I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1160: However, you know what is a real one!

Shenhuang, that is really not a weak existence! However, Shen Huang was killed just like that, it didn't matter if he was killed, the key is...

What state was he killed by?

That person just showed the breath of a fairy, right? There is still a heaven between the fairy and Shenhuang. Why can the fairy kill Shenhuang with one blow?

Of course, that Qin Yu was killed without using all his strength or even using any power. There was a careless element, but the fairy killed Shenhuang to death. This is indeed too exaggerated!

All aspects of the Evil King Palace clenched their fists!

They are very upset!

Although their Qin Yu defeated Liu Chuanzhi, he did not kill Liu Chuanzhi either. It was not that he did not kill, but that he could not kill him!

And now, a disciple of the Snow Palace killed the second senior brother Qin Yu of the Evil King Palace, and their mentality has exploded!

The point is, a Qin Yu, his future value is very high, and his combat power is very strong, and then he died like this... and this tm is a huge morale injury! A Shenhuang was given a second by a fairy... and killed, the Evil King Palace won but there was nothing left for the disciples of the Snow Palace!

Support, the morale of Fengxue Palace is boosted!

"Junior brother Niubi!! Continue to kill me!"

"Damn! Is this new disciple so awesome?"

"Nonsense! Haven't you heard that he killed the Lord of the Gorefiend City?"

"Aren't they relying on the sect spirit weapon?"

"Shhh... you can't talk nonsense like this."


"His combat power is so strong, those two spirit weapons are so sharp!"

Mu Yao's beautiful eyes lit up slightly.

"It's amazing."

Leng Xi also nodded.

He is a real fairy, but his combat power is really strong.

Xie Qianqiu's eyes condensed!

"The people in the Palace of Snow Wind are really sinister. They use all these methods to increase the strength of their disciples just to win against my disciple of the Evil King Palace? Does this disciple know the harm?"

The Great Elder of the Evil King Palace, an old man staring at the Fengxue Palace coldly said!

"Using certain means, your Excellency is very clear in your heart, but you just don't want to admit failure." Feng Xuening didn't give a good expression!

"Zhang Ke, you come!"

The Great Elder of the Evil King Palace said lightly.


Then a man walked slowly in front of Chen Mo.

"Master Zhang Ke of Fengxue Palace."

Zhang Ke stretched out his hand, thunder entangled, and a sword appeared in his hand, and then pointed at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo twisted his neck.

"Xiao Chenmo, be careful, he is a super god! He is at the same level as Leng Xi."

Feng Xueling could not help but yelled worriedly.

Chen Mo is very strong, she knows, but after all, the realm lies here!

Chen Mo nodded.

"Be careful? Just be careful?"

Zhang Ke slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, then waved the sword in his hand.

"One trick to solve you!"

He is a super **** level, Chen Mo in front of him is only a fairy spirit level, no matter how powerful he is, what can he do? Can that withstand a move in front of the super **** level? If he could, then he really violated the world view of cultivation.

"This is Zhang Ke, the tenth-ranked existence in the sky list. He may be a little bit behind our Senior Sister Leng Xi, but he is in the top ten in the sky list after all, and he is still at the Super God level. Something is going to happen!"

"Something is really going to happen, Chen Mo killed the second senior brother of the Evil King Palace, he must also kill Chen Mo to vent his anger."


The people in the Hall of the Evil King are still very confident in Zhang Ke. This is Zhang Ke. Even if he and Leng Xi can fight, they may not win, but even if they lose, they won't lose too ugly! Can't solve a small new disciple in the Snow Palace?

Feng Xueling knows that Chen Mo is very powerful, but she doesn't know exactly how powerful he is. He is a fairy after all, and this Zhang Ke is a super god, and can even fight Leng Xi. To be honest, it's a bit difficult! But somehow she believed him.

"one move?"

Chen Mo ticked the corner of his mouth slightly, and then asked: "Then if you can't solve me with one trick, wouldn't it be shameful?"

"As long as you dare to fight against Ben Shao, then you will definitely be solved by one move!"

Zhang Ke said confidently.

"Oh? Come on then!"

Everyone took a breath!

This Ke is obviously irritating him, is he really fooled?

Zhang Ke sneered, followed by a thunderous masterpiece!

"Thunder God's Fury!"

Then the sword in his hand was pointed toward the sky, and the situation changed in an instant, and the clear sky above showed dark clouds. Dozens of terrifying thunder fell at the same time, condensed on the tip of his sword, and the entire sword was entwined with the terrible thunder power. !

Some people not far away were blown back by the wind!

Leng Xi frowned!

This is a big move! Is he... okay?

"Brother, come on!"

Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou shouted at Chen Mo there, their small faces flushed with excitement.

They absolutely believe that Chen Mo can win.

Feng Xueling, Feng Xuening and the others in Fengxue Palace also looked seriously!

Theoretically, a super-god-level big move could never be blocked by the fairy-level, so it is normal for them to worry.

"Go to hell! Ants!"

Then Zhang Ke slashed towards Chen Mo with a thunderous blow with terrifying power.

And what about Chen Mo?

He just stood motionless!


Then ~www.readwn.com~ terrible power swallowed him!

Everyone's pupils shrank suddenly!

"He... why doesn't he hide? Has he already given up?"

"No, even if you give up, you have to hide? Unless he wants to die?"

"His--this power, even if it is a super god, doesn't dare to harden it, and it's still a thunder attribute power!"


Those people in the Evil King Palace have smiles on their faces! They have seen the ending! And the people in the Snow Palace are really nervous!

Why doesn't he hide?


Zhang Ke stood there, looking at the other people in the Snow Wind Palace, and then fell on Leng Xi: "You come!"

Leng Xi was unmoved, didn't even look at him!


Chen Mo's voice came from the dust!


The dust slowly dissipated, and Chen Mo just stood there steadily, the surroundings had been destroyed, but he had nothing to do! Everyone's eyes widened!

The corners of Feng Xueling's mouth rose slightly.

Sure enough, she was the disciple she was fond of, that was amazing! Well, mainly because she Feng Xueling is good...


Mu Yao also showed a surprised expression.

"We are not easy to take this trick, he was unscathed?"

Leng Xi's beautiful eyes also looked at Chen Mo with a slightly splendid look.

He is amazing.

It's simple, no matter how strong the power is, Chen Mo's asura intention will be broken!

"Just your tickle power also want to be next?"

Chen Mo sneered!

Then came the cheers of the disciples in the Snow Palace!


Zhang Ke's eyes widened! He is a super god! He is at the level of Leng Xi, so why...

"Let you see what is called... the real trick!" ()

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