I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1192: 8 Qi Oro

Chapter 1183

This Yaqi Orochi didn't seem to have been sealed, because no one seemed to be able to seal this terrible existence.

And this big snake may have been sleeping all the time, like this kind of the most top-notch existence, it may sleep for hundreds of years, and their life span is too long and too long.

And now, Chen Mo is going to get it out!


Chen Mo can't find it!

"Under the ground?"

Chen Mo pondered slightly, thinking about it, he could only be underground, otherwise he couldn't hide it! It is said that the Yaqi Orochi may be thousands of meters long, tens of thousands of meters in size!

If this level of existence stirs in the city, the destructive power is simply unimaginable!

"Sura kills pupil!"

Chen Mo really couldn't find where he could enter the underground, so he could only start Shura to kill pupils to find!

It doesn't matter if this is not turned on, he was stunned after turning it on!


I rely on!


This Baqi Mountain, the huge Baqi Mountain Range is... the Yachi Orochi?

Chen Mo swallowed, is this a bit too big?

10,000 meters? almost! It is estimated that the minimum body length is 10,000 meters!

Chen Mo then hooked the corner of his mouth!

So, the rest is much simpler!

Under the eight peaks of Chen Mo's Shura killing his pupils, it seems that they are the eight tails of the Yaqi Orochi! This Yaqi Orochi is said to be a creature with eight heads and eight tails. It seems that it should be so! As for where the head is, it seems to be underground.

How long did the Yaqi Orochi sleep here? The surrounding valleys and peaks are actually on the Yaqi Orochi!

"Big move, a sword in the sky!"

Standing in the void, Chen Mo released a top-notch tactic he stole!


At the same time, above the void, lightning suddenly appeared, and the phantom of a thousand-meter sword appeared!



That huge sword shadow cut directly to one of the hills!



When this terrifying force was cut down, the huge mountain top was directly cut off. After flying out, Chen Mo saw a thick and huge tail flying out with the mountain head dripping with blood!


At the same time, the entire ground where Chen Mo was on was as if an earthquake, flying sand and rocks, was extremely terrifying.


Chen Mo jumped into the void, watching the terrifying scene below!

A huge monster beast gradually became clear!


When this monster appeared, above the void, the thunder was overwhelming, and dark clouds covered it!

This terrible power cannot be imagined!

Chen Mo has hardly seen such an existence even in Tianlin Continent! Gradually, the figure completely appeared.

Eight heads and eight tails, the heads are like dragons, the eyes are as bright as red sour sauce, the backs are covered with moss and trees, the abdomen is festered with blood, and the heads are floating with eight colored clouds, and the body is like eight. The peaks and eight valleys are as huge!

This is the terrible Yaqi Orochi!


The Big Snake roared angrily, and then the huge blood-red eyes, which might be much larger than Chen Mo, stared at Chen Mo!

Its anger has been fully expressed!

The corner of Chen Mo's mouth was a tick.

The plan was successful.

"Damn human!"

The Eight Great Snake roared in anger, and then the thunder that might be tens of meters thick blasted towards Chen Mo!

Chen Mo: "..."

This is a bit exaggerated.


Chen Mo released the space jump of the infinite ring, avoiding this terrible power.

Then, Chen Mo suddenly raised his speed and galloped away!


The big snake flew directly, and the huge figure of tens of thousands of meters chased Chen Mo angrily.

Can it not be angry? Furious!

I fell asleep well, and then one of its tail roots was cut off. It has only one idea now, to crush this person!

Smash him to pieces at all costs!


Chen Mo's speed was mentioned again, and the huge figure behind continued to chase after him!

"Kexin, Kexin!"

While rushing forward, Chen Mo dialed Lin Kexin's communicator.

"Ah? Brother Chen Mo, what's the matter? Brother Chen Mo is so loud on your side."

Chen Mo hurriedly said: "Help me find out where the main city of Dongying Country is located. I will share my location with you. You can take a look..."

"Oh oh oh."


"Brother Chen Mo, the main city is in a place far in front of you, just keep walking in your current direction."

"it is good!"

Chen Mo once again mentioned the speed, and galloped forward with the huge monster beast behind him!

Time slowly passed...

"Nani! What is that? It's terrible! It's big!"

"Yachi Orochi, that is Ochi Orochi! God! It turned out to be Ochi Orochi!"

"Nani? Ochi Orochi? Why does Ochi Orochi appear? Isn't this our ultimate boss? Doesn't it mean that Ochi Orochi will appear in the earliest one year? Wait, Ochi Orochi is chasing someone! "

When they looked up, the terrifying Yaqi Orochi appeared, and their sky seemed to be dark in an instant.

"It's Chenmo! That's Chenmo! That's Chenmo from Huaguo District!"



Lou Xiaoqian happened to be near this city, and it happened to be this scene!

"Brothers, I finally found the Great God Chenmo. Look, that is the strongest monster Baqi Orochi in the Eastern Kingdom! This... the Orochi Ochi is chasing the Great God Chenmo!"

Lou Xiaoqian opened her mouth wide!

"Wow! Chenmo Great God Niubi! As soon as he came to Dongying Country, he found Baqi Orochi? Huh? Why did Chen Mo run away? Wouldn't he not fight? The big snake is destroyed, so it should be a huge impact for the Dongying Country area, right? There will probably be punishment!"

"Yeah, can it be that the Great God Chenmo can't beat it? It's possible! But why do I always feel that it is not just that simple?"

"Great God Chenmo, he seems to be... deliberately guiding the Orochi Orochi to somewhere... Wait, it seems like this!"

"This?? This position continues to move forward. It should be... the main city of Dongying Country District, right? Isn't it..."


Inexplicably, those players started to get excited!

And at this moment ~www.readwn.com~ the entire Dongying Country is all messed up!

"Baga! The big snake has appeared! The big snake must not appear in the city where humans gather, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

"But... who can stop? On the other side, there are powerful monsters such as the Great Tengu! Many powerful nPCs have passed, but they can't even solve it over there, and there is another big snake here!"

"It's Chen Mo! He is attracting Yaqi Orochi, what is he doing?!"


Before long, after crossing a plain, Chen Mo saw the most prosperous city ahead!

This should be the main city!


Chen Mo rushed in directly!

Everyone;? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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