I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1168: Civil war

Chapter 1159

Not to mention, Chen Mo really hasn't been in contact with the national war for a long time!

Even because of the national war, he has established many foreign enemies!

There are also many powerful characters abroad! After all, the system prompts you hear now are all from China's own country. The strongest Chen Mo, Qingcheng, and so on, there are also top ten pinnacle masters in their country abroad!

Of course, there are indeed very powerful ones, but Chen Mo doesn't like it! Some people have always regarded him as their strongest opponent!

"We will go back first!"

Lin Kexin looked at Tianxin and they said!

"His Royal Highness Angel King, are you leaving?"

Tianxin looked at Lin Kexin with beautiful eyes.

"Yeah, I still have a lot of things to do with me! I'll come to play with you when I have time."

Tian Xin nodded; "Well, we won't disturb His Royal Highness Angel King and Young Master Chenmo and other friends. If there is a place where we need our help, please don't be polite!"

"All right!"

"Then we go first, there will be a period later!"

Chen Mo gave a fist.

"There will be a period later!"


In the next instant, Chen Mo released the power of the empty magic stone, and then they disappeared in place!

At this moment, the entire players have already exploded!

Three turns, eighty level, which means that half of the players have reached eighty level! Tianlin has officially entered the later stage!

This game is almost at the end!

"Brother Chen Mo, I went three rounds!"

Zhao Yingmeng greeted Chen Mo!

"Well, go!"

Then Chen Mo walked towards the night.

Ye and Bai Xiaoxue sat there talking about something, but until now you still rarely see them having physical contact, just like Chen Mo and Leng Xi at the time.

"Big Brother Chenmo."

Bai Xiaoxue saw Chen Mo coming over, and then quickly stood up!

"How? How is the relationship?"

Chen Mo asked with a smile.

Bai Xiaoxue blushed pretty.

"Also... okay."

Ye also stood up!

"That night, Brother Chenmo, you talk, I'm going to be busy!"

Bai Xiaoxue yawned and walked away, knowing that Chen Mo must be looking for something to do with Ye Ye.

"Is there a problem?"

Ye asked.


Chen Mo sat there with him!

"Do you know what Senior Shura left behind?"

Chen Mo asked.

Because the players have already performed three turns, and Chen Mo's three turns must be performed by Shura Ye Ming. Even if he has left, he must have left something! !

Although the current Shura is powerful, it is definitely not a real Shura. After the third revolution, Shura may not be a real Shura, but it must be very close!

Night looked at Chen Mo.

"Are you sure you are ready?"

Chen Mo nodded: "Ready!"

"There is one thing I may need to tell you."

Chen Mo looked at him.


Ye then said: "The master may indeed have left something for you, or a place where you should still see the master, but..."

"Just what?"

"It's just that you don't have to worry about being corroded by Shura's will now. If you gain more strength, you will still be in this danger!"

Chen Mo frowned.

"Will it be like this?"

Night nodded.

"Yes, because your current body can withstand the erosion that the current Shura power brings to you, but if your Shura power goes further, then the power will surpass your body and will, so you will suffer again. The previous crisis, in other words, you will be eroded by Shura's mind and become a killing machine!"

Chen Mo pondered slightly.

This is embarrassing! This is really embarrassing!

You say, these three turns he is going to enter or not!

If this is not three turns, one's own attributes will definitely not keep up. Player three turns is the most important link, compared to the first turn, the second turn is much more important!

There are too many attributes that can be improved by Rank 3, after all, you are at level 80, after all, you are in the late stage!

However, if the third turn, Chen Mo is worried that he will become Shura!

If it's just a game, Chen Mo doesn't need to think about it, but it's not just a game, even in reality he won't be able to come out!

Therefore, after weighing it up, Chen Mo can only decide not to perform three turns for the time being!

"Then how can I resist the will of Shura at that time?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Improve your own strength, improve your own state of mind and soul power. When you feel that your soul power and state of mind have grown to a very strong level, don’t worry, but I want to tell you one thing, even if it’s the master Existing to a certain degree, he still became Shura! So, my advice is not to go!"

Ye said!

Chen Mo nodded; "I understand! But if I don't go, I will never reach a higher height!"

"Yes! I am not qualified to persuade you about all this. If one day you want to go, think about it, tell me and I will take you there!"

Ye said!

"it is good!"

Chen Mo nodded.

At least for now, Chen Mo is really afraid to go!

Others are desperately conducting the third-turn trial, and Chen Mo can only stay here in the Fengshenzong to chat and play with the girls!



The imperial capital of China, in the courtyard...Two old men were playing chess and drinking tea there, and a few middle-aged men stood beside them!

Just by looking at it, you can tell that these people are definitely not ordinary people. It doesn't matter whether they are warriors or not, they can know that they are standing here and sitting there with the aura of the upper class. They are definitely in high positions. !

An old and strong old man took a move and nodded; "What's the matter?"

"The national war will start soon, and it is predicted that it may be within three to five days, after the player turns three."

Said the middle-aged man.

"Hey, is this national war going to start again?"

The old man made a move and sighed.

"Yes, now, the levels of other countries have all risen, and according to reliable sources, there may be many countries and regions uniting to attack our Huaguo region. If we fail~www.readwn.com ~The consequences are unimaginable."

Middle-aged manly.

"Then Young Master Mo can be reached?"

The old man made a move and asked.

"It shouldn't be difficult."

"Let's take a look and contact him. For our country, he is the one who can turn the tide of the battle. There are also some players from the Wind God Sect. This battle must require the Wind God Sect to take action!"

The old man said!

"I can try, but... he did something like that before, we didn't do anything in time, and we didn't know..."

"Go try and have a good talk!"

"Okay! Then I will go now!"

Then the middle-aged man retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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