I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1200: D-shaped building

Chapter 1191

Zi Qingcheng knew Chen Mo's approximate strength.

how to say? She is also more confident, after all, she and Chen Mo should be two master-level masters!

There are quite a few Dongying strong, but she feels that way!

It's not conceited, but she knows their strengths deeply, especially with Chen Mo present.

At this moment, the D-shaped building is brightly lit and lively.

It's getting dark outside, but the entire D-shaped building is so beautiful! Basically every corner is illuminated by light.

This D-shaped building does not mean that it is just a building. It is a place like a super high-end clubhouse. There may be several beautiful tall buildings surrounded by beautiful buildings, as well as gardens, lakes and the like!

In short, this is definitely the place where only the richest people in the world can go. It may cost tens of thousands to eat a steak here.

A top-notch luxury car started with a few million, and a car with a top-cap of hundreds of millions slowly drove into this D-shaped building.

Yes, these people are rich people from all over the world, rich people who like to collect!

For this kind of rich man, maybe they like a certain bottle, and they are even willing to come and auction it all over the world.

Who can understand this kind of rich people's ideas? Unless you are also rich.

Chen Mo couldn't figure it out anyway. He spent so much money on a bottle and bought a painting and kept it at home. It is estimated that he would not look at it many times a year. Is it so fun?

"Wow! This is the D-shaped building. It deserves to be called one of the most famous and noble clubs in the world!"

Zhao Yingmeng looked up at the noble place in the distance and couldn't help exclaiming!

Chen Mo said: "After you enter, find a place to stay quietly, and Qingcheng and I will not be with you."

"Ah? Why?"

"It's not convenient, we have other things to do."


They nodded.

"Don't make trouble."

"Don't worry, Brother Chen Mo."

They then walked in!

No invitations are needed, because the people in the D building don’t know who will come, but they need to register.

"When do you do it?"

After entering, Chen Mo separated from them and walked inside with Zi Qingcheng.

"It must be impossible to do it right now. The time when they are the least vigilant should be when the auction starts for a while."

Chen Mo said.

"Okay, tell me what I need to do."

"I don't know exactly what to do, so let's act by chance."


Soon, they came to the place where the auction was going!

This is a huge and beautiful venue surrounded by several beautiful buildings. All kinds of precious ingredients, all kinds of precious wines, and champagne are placed there. This is the card surface. There are hundreds of seats in the middle. This seat is not simple. It is not an ordinary chair. It is estimated that a soft massage chair that costs hundreds of thousands. They sit casually. The auction has not officially started yet.

But at the entrance, a mask will be issued here. Everyone can choose to wear it or not. After all, it is a top-notch big move. Some people don’t like to show their faces, and some people don’t like it if they auction off some treasures. These collectors don't like to let others know what they have collected!

Chen Mo and Zi Qingcheng walked in with masks, Zi Qingcheng took Chen Mo's arm! But the temperament of two people is absolutely extraordinary.

Half of them wore masks and half didn't. An Yixi was happy. Several of the girls wore masks, and then they ate and drank and chatted without making trouble or making trouble.

"There are so many big bosses today. You see, Jobs, the top rich businessman in Country M, and the young master of the William family in Country M, the vampire family is here."

Zi Qingcheng took a look.

"Vampire? Are you serious?"

Chen Mo said in surprise!

"Didn't you see? Those handsome men with white skin are vampires, the Brown family of country M, just like our country, we have warriors in China, vampires in country M, and werewolves. Of course, there are two factions of good and evil. Those who appear here are decent, but at least they are decent on the surface. In addition to these, there are other existences that resemble cultivators. There are various countries with different titles and organizations!"

Chen Mo was secretly surprised!

It seems that I still don't understand the face of this world.

"I might even see your acquaintances."

"What do you mean?"

"It's the person you defeated during the national war, No, that, isn't that the sun god? Brooks, Joe."

Chen Mo took a look.

It seems to be true.

Fortunately, he is wearing a mask, otherwise something may happen.

At this time, some people's eyes fell on Zi Qingcheng's body!

Zi Qingcheng's figure, this temperament, holding red wine is simply invincible!

Two handsome men with skin even whiter than women walked over. This was the Western vampire that Zi Qingcheng said, members of the Brown family.

"Pretty lady, hello."

Zi Qingcheng's body and temperament are simply too attractive. There are many beautiful women here, but at a glance, your attention will definitely be on Zi Qingcheng's body.

"Hello there!"

Zi Qingcheng smiled and nodded.

"Miss is Chinese?"


"Hahaha, you can call me Qiao Luo, this is my brother, Qiao Xin."

One of them raised his hand and lifted Zi Qingcheng's slender hand to kiss him.

Chen Mo:? ? ?

Chen Mo quickly shot and stopped.

"This is the etiquette of others."

Zi Qing said a word.

"I don't care about etiquette, can he kiss me?"

Chen Mo stretched out his hand.

Zi Qingcheng smiled.

This person is quite cute.

"This brother, are you?"

"I am her man."

"So that's it, meeting is fate, go for a drink together? Knowing?"

Chen Mo shook his head: "No need, you guys drink it."

"Well, excuse me, beautiful lady, can you leave a contact information?"

Zi Qingcheng smiled and nodded; "Of course."

Then Zi Qingcheng left him a number, and the two walked away.

Chen Mo; "..."

"What do I mean by you?"

"Brother, this is a kind of rule, it's not good not to keep it."

"Do you still want to have a relationship with them?"

"That's not the case, it's just a play on the spot, and I kept your number."

Chen Mo; "..."

"What? Are you worried about being green?"

Zi Qingcheng put his hands on Chen Mo's shoulders~www.readwn.com~ She looked at Chen Mo with beautiful eyes, and asked with a smile at the corner of her mouth.

"That's not true."

"You look a bit cute when you are jealous."

"Not jealous."

"Good, good, not jealous."

At this time, a person walked behind Chen Mo.

"Are you here, don't you tell me?"

Chen Mo turned his head and glanced.

They all wear masks, but they seem to recognize each other again.

(End of this chapter)

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