I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1136: Gongzimo is watching the concert!

To everyone's shock, the person in that picture...


If they read it right, it is Chenmo!

When An Yixi saw this figure, she was stunned!

seriously? Is this a real Chenmo or a fake Chenmo? Although in front of the Fengshen Sect, isn't it impossible for players in front of the Fengshen Sect to go?

"Hello everyone, I am Chenmo."

Then Chen Mo in the picture spoke.


Hearing this, everyone was in an uproar!

In fact, when they see it, they think it should be Chenmo, why?

Isn't this familiar dress Chen Mo? But they thought it was a little weird, so they retained some doubts, and now, they may not need to doubt.

An Yixi couldn't help covering her red lips with her hands, her face was shocked, excited and surprised!

"That's it. I'm relatively rigid, so there is no such thing as Weibo and no time to take care of these things, so I apologize to fans who like me. If I have time in the future, I will consider opening up to communicate with everyone!"


Upon hearing Chen Mo's words, everyone was shocked and uproar again!

"Wow! Gongzi Mo... actually cares about us."

"Sure, the idol in my eyes is the most empathetic!"

"Wait! What's the situation? Why is the video made by Gongzi Mo played here? This is An Yixi's concert. Could it be that An Yixi arranged it? No, An Yixi is not at all. You know it!"


Everyone was puzzled again.

Then Chen Mo's next words made everyone seem to understand.

"In addition, today is the birthday of the big star An Yixi. I heard that her birthday wish is to get my blessing or to say... to say a word or something, in fact, there is really no need to do this, I am just an ordinary People...but...I'm still very happy, here..."

An Yixi was covering her mouth...

"Happy Birthday!"

As Chen Mo's voice fell, a few beautiful and exquisite little loli ran over.

"happy Birthday!"

They said with a happy smile!

"Wow! It's Sister Shui! Sister Shui!"

"There's still Sister Yuan! There are many more... Wow!! This is real Chenmo! Really hammered, this is definitely real Chenmo!"

"Panic face! God! This is too good! An Yixi actually got Chen Mo's blessing! Wow! Wow! It exploded!"


In an instant, the entire gymnasium entered a fever pitch, and everyone was cheering, screaming, applauding, and boiling!

And An Yixi's eyes were red, and her pretty face flushed.

This little face is more shy and flattered, and her eyes are red because she is...so...so moved.


An Yixi held her face and squatted on the ground for a long time, unable to calm down.

Although there is only a simple happy birthday, but...

Zi Qingcheng smiled and watched this scene.

"Brother Chen Mo is true."

Zhao Yingmeng couldn't help muttering.

"Ah? Why do you say he is lustful?"

Lin Qinghan asked.

"An Yixi is so beautiful, and Chen Mo has so many fans. He said happy birthday to An Yixi. Obviously, Chen Mo wants to be An Yixi. Well, that must be the case!"

Zhao Yingmeng mumbled and nodded.

"Brother Chen Mo, An Yixi really admires you so much, she cried."

Lin Kexin whispered to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo scratched his head.

He really didn’t have much contact with the fans. The so-called contact is to be recognized by the fans in the sky. That’s it. To be honest, Chen Mo is not a person who can express emotions, and maybe he won’t even talk to him. A person said that I love you, I like you... So he is a bit at a loss for other people's emotional expression!

Seeing An Yixi even squatting there, Chen Mo didn't know what to do, and the cheers around him...

After about a minute, An Yixi slowly cleared up her emotions, then stood up and wiped her tears.

"No... I'm sorry, I lost my mind."

An Yixi wiped her tears and said.

"I...I don't know why...why would I be blessed by idols...I...I..."

As she spoke, she couldn't help sobbing.

But everyone knew that she was happy.

"Thank you... thank you idol, I am really happy."

An Yixi didn't know what to face, anyway, he bowed to the crowd.

She wiped her tears and said, "This is really the happiest birthday I have ever had."

Wang Haiyang frowned and looked at An Yixi!

Does she really like that Young Master so much?

Yes! Gongzi Mo is indeed the youth of a generation. Some people will be crazy for him and do anything for him, but... if it is An Yixi, it will make him feel weird and weird. Simply put... it may be Jealous?

"Gong Zi Mo is also watching the concert!"

In the quiet gymnasium, I don't know who suddenly realized something ~www.readwn.com~ and shouted.

This shout, it was really too loud, and everyone was stunned.

Gongzimo is also watching the concert?

Everyone is thinking about this in their minds, why do they say that Gongzi Mo is also watching the concert?

"Yeah! Gongzi Mo must be watching the concert! If he had known An Yixi's birthday wishes, he would have been willing to bless her, but it happened to be now, and everyone, don’t forget, just video The time shown above is today! Just now! The video was just recorded by Gongzi Mo!"

"So, this is because Gongzi Mo is watching the concert. He just heard An Yixi's wish, and then he temporarily left the recorded video!"

"Moreover, if you want to play it on this big screen, someone must have given the video's USB flash drive to the backstage! It may be Gongzimo himself, or someone he invited...but it must mean...even if Gongzimo is not there Here, he also lives in Tianhua City! My God!"

"Wow! God! Gongzi Mo is by our side!"


For a moment, everyone subconsciously looked at the man next to him, and felt inexplicably, but every man is a bit like the son of Mo!

An Yixi was also stunned!

Gongzimo...Idol is watching her concert.


Her face turned red!

Gongzi Mo is watching her concert! God!

Chen Mo sat there calmly! He still doesn't believe it, can he find him out?

In fact, it doesn't matter if you find him out!

Because the danger has been basically eliminated!

I used to hide myself because I didn't want to be found by the Heavenly Family and the Qin Family, but now, the Heavenly Family and the Qin Family know that they are here and they have also lost. What is Chen Mo afraid of? ()

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