I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1178: 0 million annihilated

Chapter 1169: Thousands of People Annihilated

The sun **** knelt there and stared at his broken Heaven Forbidden Artifact!

"Fake squid, son Mo, I want you to die!"

The sun **** roared angrily, and then took out a scroll!

"Die to Lao Tzu! The Sun Judgment Scroll!"


He crushed the scroll angrily!

In the next instant, the original void looked like a clear sky, but in an instant, the sun seemed to be ten times brighter, as if it became ten times larger, and suddenly, a ray of light shone from the sun, directly turning Chen Mo is shrouded in it!


Seeing this scene, everyone showed shocked and worried expressions!

This is obviously prop power!

In the eyes of players, props are the strongest! Because there are many props with anti-sky effects!

Even if you use equipment, you have to fight back and forth, but the props are very mindless!

"go to hell!"

The sun **** stared fiercely at Chen Mo who was illuminated by the light!

"Ding...you are immune to burns."

"Ding...you die if you are immune."

The system prompt came out of Chen Mo's mind!

Everyone stared at the light nervously, but couldn't see Chen Mo in the light! They don't know what's going on inside now!

However, when the light disappeared, Chen Mo stood there without anything!


The sun god's pupils suddenly shrank, and he looked at Chen Mo in disbelief.

Nima coins!

He is a super-powerful item that directly kills people. Even if it doesn't work, it still has a terrifying burning effect that drops 50% of the maximum health per second. Is this person okay?

I'm a horse?

Hit you! Play Nima's game!

"This is it?"

Chen Mo clicked the corner of his mouth!

"Ah! Idol! Wow!"

"Great God Chenmo, so handsome! Wow wow wow!! I love you!!"

"I love you too! I still have girlfriends, we can get three batches!"


For a while, the players behind came deafening cheers and screams!

The sun **** is already a little flustered!

"Everyone obeys the order, kill me! Give me the Huaguo area! Kill me!!"

The sun **** then roared angrily!


In the rear, there is a dense army of 50 million countries and regions, which may not even be shown on TV.

"Great God Chenmo, we are ready to fight!"

Behind, those five million players faced fifty million, without any fear!

It may be because Chen Mo is here, giving them unlimited courage and spiritual support!

Now they feel that as long as Chen Mo is there, they must not lose! As long as he is still there, even if he still has someone else, he won't even want to step out of this heavenly city!

Chen Mo said lightly: "Prepare, don't have to fight, give it to me first!"


In the next instant, Chen Mo rushed out and stood under the city, alone, and in front of him, a dense army of fifty million rushed towards him!

To be honest, let alone this scene, I was scared just looking at it! The whole ground was shaking, and the terrifying roar scared the individual to death!

The players behind Chen Mo and those before the live broadcast were all dumbfounded!

They just heard what the idol said? You don't need to make a move, but give it to him... alone?

"Brothers, how do I feel, our idol is going to guard against the sky!"

"Be confident and get rid of the feeling! The idol knows that the number of opponents has reached 50 million, and he dare to say such a thing, even if he has the confidence to let us only leave 5 million, that shows that the idol has the confidence! "

"But... brothers, no matter how strong an idol is, it is only a player. Faced with a gap of 45 million, can an idol really... kill tens of millions of players by one person? Isn't it a bit too much? Unbelievable?"


Lou Xiaoqian looked at Chen Mo, mobile phones, and computers with beautiful eyes. No matter what they were doing, all of them were quiet at this moment. They were watching the battlefield without blinking!

They are looking forward to what their idol can do...

Is he ready to break and create another legend?

"court death!"

The sun **** gritted his teeth!

Chen Mo's mouth twitched slightly!


In the next moment, he jumped and flew above the void!

"Sura...Kill Hitomi!"

In Shura's eyes, they are all ants, and they are all dead people. For the time being, Shura will consume all of Shura's power to kill pupils. All units in the sight range below their own level will fall into despair 100%, and die in despair after ten seconds. . Cooling time: Seven days. During the cooling period, Shura's detection effect of killing pupils will be temporarily closed.

That's right, Shura's active ability to kill pupils was also the most exaggerated effect that Chen Mo caused in front of the world at that time! It once plunged thousands of people into a desperate situation, and attracted everyone's incredible!

The most powerful part of this skill is the sight range!

As long as he can see, everything will work!

Chen Mo is on a high place now, even though there are 50 million people here, even though Chen Mo can't see all of them, but... enough!

"Is it okay to fly to the sky? Archer, magician, blow me!"

However, the next moment, the sun **** turned his head to look, he couldn't believe it, and found that all the players behind him had lost their weapons and stood there!

Following this, those people uttered screams of despair, screams of despair, screams, weeping, screams, as if they were in **** on earth, as if they had suffered an unbearable blow, as if they could no longer support it. Living!


Seeing this scene, everyone swallowed!

It is densely packed and black, and countless people are there in pain, struggle, desperate screams, and roars. Such a scene is terrible! Very scary! Let everyone's heart follow.

"This is... this is..."

"This is a skill used by idols. At that time, I remember that he was just out of Novice Village and used this trick in the face of the desperate situation of ten thousand people. It was also this trick that caused an uproar on the Internet. I was also the Chenmo I knew at that time. ."

"This trick... was to kill 10,000 people in a second. Isn't the limit of this trick... not just killing 10,000 people in a second?"


They stared!

Because the level of the sun **** is higher than that of Chen Mo~www.readwn.com~, he has not been recruited!

But apart from this sun god, the others are basically not as high as Chen Mo!

"Give it to me, die!"


In the next instant, tens of millions of white rays of light shot straight into the sky!

In other words, at this moment, tens of millions of enemy players...hung up!

Everyone:? ? ?

That's right, at this moment, everyone is quiet, the scene, in front of the mobile phone, including the leaders of countries such as M who are paying attention.

(End of this chapter)

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