I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1169: He can also control ghosts?

Chapter 1060 He Will Control Ghost Skills?

Why did Chen Mo waste it?

Because all his skills are physical damage, how do you see physical damage or magical damage?

It's very simple, you only need to see whether the skill damage is several times the attack damage or several times the magic attack damage. In other words, as long as it matches the mana, it is also magic damage!

And Chen Mo...

That pure physical output player!

He also has magic output, but...how much damage can it cause?

His magical attack power is only nine hundred...


Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou are very useful! Especially Long Xiaorou!

Chen Mo turned around and glanced at the two girls who were eating Haisai. They had just gone through a battle and continued to replenish their physical strength and mana! Not urgent!


Leng Xi and Mu Yao also rushed directly and entered the battlefield!

"The Edge of the Perfect!"

In the chaotic battle, Chen Mo's Supreme Front is simply invincible!

He was in a corner, and not many people noticed him. People who didn’t know thought Chen Mo was working as a coward, but...

These two Supreme Fronts, I don't know how many lives have been taken in a short period of time, and there are even gods!

In such a chaotic battle, you have opponents, and there may even be more than one opponent. At this time, the Supreme Front is flying around, and you can only subconsciously regard it as someone’s weapon, someone’s attack, But when you try to block, if the realm is not high, you will regret it when you touch it!

And some people tried to avoid it, and then he thought he had avoided it, but who would have thought that this Supreme Front would violate physics and suddenly be able to turn at will, which is more difficult than TM's hitting a real person!

There is no way, Zhi Zhen Feng is controlled by Chen Mo's mind, and there are many operations that you can't play, but Zhi Feng can play.

Then...Chen Mo just didn't need to do it by himself, and I don't know how many people would be overshadowed by Zhi Zhen Feng.

Some experts in Fengxue Palace noticed Chen Mo, because he was a person they paid attention to. At first, they were puzzled. Didn't Chen Mo say he wanted to fight? Why don't you make a move?

Then they saw that they were hiding in a corner.

No, this is not his personal design either.

Until they saw the chaos, two weapons flying around, and then some people on the ground died inexplicably, they didn't know how they were hanging up, and even above the void, some gods were fighting. When they hit, their necks would be sealed, or the sword would penetrate their bodies.

It turns out that this person... such a chicken thief.

"Big Brother!"

No one really noticed it at the beginning. In such a chaotic battle, they all have enemies. Their spiritual consciousness is on their opponents and some people around them, not many people care about Chen Mo, although Chen Mo was so bright before... but for a while, no one thought of those people.


After a **** huang was penetrated by the power of the realm, his younger brother just saw this scene, and then he roared and started looking for the owner of the two weapons!

Then... he saw Chen Mo hiding in the corner like a dog thief.

"There, someone is plotting there!"

The man pointed at Chen Mo and shouted angrily.

His sudden voice still attracted some people's attention!

"It's that kid! Come on, friend of the ghost door, please punish that kid!"

Xie Qianqiu's attention finally fell on Chen Mo.

He just said, it feels like something is missing!

Mainly, he doesn't think that a kid can play any role in this battle!

Then he suddenly remembered, grass! Laozi's son was killed by him!

Before, he even left the matter behind because of this more important battle. Now, this kid has appeared again and must be killed!

"A weak kid like this, does the deity need to do it?"

One of the three ghost kings said something!

"A friend of the ghost door must never underestimate this kid, this kid even killed Tianban with such a weak force!"


The three ghost kings raised their brows.

"The third child, he left it to you."

The big ghost said kingly.

"it is good!"

The Three Ghost King nodded, then raised his hand.


In the next instant, a ferocious ghost roar came, and then, the black ghost rushed to Chen Mo.

Even these ghosts have super **** level existence!

"Xiao Chenmo, beware of ghosts, don't be possessed."

Feng Xueling had just condensed something on the side, and then she shouted to Chen Mo.

"rest assured!"

Chen Mo nodded.

Then Chen Mo's mouth twitched slightly.

"Unlimited big move! Steal!"

"Ding...you got the ultimate [God-level Ghost Control Skill]."

Chen Mo laughed.

"Turn on!"

In the next instant, the black light of Chen Mo's eyes flashed suddenly.

The ghosts who rushed over suddenly stopped here.

"what happened?"

The three ghost kings above the void suddenly frowned! Then he controlled the ghosts to continue to attack and gave orders, but it didn't work?

"Give me up!"

Chen Mo gave the order!

The Wangui controlled by the Three Ghost Kings suddenly changed direction, and did not even rush to the Three Ghost Kings, but rushed to the battlefield below to attack the disciples of the Evil King Sect, and even attack the Wangui controlled by the other two Ghost Kings. !

This person can't do much harm to the ghosts, but the ghosts can certainly do it?

Three Ghost King:? ? ?

"Senior of Guimen, what do you mean?"

After a teacher of the Evil King Sect was attacked, he gritted his teeth and glared at the Three Ghost Kings.

"Not the deity!"

The three ghost king frowned suddenly, and then looked at Chen Mo.

"You!! When did you learn how to control ghosts?"

The three ghost kings said in disbelief!

This is only the power of their ghost club!

Feng Xueling appeared with two red swords in both hands, and after seeing this scene, her mouth opened wide.

"Damn, who is this Xiao Chenmo?"

After speaking, she threw two swords to Leng Xi and Mu Yao.

"With the help of this sword, ten thousand ghosts can be directly injured!"

"it is good!"

Then Feng Xueling continued to use her spiritual power to create.

"what happened!"

The big ghost king and the two ghost kings are fighting ~www.readwn.com~ Then suddenly they saw that there were thousands of ghosts attacking their own people. They rushed over from the void to see this scene!

"Big brother, second brother, my ghost is controlled by him!"

The Three Ghost King pointed to Chen Mo and said.


They stared at Chen Mo.

"Big trick, steal it!"

Chen Mo then stole the other two ghost kings.

Feng Xuening and the others also saw this scene!


This Chenmo can actually...control ghosts? If he can really control ghosts, then... they will definitely not lose this game!

(End of this chapter)

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