I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1175: Who are you

Chapter 1166: Who Are You

Chen Mo looked forward!

The national war has officially started, and the opponent has already come!

There are too many people paying attention to this national war!

What they pay more attention to is, of course, Chen Mo's battle, after all, it is Chen Mo!

There are many people who are online today, but there must be many people who cannot go online. Generally speaking, they cannot go online because of the actual work, but they will also find ways to watch the live broadcast of the national war!

"Hello everyone, I am Lou Xiaoqian."

Above Zhutian City, Lou Xiaoqian, the big anchor who loves live broadcast of Chen Mo most, appeared.

That’s right, because she broadcasted some things about Chen Mo and then became popular, she can be regarded as Chen Mo who made her, but this kind of thing is also on her own. She has this courage. She dares to do something and dare to do something. Go find Chen Mo, that is what she deserves!

With so many anchors, they made her angry for Mao, collecting news, collecting Chen Mo's whereabouts, collecting where he might go, squatting, shooting, live broadcasting...

"Hello everyone, now we see the idol son Mo, no, it is Chen Mo. He is standing on the city wall now, and I am ten meters away from him, but I can’t disturb the idol, but we can see The defending players in Tiancheng are about 5 million. This is my estimation. It is estimated that the gap will not be too big! Originally there were more than 100 million here, but the idols just asked them to increase their staff in other places. Five million are left."

The barrage was swiping frantically.

"Five million, is it too little?"

"Lou Xiaoqian, how many opponents are there, take a look!"

"Yes, how many opponents are there?"


Lou Xiaoqian then turned the lens to the vast world in the distance!

"The opponent... predicts more than... 50 million people!"

Everyone;? ? ?

Lou Xiaoqian's pupils also shrank!

This gap is too big! 50 million players? And five million here?

These players are basically three-round players, and this ten times difference is unmatched!

Could the son Mo alone...

"Idols are indeed very strong, but the gap is too big! Can an idol alone be compared to 45 million players who have played three turns?"

"Impossible! No one has ever been able to do this. Even the strongest son Mo can't do it. These are all Rank 3 players! Level 80! Even the weakest player, Rank 3 After that, the attributes are not low, and the blood volume is over 10,000. No matter how strong the son Mo is, it is impossible! And they specify that there are various equipment and props, not that simple, several thousand Ten thousand people, in several countries, in such an important national war, they must have taken out top equipment."

"But...that Gongzi Mo always dares to do this only if he has the confidence?"

"Who knows? Anyway, I don't know what else to do now."


Everyone talked about it, whether it was in front of the mobile phone or computer or on the battlefield at the moment, they did not understand and were very worried!

Indeed, although Gongzi Mo is an idol, it is not a god! The enemy is not a pig! @

Lou Xiaoqian swallowed, and then said live: "The gap in the number of people I see should be about ten times, and the opponent bears the brunt of the country M, that is... the sun god, Zeus god, sea god... …The eight great gods of Country M are here!"

The eight gods of the M country are similar to the top ten pinnacle masters of the Hua Guo country! Iori, one of the sun gods, is the strongest player!

"In addition to country M, there are... country F, land country, eagle country, and Australia. There are a total of five countries. One country has an estimated 10 million players. These five countries are not weak!"

Lou Xiaoqian frowned!

"Furthermore, the only person leading the players here is Gongzi Mo, there is no other guild, and there is no second top expert, only Gongzi Mo and five million players, but they have to defend 50 million players and five countries. Dozens of top powerhouses, this???"

"Yes, why doesn't Gongzimo bring many master players from Fengshenzong! Why?"

"The reason is very simple. [Coco Xinxin] [Lao Niang Generation Female Hero] of the Fengshen Sect, Sister Shui, Sister Rou, they are all in another place, in Sky Studios."

"What? What are you doing there?"

"A few of them and hundreds of thousands of players who have accidentally teleported to there... are preparing to face the East, Han, and India at least three countries."


Everyone is dumbfounded!

"No, dare you? There are a few players in Fengshenzong. Gongzimo led fans to fight against the Five Kingdoms, and others led hundreds of thousands of players who accidentally came to Sky Studio City to fight against the Three Kingdoms? This??? This basic Going up is equivalent to Fengshenzong playing against eight regions!"

"That's absolutely true! They... They want to make other battlefields easier, have more players to fight, and take all the other burdens on themselves!"

"God! We have such players in China. To be honest, no matter what the final result is, they are really worthy of our admiration, worthy of our admiration. I used to worship the sword of heaven and earth of TM. What is that? The grass tower!"

"Damn! Everyone, go to the second station. The live broadcast over there is the situation in the Sky Studios. I go. How do I feel that the crisis in the Sky Studios is not smaller than here?"

"Qingcheng, Great God Qingcheng is over there!"

"It's okay, I'm really worried that something will happen in this way! In fact, it should be okay to let those fans come over to fight, but they call the fans to other places, will it happen?"


Chen Mo stood on the city wall, looking into the distance!

"Idol, are we out of the city gate? Is war going?"

Some players shouted.

Chen Mo said lightly: "Don't worry, give it to me first."

Everyone showed doubts, but they must have obeyed Chen Mo's orders!

Soon, the dense black army came to the border of Hua Guoguo and became outside the city of heaven.

They are arranged in an orderly order ~www.readwn.com~ and they are obviously players from each other's guilds!

But there is no way. They can't compare with Huaguo in terms of number of people, but they have more countries and areas. There may be nearly 20 countries and areas in China. Can you stand it?

"Gong Zi Mo, it's been a long time!"

The sun **** stood at the forefront of the player of Country M, wearing a noble golden armor, and the corner of his mouth looked up at Chen Mo and said!

"Who are you?"

Chen Mo asked lightly!

"Puff--hahaha! I suddenly found that idols are good or bad!"

"Really, my ID is on the top of his head, and he pretends not to know him, this sun **** probably lost a lot of his face!"

"That's right, call us idols enthusiastically, in exchange for "Who are you", haha!"

(End of this chapter)

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