I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1224: The dust settles

At this moment, in the black palace!

The emperor ran in quickly that day!

"Your Majesty, why are you so anxious?"

"Go away, don't bother me!"

The emperor hurried in after speaking that day! Went to the huge villa where he lived!

"All of you, come with me!"

The emperor said that day!

That's right, the people around this huge villa who might look like bodyguards are all genetic warriors of European style and Shinobu!

They have all gained great power, but under normal circumstances, they are still here like ordinary people! Serve the Emperor!

It's not that they want to serve the emperor, but that they themselves belong to the emperor's power for generations. The emperor has given them great power, and they naturally want to obey the emperor.

Twenty people walked over together!

That's right! This is the power of the emperor, and more than two dozen Shinobu is actually equivalent to more than two dozen martial arts masters!

To be honest, this is a bit exaggerated! After all, this potion is still amazing!

The emperor went to a room that day and opened the account!

"What? Where's the money in my account!"

He remembers that Kodaira Kenjiro has succeeded! There should be millions of billions. The money is enough for him to build a huge empire. Why not?

"Damn! Damn Kodaira Kenjiro!"

The Emperor gritted his teeth!

Fortunately, he still has a deposit! Then he used various methods to get the money of others he controlled into his own private account! Not much, billions.

"Everyone, something has gone wrong now. You will go to the country with me, and we will embark on a new journey together. There are billions of dollars here, mine and yours. Together, we will start from scratch and create our own empire. Let the whole world belong to us!"

The Emperor glanced at the people in front of him!

"His Majesty, has something happened?"

"It's a long story. There were traitors. Our plans were all ruined by the traitors. They had their own ambitions and ruined everything, but fortunately, the genetic medicine is still in my hands, which does not mean that Since all our efforts have been wasted, our plan can start again. Once we reach the country, we will first control the country in our hands, and then control the world step by step!"

The emperor said!

"it is good!"

"Go! Go to my private jet, let's set off directly!"

Then they went on a private jet!

When Chen Mo came to this place, they had already left!

"Chen Mo, they have left by private jet! The plane has been shot down, and they landed on an island called Wabasili, very close to you!"

"it is good!"

after an hour……

Chen Mo came to the island!

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn China! You still bomb me with missiles at such a distance!"

The Emperor gritted his teeth!

People are fine, but he has nothing to do in a place where birds don't shit. Now, he asks a friend to pick him up, and he must leave as soon as possible!

"The Emperor, a ship is coming!"

That day the emperor looked far away!

Just one!

"It should be my friend here!"

The Emperor then stood up excitedly and waved over there!

Chen Mo wears sunglasses, standing on the deck and controlling the ship.

"A glass of orange juice."

Ying came over and handed Chen Mo a glass of orange juice!


Chen Mo then grumbled and sucked there.

The ship is getting closer...

The emperor's pupils shrank suddenly that day!


Chen Mo and Ying fell on the beach!

"It's you!"

He looked at Chen Mo and Ying, gritted his teeth!

Chen Mo laughed: "Unexpectedly, we still met!"

"Is it necessary to kill them all?"

The emperor said angrily!

"Well... that's necessary!"

Sakura looked at the emperor, her eyes condensed, her delicate body trembled a little!

This is her enemy!

Killed her parents and even her master later! Enemy!

Before seeing him, Sakura's mood was quite calm, but when she saw the emperor, she really couldn't help it!

"Who are you! Who are you!"

The Emperor roared angrily!

"Oh? The emperor doesn't recognize me? I even ruined the Dongying Kingdom two days ago. You also gave an order to form a massacre group to kill me. Did you forget?"

That day the emperor's pupils suddenly shrank!

"Gongzimo? You are Gongzimo!"

"Your memory is really bad!"

Chen Mo smiled and shook his head!

The Emperor's eyes widened!


The son Mo in the game is so strong, he is actually...

"Why! Why are you against me! Why!"

The emperor's angry roar!

"It's not that I'm against you, but you are too disgusting, too disgusting! Understand?"


The Emperor gritted his teeth!

"Fuck me! Kill them!"

The Emperor pointed to Chen Mo and roared angrily!


Whoosh whoosh——

Chen Mo secretly shook his head!

The sword of disaster came out, and Chen Mo rushed directly!

Then, Sakura rushed to the emperor that day!

"Looking for death! Do you think I am a vegetarian?"

That day, the emperor roared in anger ~www.readwn.com~ and then a powerful force burst out!

Shinobu, used genetic medicine!

Ying simply ignored his power and got in touch with him!


A minute later, Chen Mo appeared behind him and kicked him directly into the sand!


The emperor got up that day and saw that his two dozen Shangren had turned into corpses, he showed a dumbfounded expression.

This? What's going on! ?


The sword of disaster flew out!


Chen Mo looked at Ying and said, "Take him out!"

Sakura stood there for two seconds, then said, "Aren't you going to hand him over to the leader?"

Chen Mo said: "I think it is more important that you end your hatred by yourself!"

Sakura shook her head, "Thank you for your kindness, but... for me, there is no need to kill him personally. I want to see his face when facing international responsibilities, and finally use international penalties. He is dead! There is no need to do it yourself!"

"Have you thought about it?"

Chen Mo looked at her.

Sakura nodded.

"Alright, but when the time comes for the death penalty, I might apply for you and let you do it!"

Ying's eyes lit up when she heard Chen Mo's words!

"Thank you."

Chen Mo smiled: "No thanks!"

Half a day later...

That day, the emperor was abolished and taken back by Hua Guo. Chen Mo also went back with them!

And Sakura also went back together!

She...does not want to stay in Dongying, or that her purpose of staying in Dongying has been accomplished, and she is going home.

Chen Mo stretched his waist and landed at the airport in Tianhua City. ()

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