snow Palace for long, and..."

"And what?"

Mu Yao asked.

"Forget it..."

Leng Xi shook his head.

She actually wanted to say that Chen Mo was looking for the Demon God Stone. Her sister, the Demon God who adopted her, had the third piece. She wanted to tell, but it was not good to think about it. What if he disrupted his plan?

Mu Yao didn't ask too much.


On the other side, Chen Mo is cultivating this absolute zero power!

how to say?

It's difficult, but Chen Mo's understanding is very terrifying, and Xiao Ruhan was also taken aback at the time, so it is not that difficult!

This is a force that is directly released. As long as the force is condensed in the body in a specific way and can be released, then you will succeed, but this process is very difficult.

And why does Chen Mo especially want to cultivate this skill?

This is the mental method. After successfully practicing in the game, Chen Mo even feels that in reality he can release this level of big move in the same way!

This is a big move at a level that never exists in reality!


"Kexin, Xiaomeng, just stay at home and don't go out."

Zi Qingcheng put on his coat.

"Where is Sister Zi going?"

Zi Qingcheng smiled and said, "Solve some small things for Chen Mo, don't go out."

"Hmm... Sister Zi, be careful."

Lin Kexin has experienced some very special things, so she knows some very dangerous things!

"Well, don't worry!"

Zi Qingcheng smiled and went out!

She has been reminded by Chen Mo, so what she needs to do is simple. Protect Lin Kexin and Xiao Meng. Of course, there is also Chen Mo who has been lying there for several days.

Speaking of danger, it is indeed very dangerous, after all, this is the revenge of the Qin family and the Tian family!

Although the two capitals are almost empty, some people are still there!

The master-level powerhouse of the Qin family was destroyed ~www.readwn.com~ but the heavenly family still exists! So as long as it is confirmed that Chen Mo is not offline, they can do it!

As for the situation here, of course they have investigated! Of course they also know that Zi Qingcheng is here, but what does that matter?

Zi Qingcheng was not so powerful, and what they did was unexpectedly, and they had two-handed preparation. Anyway, Chen Mo was bound to be destroyed!

However, Chen Mo had already noticed it from the very beginning, and Zi Qingcheng had already prepared from the very beginning.

Zi Qingcheng walked outside, then stroked the miniature headset in his ear.

"Is the goal set?"

A voice came from inside.

"Since they don't want to die, let them go to **** together!"

Her eyes condensed, completely different from the charming and even stray image before.

(End of this chapter)

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