I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1221: The power of the Sword of Calamity

Chapter 1212 The Power of the Sword of Disaster

Chen Mo and Ying sneaked in quietly.

"I think we should have been discovered?"

Chen Mo said.

"should be."

Sakura also nodded.

"This kind of place should be discovered when we set foot on it, after all, the technology below is definitely not simple, so... I don't think we need to be as quiet as two fools, right? "

Chen Mo nodded; "Well, just swagger in!"


Then the two of them didn't hide directly, and walked down below.


Chen Mo handed Ying a gun and took one himself.

"no need?"

"If you can save a little spiritual energy, you can save a little. After all, this is the base of the gene army. It is not clear how much there is below, and a fierce battle cannot be avoided."

Chen Mo said!


Two people then go down!

Da da da--

All the people who came out were easily killed by them!

"Have you never used a gun?"

Ying glanced at Chen Mo and asked.


Chen Mo shook his head: "Basically not."

"I thought you were a veteran."

Sakura said!

"I'm just an ordinary person."

"I didn't think you were a person pretending to be B, but now, I think you are."

Ying said faintly.

Chen Mo; "..."


The two talked and came to a spot on the sea.

Then they entered a room!

The room has an elevator, and the elevator can go underwater!

This underwater layer may be a hundred meters above the seabed!


They entered the elevator, and then came to this basement first!

You can only go to the first basement, maybe from the first basement to the second basement!


The elevator door opens slowly!

"What about people?"

At the elevator door, dozens of people stood there with guns waiting for them to come in, but when the elevator door opened, they were all confused!

People? Why are two people not in the elevator?

"Here!" Sakura's voice came from the elevator. Both of them were on the elevator. Then Sakura threw a grenade over it!



After that, the two of them held their guns and walked out swaggeringly!

Da da da da -

In a short time, at least everything in front of them was cleaned up!

"Captain! The two of them seem to have something!"

Below, in that room, everything about Chen Mo and Ying is in their sight!

"It's a bit strong! But don't forget, we haven't used the real power yet! Your Majesty the Emperor!"

That day the emperor's mirror image appeared!

"Please pay attention, that man is a relatively powerful warrior from China. He has extremely strong defensive ability. Don't trust him. If he can kill him, he will kill him!"


"Also, destroy everything!"

The emperor said!

"The Emperor, things cannot be destroyed. Once destroyed, the base will explode! Our genetic army will be over!"

The emperor frowned that day!

He knows too!

Once this place is gone, all his efforts for so many years have been wasted, and he can only start over!

However, if this place is not completely destroyed, he will always have a kind of worry and always feel uneasy!

"And we don't need to destroy the base, can't they both die?"

The man said!

"It's okay, but remember, if you find that they can't be killed easily, don't head-on, just destroy everything here, have you heard it!"


Chen Mo and Ying have reached the third bottom of the water!

"How many are there in total here?"

Chen Mo asked.

Ying held an instrument in her hand and handed it to Chen Mo.

A complete picture of this underground base appeared on the screen!

"On the eighth floor, we are now on the third floor underground. According to the system's response, there are at least 80,000 genetic warriors in this base!"

Chen Mo; "..."

"They are basically distributed on the fourth to eighth floors underground, and with so many genetic warriors, 90% of them should be very weak. You are right, we were the right choice to save spiritual energy!"

Chen Mo was shocked!

so much?

"Is there a way to destroy this place directly?"

Chen Mo asked.

"No, although there is a self-detonation system here, whether it can be invaded is a question. The second question is that when the puppet warriors reach the upper ninja or some middle ninjas, they have their own consciousness and are independent themselves. If it detonates here, other things They will die, but the strongest genetic warriors can't die. Once they get out of the control here, if they infiltrate every corner of the world..."

Chen Mo pondered slightly: "That's what you said, then... kill it slowly!"

"it is good!"

Ten minutes later, they came to the fourth floor!

"Captain, these people have killed more than a thousand of our genetic warriors! Didn't we mean that our genetic warriors are very strong? How... will they be killed?"

"Those are just the most ordinary genetic warriors, and don’t worry, we still have more than 70,000 genetic warriors here. The Emperor said that although they are strong, they are slowly exhausting their chakras. They are not just two ordinary people. Yet?"

The captain sneered!


"Moreover, the cost of our genetic warriors is very low. The main reason is that the cost of strong genetic warriors is high. If they die, the whole world will be our genetic warriors. Are you worried that tens of thousands of genetic warriors will die? Follow my orders. , 10,000 genetic warriors in the fourth floor!"



When the elevator opened... Chen Mo was shocked!

I go!


The space on each floor is very, very large! And in front of me, a dense army of genes!


"Sword of Calamity!"


Chen Mo stretched out his hand, and the sword of disaster appeared in the palm of his hand!


And Ying's figure turned into a **** light, rushed into the crowd, and began the massacre!

"Crescent Moon Unlimited Links!"

Brush and brush——

Then Chen Mo discovered a little!

The damage caused by the Sword of Calamity to these puppet warriors ~www.readwn.com~ is irreversible!

Simply put, normally if you cut off their arms, they will grow arms again in an instant, but if they are cut off by the sword of disaster, they will not grow out, and if you give them a sword in the chest, then Basically died directly!

Damn it!

Knowing this a long time ago, Chen Mo had already sacrificed the Sword of Disaster. Before dealing with those puppet warriors who had been forbearing, he had just used the Sword of Disaster!


I think so, but Chen Mo couldn't directly send the Sword of Disaster! Luckily now!

Chen Mo felt that he might lack a certain communication with the Sword of Disaster in reality, and he might be able to sacrifice the Sword of Disaster expertly once this communication is familiar!

(End of this chapter)

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