I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1155: This girl is beautiful and beautiful

Chapter 1046 This Girl Is Beautiful As A Flower

Lin Kexin and Xiao Meng were sitting at the table. There were some prepared supper in front of them, but Lin Kexin had been in a daze without eating. Xiao Meng ate a little. Seeing Lin Kexin in a daze, she also lost her appetite inexplicably.

"Sister, is there something wrong?"

Xiao Meng asked quietly.

Lin Kexin recovered and shook her head: "I don't know, it's okay, I just panicked in my heart."

She knows how powerful Zi Qingcheng is, so she heard that Zi Qingcheng told them not to go out, but after she left, she felt that something must have happened. She didn't know what it was. She only hoped that whether it was herself, Xiaomeng, Brother Chen Mo, or sister Zi, or Yingmeng, and any friends around them, don't have anything to do.


Zi Qingcheng opened the door and walked in, then she yawned.

"Sleepy, sleepy, ah? Why do you still have supper?"

Zi Qingcheng smiled and walked over.

"Sister Zi..."

Lin Kexin quickly stood up.

"It's okay, you can sleep peacefully after eating supper."

Zi Qingcheng smiled.

Lin Kexin took a long breath.


"What about me... Go get some water and help a certain young master wipe his body. This young master has been lying there for several days, so I have to help him wipe his body."

Zi Qingcheng smiled and stretched.

"Then...Sister Zi trouble."

"It's okay...you rest early." Zi Qingcheng hummed a little song and smiled and flicked the water, and walked into Chen Mo's room.

"I don't know when you can go offline."

Zi Qingcheng then stripped Chen Mo naked.

"Very bad."

Zi Qingcheng smiled slightly.


During the game, Chen Mo opened his eyes.

He could feel his body in reality being moved back and forth!

"Who is doing this? It seems to be helping me wipe my body?"

Chen Mo laughed.

"Ding...Congratulations on your successful acquisition of [Absolute Zero]."

At the same time, the system prompt in Chen Mo's mind also sounded.

Then Chen Mo probed it.

[Absolute Zero]: One of the more top-notch big moves of the Snow Palace, the top cold power skill, releases absolute zero. There are three stages of effects. The first stage is a blizzard! It can cause a blizzard effect within 10,000 meters, and cause 20* magic attack damage to all units within 10,000 meters that are touched by the wind and snow. Second paragraph: Freeze! All units touched by the wind and snow will be frozen in an instant for a maximum of twenty seconds, the third segment: zero degrees! All enemies in the range detonate the zero-degree effect during the freezing period of up to 20 seconds, ignoring the realm, ignoring the level, and suffer the maximum 50% health deprivation effect + 999* maximum magic value damage, and cause permanent frostbite effect, consumption Magic value: 100000, cooling time: 14 days.

Chen Mo: "..."

"What a strong skill!"

Chen Mo sighed secretly.

The range of ten thousand meters is really too big, and the first stage effect is a range of ten thousand meters of damage effect, the damage is not high, 20* magic attack power, Chen Mo's attack power is very high, but the magic attack power , Very embarrassing...600, that is to say, he can hit twelve thousand damage in the first paragraph.

The effect of the second stage is great, but if you are touched by the wind and snow in the first stage of power, you will be frozen for up to twenty seconds! Twenty seconds!

There is no ignorance of the realm and level, so there will be an explanation of up to twenty seconds! But no matter how strong it is, as long as it hits, it can still take a few seconds, right?

Then the most powerful is the third stage effect!

For all frozen units, you actively release the third stage of absolute zero. What is the effect? Ignore the level, ignore the grade, forcibly deprive 50% of the maximum health value, plus 999* magic value of damage!

This TM is exaggerated!

Ignore grade and level!

In other words, as long as you are hit by the first wind and snow, it means that this skill can definitely deprive you of 50% of your maximum health! Because this third stage is controllable, even if you are frozen for a second, as long as Chen Mo reacts, you will have to suffer this damage! But at the same time, all the frozen ones have to be hurt, which means that if you want to end the frozen triggering damage early, you have to give up long-term control! This is nothing!

As for the follow-up damage, multiplying Chen Mo's current mana by nine hundred and ninety-nine times, he can deal close to 26 million damage after depriving the opponent of half of his life!

Very powerful big move!

Under normal circumstances, Chen Mo can't even let it go. Chen Mo's mana is only more than 20,000. This skill needs to consume 100,000 mana, but because Chen Mo has no consumption, there is no need to worry, and it is not one of them. The big move for the number of uses! The cooling time of fourteen days is really short compared to such an exaggerated effect.

There is another effect, permanent frostbite!

You have to lose blood every second, at least until you are cured!

Although it is permanent frostbite, it can definitely be cured! how to say? Awesome! But if people are let go, it is useless!

But think about it, no matter how strong the big move is, if you let people go, isn't it all useless?

"Earned! The rest will take a look at the search rules and the **** stone. No, you must get the **** stone first to make sure I can go offline and look for the rules. I can't... stay for many days, right?" Chen Mo pondered slightly.

Law, blood sacrifice!

Chen Mo probably also knows what it means. Maybe some ceremonies, inheritance, etc. will use blood sacrifices, whose blood is sacrificed, and what they are doing, it's unclear.

But... it's too general. Blood sacrifices may occur in any corner of the entire continent. This news narrowed Chen Mo's scope, but did not narrow the scope of his search!

Say yes, there is a certain place where the blood sacrifice will use this rule, or who did the blood sacrifice and the rule is on him?


Chen Mo frowned.

"If I insist on finding it, I should also focus on finding the more famous ones? Ask other people then, someone will definitely understand."


One day passed. Chen Mo was really helpless and bored on that day. He simply brought Shui Shui and Xiao Rou to clean the level!

When Chen Mo came back tonight, Feng Xueling had already returned.

"Is it all right?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Oh Huo, you guy is quite conscientious. The first sentence doesn't ask if you didn't get the **** stone, but instead asks if there is anything wrong with this girl."

Feng Xueling smiled and looked at Chen Mo~www.readwn.com~ To be honest, she was a little touched.

"That is required."

Feng Xueling then threw the devil stone to Chen Mo.

"Just got it?"

"It's too simple. This day the Demon God Stone was at the second senior brother of the Evil King Zong. He found a way to get him out. He casually gambled and asked him to use the Heaven Demon God Stone as a bet. There are many people who have witnessed that he lost. Laipi, I was violently beaten by this girl and then brought the Demon God Stone."

"Then what did you bet on?"

Feng Xueling smiled and said, "This girl is as beautiful as a flower, what do you think?"


"By the way, has Absolute Zero cultivation become a success?" Feng Xueling asked.

(End of this chapter)

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