I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1150: Meet the Elves

Chapter 1141

The elves and goddesses are very surprised, what exactly is Master Chenmo going to do? What's the surprise?

When the flashing light disappeared, she was stunned in place!

She got it.

The fairy goddess looked at the group of girls in disbelief.

"Snow... Snow Elves!"

Xue Feifei opened her small mouth when she saw the fairies with white hair.

"Wow!! Lord Goddess, Lord Goddess, of the Snow Elves, of the Snow Elves!"

Xue Feifei shouted excitedly.


A figure appeared, Xue Yao stood there, her beautiful eyes looked at the fairy goddess, who was also looking at her.

"My Goddess..."

Xueyao saw the fairy goddess, tears burst out of her eyes!

"Xue Yao..."

The fairy goddess murmured.

"Xue Yao... have seen Lord Goddess!"

With tears in her eyes, she walked to the fairy goddess and saluted respectfully!

The fairy goddess' hands trembled slightly, she helped Xue Yao up.

"My Goddess, Xue Yao is back with the snow elves."

"Just come back, just come back."

The beautiful eyes of the fairy goddess are also glowing red!


"Wow!! I miss you so much!"

The two waves of elves ran to each other, then hugged and cheered.

"This little Momo really is."

Xiao Ruhan said with a smile.

"It turns out that I heard the elves talk about this before. Years ago, they ran away with the snow elves, but now they were brought by Master Chenmo."

Xue Huang groaned slightly.

"This person feels like he hasn't done anything, but it just hits the nail on the head no matter what he is doing, so people have to admire him, love him, and owe him great favor, really."

Xiao Ruhan shook his head helplessly.

"This is the will of God in everything."

Xue Huang said lightly.

"Yes, how about the others? Didn't you come?"

Xiao Ruhan glanced and did not see Chen Mo.

"Xueyao, how did you come out? Is it Master Chenmo?"

The fairy goddess Meimou looked at Xue Yao.

"Yes! We ran into Master Chenmo accidentally, and Master Chenmo said that he is a friend of the elves, and he brought us back."

Xue Yao said gratefully!

"Master Chen Mo is so amazing."

Xue Feifei flew over and said excitedly.

"Did Mr. Chen Mo not come back?"

The fairy goddess asked!

"I don't know, he didn't say, could there be anything?"

Xue Yao shook her head.

The fairy goddess nodded, then glanced at the elves:

"The elves owe great favors to Master Chenmo. Everyone will remember that Master Chenmo is my great benefactor of the elves!"


An Yixi and Zhao Yingmeng watched this scene hand in hand.

"Unexpectedly, Brother Chen Mo has been doing some good things. I thought he was so busy every day to do some tasks, to clean up monsters, and so on. It turned out that he was doing such things."

An Yixi's understanding of Chen Mo once again has some other aspects.

"Yes, in fact, many of the people you see in the God of Wind Sect were helped by Brother Chen Mo, and then they came here, whether it was Ji Lingluo, Ran Qingqiu, or Sister Xinyue, Qingqing, Xiaoyu, even Senior Phoenix, etc..."

Zhao Yingmeng nodded and said.

"Then why didn't Brother Chen Mo come?"

An Yixi was puzzled.

"Maybe he is busy with something?"


That's right, Chen Mo was thinking about coming together together, but after another thought, it doesn't matter. It's better to stay in the Demon God Continent first, play with Leng Xi and others, and tell each other, and then he might not come to Demon God in a short time. Mainland, right?

Not necessarily, anyway, Chen Mo's coming to the Demon God Continent is the same as going to the Underworld. It is also very simple. Open a door and use the empty magic stone to go! Just say...

If Chen Mo wants to have any task in Tianlin Continent, the simplest one is to find the next rule. In case of a slight failure, Chen Mo is likely to be on the way to find the rule for half a month and a month, so half of it will appear. It is very common not to go to the Demon God Continent once a month, so Chen Mo may have to make it clear to Leng Xi to avoid her thinking too much.

On the other side, Chen Mo and Leng Xi were walking on a relatively beautiful back mountain in Fengxue Palace.

This is a very famous place, very beautiful, there will be some disciples in the Snow Palace, their favorite place is here, with mountains, water and lakes, beautiful scenery, very suitable for couples tryst.

"Master Chen Mo, are you leaving?"

Leng Xi and Chen Mo were sitting there, she looked at Chen Mo with beautiful eyes.

Chen Mo nodded; "Well, in fact, I don't know where to go next, I need to find the remaining rules."

"I know, Master Chen Mo is to resurrect your favorite person."

Leng Xi said softly.

Chen Mo glanced at her and said, "Not the one I love most."


"To me, it's all the same, there is no so-called favorite, all the same, just say..."

Chen Mo looked into the distance.

There is really no so-called favorite, but each person must be the most special. Everyone has the same status in Chen Mo's mind, but their particularity is different.

Ye Yuhan died for him. Every time Chen Mo thought about this, every time he thought of the scene that night, he panicked in his heart.

"I know."

Leng Xi probably also understands Chen Mo.

"So, on the way to find the law, I may not know how long it will take, so I am not sure how often I will see you."

Leng Xi nodded: "Young Master Chen Mo does your thing, I won't mind it, you just have to... occasionally come and take a look."

Chen Mo laughed, looked at Leng Xi, and said: "You are silly, I mean, what I don’t know is how long it may be half a month, a month, but it’s definitely impossible to exceed a month, even if I I’m still looking for it. I may come to see you every few days. Unless there are some special circumstances, I may not be able to get out. It will take a little longer~www.readwn.com~ Listen to you, how do I feel that you think I am for years I can't even come once."


Her pretty face couldn't help but flush.

That is indeed true. After she heard what Chen Mo said, she thought that he might not be able to come back once every few years. After all, what she knew, the search rules were already scarce every year! People have searched for a hundred years, but they can't find a rule for thousands of years!

But when Chen Mo said that she would come every two days, she was really surprised.


She nodded.

"I'm just worried that maybe because I will be in some secret realm, I may not be able to get out in a short time, and being unable to come back to see you will make you think about it, it's really impossible..."

Chen Mo thought for a while and said, "I have a sect in Tianlin Continent. There are many friends in it. You can go there."

(End of this chapter)

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