I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1227: Throw out

Chapter 1218

Xiao Ruhan knows what horrible idea this immortal sect person made!

They were stolen by Xiao Momo before. It is estimated that this group of people intends to find a chance to find evidence, and then do something to Fengshenzong!

And even if there was no such thing, they never wanted to please Xianzong in the past and cooperate with Xianzong, because they are enemies, those people can't wait to kill Xiao Momo, how can Xiao Ruhan give them face?

Want to talk? You, the elder of Xianzong, can only talk to her. If you want to talk to Xiao Momo, let you Immortal Emperor come!

The eyes of the three elders condensed!

What are they? What kind of thing is Chenmo? Is it worth talking to the Emperor? Is he worthy to stand in front of the emperor?

Had it not been for him to come over and want to see the situation in this Fengshen sect, he would not bother to come to such a small place and disdain it.

"Hehehe, since Elder Xiao said so, then it's gone. Fengshenzong has grown very fast during this time, and it has attracted Xianzong's attention!"

"Then don't have to ha, what else does the third elder have?"

Xiao Ruhan asked!

"Can you go see the elves and the dwarves?"

The three elders asked!

"Friends of the two races are building the city every day and are very tired. Next time!"

Then the three elders stood up and took a fist: "Farewell!"

Then he walked away!

But when he left, he also had a panoramic view of what could be seen in the Fengshen Sect!

"Huh! Little Fengshen Sect, I don’t know how emboldened, there are no people in the entire Fengshen Sect. Except for the Dwarves and the Elves, the remaining people are the group of wine bags and rice bags in the Spirit Sword Pavilion before. , I don’t know if the strength of the elves and the dwarves is not worth mentioning. After all, the former two races can't even survive, but now, the patron of the Fengshenzong is the Holy Yao Empress of the Holy Yao Empire. This is the trouble!"

The three elders groaned slightly as they walked forward.

His gaze then fell on a few little girls not far away who were running around and making trouble.

"Humph! Do you think this is a carefree paradise? It won't be long before this will become your burial place!"

The third elder snorted coldly and then walked away!

At this time, Chen Mo walked over, his eyes also glanced at the three elders!

The third elder of Xianzong also looked at Chen Mo.

"Dust Mo?"

"Who are you?"

"The third elder of Xianzong!"


Chen Mo rubbed his chin.

"Come on!"

Chen Mo shouted!

Whoosh whoosh——

A strong man flashed to Chen Mo's side!


"Throw him out for me!"

Chen Mo pointed to the three elders and said lightly!

The third elder of Xianzong frowned suddenly!

"Chen Mo, what do you mean?"

The three elders frowned suddenly!

"What do you mean?"

Chen Mo sneered.

"You, an elder, dare to call my name directly. This Sect Master does not kill you, but simply lets people throw you out. Isn't it already very light?"


"Senior Long, do it!"


Long Xu waved his hand, and then the third elder of Xianzong flew out!

Chen Mo sneered!


People from Xianzong dare to come to him Fengshenzong to make times? If it were not for a so-called reason, Chen Mo would directly kill him.

"Thank you, Senior Long!"

Chen Mo gave Long Xu a punch!

Long Xu nodded and walked away!

Since Saint Flower left, Long Xu is really boring!

When the Flower Saint is there, the two of them can sometimes play chess for a day, mainly after the Flower Saint is gone, few people can talk with him!

Of course, there are many people, but they may not be so familiar with the Flower Saint, Xiao Ruhan will also accompany him, even the dwarf clan chief, including some powerful people in Lingjian Pavilion, but he still likes the Flower Saint the most!

But it doesn't matter, as long as there is his precious granddaughter here.

"Xiao Mo Mo Xiao Mo Mo, this fairy wants to kill you!"

After Xiao Ruhan saw Chen Mo, he rushed over, and then a soft body rushed over, dangling Chen Mo's arm.

"Fairy Master, don't be like this, you will be misunderstood by others then."

"This fairy is not afraid, what are you afraid of? Or is there a ghost in your heart?"

"What the **** do I have?" Chen Mo rolled his eyes.

"Hey, what are you doing lately?"

Xiao Ruhan took Chen Mo's arm and asked with a smile.

"I didn't do anything, didn't this just come back."

"Continue to find the law?"

Chen Mo nodded; "What can you do if you don't look for it? Just..."

Chen Mo sighed and said, "I don't know two rules now, but I can't do anything about these two rules."

"Tianyu, I really don't know where it is. I have tried to find it these days, but there is no news at all."

Xiao Ruhan shook his head.

"I don't know where it is, there is another... the window of the soul, what is that."

Chen Mo shook his head.

"I don't know this, do you still have a way to deduce the position?"

Chen Mo nodded; "Should it be, I'll play around when the time is up."


What's next?

For Chen Mo, perhaps he doesn’t know too much, looking for the rules, but he can’t find the rules. He still has a lot of things to do, but some things are not meant to be done now, such as going to the Demon God Continent to see Leng Xi , Feng Xueling and others, it doesn’t have to be a must-go these few days. For example, if you go to the underworld to see Lin Xiaoyu, it doesn’t have to be a few days...

What must be done?


This is about to come to the late game. Chen Mo has not yet turned three. Ye said that there is no problem in obtaining Shura's strongest power, but there is also a terrible point, that is, now Chen Mo controls Shura. But once the third round, he can't control it again, that is to say, he will still become a real killing machine!

And Chen Mo knows that this will affect reality! So Chen Mo really didn't dare to go to the third round!

Fortunately, there is no need to turn three for now!

Under normal circumstances, it shouldn't be used anymore~www.readwn.com~ With his current ability, he can still grow gradually. In fact, it should be enough. There are still rules.

"Are there anything going on in Fengshen Sect now?"

Xiao Ruhan shook his head; "No, if there is any, then the city is almost completed."

"About what time?"

"In the past few days, just waiting for a word from you, when will the city officially open?"

"Everything can be opened at any time when you are ready, but before you spread the news to the mainland."

"Well, of course!"

"I have something to do, then go first!" Chen Mo then disappeared where he was.

(End of this chapter)

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