I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1167: Ghost door

Chapter 1058

As time passed slowly, the battle became more intense!

You will find that apart from Chen Mo and the others who are solving the opponent, the other realms are not much different... it seems that the opponent is rarely killed!

The truth is so! It is really difficult for the existence of the same level to kill each other, unless your two talents are very different!

But like Chen Mo, Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou, they are special! Although they are not the highest level, they are the strongest!

"Evil King Hall, is this what you can do?"

Feng Xueling looked at the strong man in front of her and sneered!

Xie Qianqiu's eyes condensed!

Really, the Evil King Palace did not lose to the Snow Palace, but it lost to a new disciple of the Snow Palace!

They really didn't have many people dead, but the strong ones who died were the ones named Chen Mo and those two little loli who looked very inconspicuous besides being pretty!

"What is your madness in the Snow Storm Palace? If the Evil King Palace has no confidence, come to attack your Snow Storm Palace? Everyone in the Heavenly Demon Empire, you can come out!"

At this moment, the sky rose from the sky, and hundreds of figures stood there!

Feng Xuening raised her head and glanced.

"The demon gods of the Heavenly Demon Empire have come personally, the Evil King Hall is so capable!"

Feng Xuening looked at a man above the void.

"Your Excellency, the Lord of the Wind and Snow Palace, you are not conspiring with each other, sorry!"

The corner of the Demon God's mouth tick slightly!

"You guys should also know that my Wind and Snow Palace cooperated with the Demon Empire, right?"

At this moment, a light flashed on the other side, and hundreds of strong men stood on the other side of the void, the strong men of the Demon Empire!

The leader of the Demon Empire is a noble woman wearing a veil and a purple skirt!

The Demon God of the Demon Empire!

"Unexpectedly, the Demon God of the Demon Empire also appeared in person!"

The Demon God of the Sky Demon Empire looked at her!

"The Lord Heavenly Demon is here, how can this deity look on? If the Evil King Palace and the Heavenly Demon Empire are just like this, then you can go back."

The Demon God Mo Yue of the Demon Empire said lightly.

"Then let everyone down."

The corner of the heavenly devil's mouth twitched slightly, Xie Qianqiu and the others quickly retreated to their side, and the camp was once again divided into two sides, at least for now, evenly matched!

Fengxue's eyebrows frowned!

What makes them so confident?

"Guys, you can come out!"

The demon said lightly.


Hearing this, Feng Xuening's people showed shocked expressions!

At the same time, the clear sky on the horizon was shrouded by dark clouds in an instant, and the sky...dark!

Along with this gloomy weather, there was a terrible cry from afar, which made people sound like a chill.

Then, the overwhelming ghosts flew over from a distance!

"It's a ghost door! Did you find a ghost door?"

Feng Xuening's eyes condensed!

"What is this ghost door?"

Looking at the terrifying scene in the sky, Chen Mo asked Leng Xi who was standing next to him suspiciously.

"Guimen is an evil sect of the Demon God Continent. Its existence history is longer than that of the Snow Wind Palace and the Evil King Palace. It used to be the ruler of this continent a long, long time ago. Living people can become puppets, and they can also make human souls into ghosts. This is not a ghost in the ordinary sense. After becoming a ghost, they will gain extremely powerful abilities... The most important thing is..."

Leng Xi paused and said: "For example, the ghosts of the fairy-level cultivation base, they can even easily occupy the body of the strong heaven and fight, even if the body is dead, their spirits as ghosts can escape again."

Leng Xi said.

"Then just kill the ghost as the soul body directly?"

Chen Mo said.

"It's true, but it's not that simple. The ghost door has three strong points. One point is that I just said that it can be possessed. After being possessed, it can even release all the power of the possessed. The second point is that the ghost door is really powerful. Of those few, none of their personal strength is much weaker than that of the three demon gods. The main reason for them is to summon ten thousand ghosts to achieve a number of crushes, and each ghost may not be weaker than any warrior in the same realm. "

"And the third and most important point, and the reason why it is so tricky is that... ordinary attacks cannot hurt these ghosts!"

Chen Mo frowned slightly.

"Can't hurt? Even if the spirit body is normal, it can be hurt."

Chen Mo said.

"Yes, but they are not ordinary spirit bodies. They are refined through the special power of ghosts. They have this power!"

Chen Mo pondered slightly.

In this case, his attack seems useless!

"It's just... this ghost gate has disappeared for even a thousand years, nearly ten thousand years, right? Why do they appear here... and even become the helper of the Evil King Palace, the Heavenly Demon Empire! Now... the Snow Wind Palace is difficult."

Leng Xi frowned tightly.

The Demon God Mo Yue and even Feng Xueling of the Demon Empire frowned.

They really didn't expect that these people actually found the ghost door, and even got the support of the ghost door!

If they have the support of ghosts, they are equivalent to two god-level forces plus one empire attacking them, one god-level force and one empire! With the special power of the ghost door, it really can't be beaten!

"Jie Jie Jie--"

A gloomy laughter came, and before the ten thousand ghosts, three people in black robes and no bare skin stood there!

"The Hall of the Evil King, the Heavenly Demon Empire even unites with such evil sects as the Ghost Sect. Are you not afraid of being condemned by the mainland?"

Feng Xuening looked at them.

Ghost door, it really harmed the mainland back then. I don't know how many innocent people died tragically and were refined into ghosts.

"Condemned? Hahaha!"

Xie Qianqiu laughed loudly.

"Guys, will you harm the mainland?"

"of course not!"

A black-robed man in the ghost door said lightly.

"Now, you hear it, now everyone in the ghost door will no longer harm the mainland."

Chen Mo; "..."

Wow! This group of people are so shameless~www.readwn.com~ Two people are singing here, one asking and the other answering. Do you say that it will harm the mainland?

But...this Demon God Continent is the only one who can restrain this power... Demon God of another empire! Basically can't do other things!

Xie Qianqiu sneered in his heart.

With the help of ghosts, they are completely finished this time!

The resources of a Wind and Snow Palace are still enough for the three forces to divide equally, and then the resources of the Demon Empire will be added...

"So now, let's stop talking nonsense. The three ghosts, together with the ten thousand ghosts, will slay the Snow Wind Palace and the Demon Empire Royal Family together!"

Xie Qianqiu sneered and said.

"This day, I have been waiting for a long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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