Chapter 1055

From Shenhuang, to Super God level, to Saint Destruction level, all fell completely into Chen Mo's hands...

Now it's Heaven Forbidden Level again!

"This... The Third Hall Master of the Evil King Palace should be the Heaven Forbidden Level, right?"

"More than that, and it's a very strong Sky Forbidden Level. From Shenhuang, to Super God Level, to Holy Destruction Level, he is just a fairy, but he was defeated or even killed by him. Now there is another Sky Forbidden level... ...You said...will he still be able to kill?"

"Brother, how is it possible! I admit that he is indeed against the sky, but...that is the top heaven forbidden! The strongest realm in the mainland! No matter how the sky is against the sky, there must be a limit! And he has already fought hard. With so many games, it is estimated that...the lamp has been exhausted."


Feng Xuening glanced at Feng Xueling next to him, and then asked, "Do you know something?"

Feng Xueling scratched her hair: "Ah? I don't know. I know he is quite powerful. Since he dares to fight, he must be confident. He is not a fool."

"What power did he release?"

"I won't tell you."

"Then why can he release so many top martial arts of the Evil King Palace? He can even release the top martial arts of the Evil Qianqiu."

"Do you suspect that he is from the Evil King Palace?" Feng Xueling asked.

"No, if he is a member of the Evil King Palace, he doesn't need to release the Evil King Palace's moves to arouse suspicion." Feng Xuening looked at Chen Mo.

Now, all they are concerned about is whether Chen Mo can win against the Heavenly Forbidden Third Hall Master! In other words, what incredible power he can release!

The three hall masters stared at Chen Mo.

"Fairies...little fairy, the deity really doesn't know how they were defeated in your hands."

The Lord of the Three Halls stretched out his hand, thunder entangled, and then held a sword in his palm.

"Then you go to **** and ask how they lost."

Chen Mo sneered and said.

"Only you? Recognize yourself, what realm you are, what realm is your deity! Drink!"

The three hall masters didn’t want to say more, he had to deal with him directly, and then give the Evil King Palace a rise. Although a Heavenly Forbidden Level to beat the Immortal Level, killing him does not seem to be very worthwhile Proud thing, but this person is very special.

"Cage of Heaven and Earth!"

Dozens of black lights fell from the sky, and then enveloped Chen Mo inside, and then connected to each other, Chen Mo was trapped in the cage of heaven and earth!

"What if you are peculiar? With this level of power, can you break through? If you can't break through, just wait to die!"

Afterwards, the Lord of the Three Palaces suddenly opened his arms!

"Ten thousand swords fall!"

Then, above the void, tens of thousands of swords entangled Thunder, as if the entire sky was entwined with Thunder. The visual impact of this big move is really terrifying!

"For the deity, die!"

Brush and brush——

Chen Mo was imprisoned there, and then tens of thousands of terrible powers fell from the sky and locked him!

Everyone's pupils tightened and looked up at this scene!

"He...should be fine, right?"

Leng Xi murmured.

If it is someone else, it is a mortal situation, even if she is in that place, she will never break through, she will definitely die! She is just a super god, but he...

He is strong! He should be fine!

Terrible forces bombarded Chen Mo who was already trapped!


The dust is everywhere.

Everyone looked ahead nervously.

If it is someone else, they will feel that this is a mortal situation, and they don't need to watch it!

However, he is Chen Mo! Although everyone is unfamiliar with him, the previous few battles have made everyone see where he is against the sky, so everyone has a great expectation of him. They all feel that when the dust disperses, they can see one miracle!

Not to mention, the Lord of the Three Halls was also a little flustered. Although the opponent was just a fairy, but... he was a little flustered inexplicably. If this person has nothing to do with this trick, what should he do later?

Will it be okay?

Normally he wouldn't be worried, but this person is really not easy to say.

The dust slowly dispersed...


Everyone took a breath!


Did he really just stand in that place like this?


Chen Mo was surrounded by black mist!

That's right! The Shura's Intention is once again cooled down!

Even if there is no such Shura intention, he will be fine!


"This Chenmo, who is he? Is he invincible?"

"Really, why? I don't understand. You said that Shenhuang, Super God level and even Saint Destruction level are useless to hurt him, but now Heaven Forbidden is useless? Why on earth? Why? Even top class There is no such kind of magic weapon, right?"


This scene made everyone stunned again!

This is too exaggerated! That is forbidden!

"This is it?"

Chen Mo raised his head and slightly hooked the corner of his mouth.

The pupils of the Lord of the Third Hall suddenly shrank!


He then rushed towards Chen Mo, and the overwhelming force bombarded Chen Mo, but...Chen Mo stood there, motionless, he could not even cause any harm to Chen Mo!

The pupils of those in the Evil King Palace of Xie Qianqiu shrank sharply!

What the **** is this?

"It's me!"

Chen Mo's mouth twitched slightly! Then the momentum on the body is guaranteed by geometric multiples!

"Sura's God's Punishment!"

[Sura's Heaven Punishment]: User: As soon as Shura (Chenmo) enters Shura, he will be scouted, desecrated Shura, and will be scouted by Shura. Effect: Lock a target, ignore level, ignore grade, and forcefully deprive it of 90% All attributes, and cause 9999999 mandatory damage, immune to any damage caused by it, control, and all effects. When chasing an enemy, the movement speed increases by 3000%. Released, during the release of Shura’s natural punishment, all attributes are increased by 1000%, mana consumption: 10000, lifetime use times: 2/2

It's been a long time since this big move was released. After Shura's second round, the negative effect of this big move has disappeared!

Chen Mo's eyes were red, and the breath on his body made people feel terrified!

"This power, this power... terrible!"

"His—— why all of a sudden, his power is more terrifying than that of the Heavenly Forbidden Level Three Hall Master?"

"Who is this!"


Everyone was panicked.

A **** smile appeared at the corner of Chen Mo's mouth!



Then came the screams of the three hall masters from the entire field!


The people of Xie Qianqiu wanted to help him and save him, but after feeling the breath of Chen Mo's body, they inexplicably didn't dare to go forward... They were scared!

"This is Shura..."

Leng Xi watched this scene in shock! This is terrible too!

(End of this chapter)

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